工人权利保护组织——中国劳工观察(China Labor Watch)之前发布了一分媒体文件,揭露富士康雇佣14到16岁的未成年人作为实习生。该组织称富士康“雇用的一小部分暑期学生工”是未成年人。
但今年二月,一些富士康的员工声称该公司在公平劳工组织(Fair Labor Association)到来进行独立审查之前将未成年员工藏了起来。香港非政府组织大学师生检查无良企业行动(Students &Scholars Against Corporate Misbehavior,简称SACOM)表示,为了避免在最近的审查中被发现,这些未成年工人被转移到其他的未被审查的部门,或是未被安排在审查日上班。
编译:Luffy Liu
本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载
参考英文原文:Foxconn admits hiring underage workers, by Dylan McGrath
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Foxconn admits hiring underage workers
Dylan McGrath
Contract manufacturer says it employed interns as young as 14 in violation of China's labor laws. SAN FRANCISCO—Contract manufacturer Foxconn Technology Group has admitted it employed interns as young as 14—a possible violation of China's labor laws—after accusations made by a labor rights watchdog group.
In a statement widely reported by several media outlets, Foxconn said it takes full responsibility for the violations and said it has apologized to the students involved. The firm promised to investigate and terminate the employment of any Foxconn employee found responsible for the violations.
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According to China Labor Watch, a non-profit worker rights group, Foxconn's manufacturing site in Yantai employed a small number of student interns over the summer between 14 and 16 years old. Foxconn has sent the underage interns back to school, according to the group.
The minimum work age in China is generally 16. However, it is permissible in China to employ interns under 16 if they have lighter workloads than regular works and do not work overtime or night shifts, according to China Labor Watch. The organization said there is a gray area in China's labor laws with regard to interns.
"If Foxconn let those interns work the same as those normal workers, then it is a violation of laws," said a spokeswoman for China Labor Watch, in an email exchange with EE Times.
CNET reported Tuesday that Foxconn acknowledged that employing the underage interns was a violation of Chinese labor law and company policy.
Foxconn workers build products at a facility in Shenzen, China.
Foxconn, an original design manufacturer owned by Taiwan's Hon Hai Precision Co. Ltd., makes products for Apple Inc. and others on a contract basis. According to an Associated Press report, Foxconn said its manufacturing facility in Yantai—located in the northeastern Chinese province of Shandong—does not make any products for Apple.
China Labor Watch said the underage interns were mostly sent to Foxconn by schools. According to the group, the schools involved should take primary responsibility for the violations. But Foxconn is also culpable for not checking the workers' IDs and confirming their ages, according to the group.
String of controversies
Foxconn, the largest private sector employer in China, has been involved in a number of controversies over the last few years stemming from worker unrest and allegations of unfair labor practices. Last month, Foxconn temporarily closed one of its manufacturing facilities in the city of Taiyuan after a riot there. In 2010, Foxconn came under international scrutiny after a string of worker suicides at its plants linked to low pay and poor working conditions.
In January, Apple bowed to public pressure over working conditions at Foxconn and joined the Fair Labor Association (FLA), a watchdog group that independently assesses and monitors working conditions in factories around the world. Apple was the first technology company to join the group.
In March, the FLA issued its first report on Foxconn, detailing "significant issues" with working conditions at three Foxconn factories in China. The FLA said at the time that it secured commitments from Foxconn to reduce working hours to legal limits while protecting pay, improve health and safety conditions and establish a "genuine voice" for workers.
In August, the FLA published a status report verifying that Foxconn was honoring these commitments.
"Our verification shows that the necessary changes, including immediate health and safety measures, have been made," said Auret van Heerden, FLA's president and CEO, in a statement. "We are satisfied that Apple has done its due diligence thus far to hold Foxconn accountable for complying with the action plan, including the commitment to reform its internship program."