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尽管仍遭受经济因素、PC销售乏力和库存等问题,但英特尔(Intel)稍早前公布第三季财报时表示,其第三季销售额超过了该公司于上个月修订的目标。 尽管达成目标,但英特尔高层表示,该公司仍持续面临艰难的大环境所带来的严峻挑战。该公司预期今年第四季仅微幅成长,并削减了年度资本支出。
英特尔总裁兼CEO欧德宁 (Paul Otellini)
英特尔总裁兼CEO欧德宁 (Paul Otellini) 表示,预计第四季英特尔的PC业务成长率只会达到平常每季成长幅度的一半左右。“面对经济的不确定性和等待Windows 8问世,客户都采取了更谨愤的库存策略,”欧德宁表示。 欧德宁表示,本季结束前,PC相关客户由于开始为10月底即将问世的Windows 8操作系统做准备,开始生产新系统,因此该公司业绩也开始上扬。 英特尔表示,该公司调降产能利用率来加速消化库存,在第三季成长了4亿美元。英特尔还将2012年的资本支出从125亿美元减少到113亿美元,并表示将重新利用旧厂房和旧设备来生产14nm芯片。 英特尔今年第三季销售额达135亿美元,大约与第二季持平,但较2011年第三季下降了5%。这家最大的芯片供货商本季净利3亿美元(每股58美分),较第二季成长5%,但和去年同期相比下降14%。 分析师普遍预期英特尔第三季销售额在132亿美元。上个月,英特尔下修第三季PC销售目标,并预计销售额将为132亿美元左右。 寄望Ultrabook 上周,市场研究公司 IHS iSuppli将PC的不景气归咎于消费者的喜好改变,从PC转移到像智能手机和平板电脑等强调便利性和移动性的新型计算机上。 英特尔将希望寄托在Ultrabook和其它的超薄、低功耗PC上,目前英特尔的PC OEM客户已开始提供各式混种产品,这将为传统PC的使用族群带来很大吸引力。 “我不认为平板电脑是运算设备的发展终点,”欧德宁预测,OEM的创新将推动各种新型运算设备不断问世。 欧德宁表示,英特尔预计OEM客户将带来超过140款采用该公司Core微架构的Ultrabook ,其中包含40多种具备与触控屏幕技术的机种。也有许多产品将达到699美元的价格点。 英特尔第三季销售额接近该公司原先预定的136亿美元。而在PC处理器领域,英特尔的主要竞争对手超微(AMD)稍早前公布的第三季销售额则低于预期,下降了约10%。 针对第四季,英特尔表示销售额大约会在131亿美元到141亿美元之间,环比成长1%左右。 英特尔PC客户端部门的第三季营收为86亿美元,较前一季下降1%,比去年同期下降8%。该公司的资料中心部门营收27亿美元,较第二季下降5%,但较去年同期成长6%。 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 本文下一页:AMD发布第三季度财报并宣布重组
• 英特尔:我们没有想象中那么差嘛• AMD:亏大发了,还是裁员重组吧
• 谷歌:收购摩托罗拉拖累了我啊,求广告• 微软:PC已经不行,留得Win8在不怕没柴烧


{pagination} AMD发布第三季度财报并宣布重组 AMD日前也发布了2012财年第三财季财报。报告显示,AMD第三财季营收为12.7亿美元,比去年同期的16.9亿美元下滑25%;净亏损为1.57亿美元,去年同期净利润为9700万美元。 AMD上周四刚宣布推出一项重组计划,旨在降低运营支出和提高公司竞争地位。根据这项计划,AMD将采取裁减员工的措施,裁员比例相当于全球员工总数的15%左右。 AMD称,这项重组计划的很大一部分内容将在第四季度中实施,内容除了裁员以外还包括合并旗下工厂等。 AMD表示,在第四季度中实施的重组措施将可为该公司节省运营资金,主要是降低运营支出。AMD预计,重组计划将在第四季度中节省约2000万美元运营资金,2013年可节省约1.9亿美元运营资金。其中,资金的节省将主要来自于裁员15%的计划,预计该计划的大部分内容 将在第四季度中完成。AMD目前预计,重组计划将令该公司第四季度财报中计入约8000万美元的相关支出。 AMD还正在部署一种商业模式,目标是实现运营利润的收支平衡和13亿美元的季度营收。AMD计划在2013年第三季度以前实现这一目标。 AMD总裁兼CEO罗瑞德(Rory Read)称:“PC行业正在经历非常重大的改变阶段,对生态系统和AMD都造成了影响”,“很明显,我们知道这种趋势将会重塑整个行业,而且发生的速度远快于我们的预期。有基于此,我们必须加快战略改革的措施来让AMD能利用这些转变,部 署一种低成本的商业模式。” 罗瑞德还表示:“我们将坚决实施重组计划,提高AMD的竞争力,改善财务业绩。裁减员工是一项艰难的措施,但我们必须采取这项措施以利用市场最终会出现的复苏趋势,以及利用传统PC市场以外的产品增长机会。” 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 本文下一页:谷歌第三季业绩远逊预期令市场震惊
• 英特尔:我们没有想象中那么差嘛• AMD:亏大发了,还是裁员重组吧
• 谷歌:收购摩托罗拉拖累了我啊,求广告• 微软:PC已经不行,留得Win8在不怕没柴烧


{pagination} 谷歌第三季业绩远逊预期令市场震惊 如果说是PC害了上面两位,那么搜索引擎巨擘谷歌第三季营收和获利远逊市场预期,又是为什么?答案是广告核心业务放缓。谷歌市值因此疾速蒸发逾9%,令市场震惊。 该业绩报告的披露比计划时间提前了几个小时,原定是美股收盘后公布。这种过早公布财报的情况很少见。谷歌称是其财报打印服务公司RR Donnelley未经授权提前递交了第三季财报草案。谷歌随后确认了提早发布的数据的准确性。 财报显示,谷歌的核心业务--互联网广告走软,而MOTO 移动部门的亏损导致 Google 股价暴跌。 营收增长放缓源于广告费下滑,因为越来越多的用户转向了移动设备,而谷歌对这类设备登载广告的收费要小于电脑或笔记本。 谷歌第三季净利大跌20%至21.8亿美元,扣除某些项目后的每股盈利(EPS)为9.03美元,远低于分析师平均预估的10.65美元。谷歌以125亿美元收购摩托罗拉移动硬件业务后,在使该业务扭亏为盈上力不从心。 "我们一直说情况将出现回调。并不是说谷歌不再是谷歌了,但仍然遇到一些重大问题,"BGC分析师Colin Gillis说。 "继连涨八个季度后,点击价格连续四个季度下降。这是一个负面因素,也是移动设备导致的问题。" "另一个问题是市场一直忽略摩托罗拉这个重担,然后这个问题突然间爆发,现在你知道了摩托罗拉业务营收疲软。当你收购了一个业务,准备要全面裁员和关闭办公室时,你知道员工会怎么做吗?他们会不再关注工作,营收就下降了,"Gillis解释道。 膝盖中箭?一次糟糕的失误 谷歌的平均每单位点击成本(CPC)连续第四个季度下降。这是一个显示广告客户支付给谷歌的广告费的关键指标。 每单位点击成本均值较上年同期下滑15%,较今年第二季下滑3%。分析师称,谷歌跟互联网业内很多同行一样,在艰难适应着移动设备迅速受到消费者青睐的现实。广告商给智能手机和平板电脑平台支付的广告费,要远低于在台式电脑平台上做类似广告的费用。 "核心业务放缓幅度似乎非常大,让人感到震惊。"B.Riley分析师Sameet Sinha称,"我能想到的唯一结论是,越来越多的搜索行为发生在谷歌之外,也就是说人们在更多的使用应用程序而非谷歌来进行搜索。" "这可能预示着一种长期转变,尤其是在电子商务搜索方面。如果人们决定直接上亚马逊搜索怎么办?这一直是很大的担忧。或许这种情况正在发生。" 但Jacob Funds董事长兼首席投资官Ryan Jacob认为,谷歌业绩只是让人"稍感失望",像预期一样,业绩疲软主要是因为摩托罗拉。 "不幸的是,在交易正在进行的时候掉下来一份财报,人们多少选择了先打一qiang再问为什么。"Jacob称。他的基金拥有谷歌股 票。 摩根大通分析师Doug Anmuth在报告中称,谷歌业绩不像"第一眼"看上去那么差。 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 本文下一页:个人电脑销售疲弱,微软获利降幅大于预期
• 英特尔:我们没有想象中那么差嘛• AMD:亏大发了,还是裁员重组吧
• 谷歌:收购摩托罗拉拖累了我啊,求广告• 微软:PC已经不行,留得Win8在不怕没柴烧


{pagination} 个人电脑销售疲弱,微软获利降幅大于预期 微软(Microsoft )季度盈利下滑22%,降幅大于预期,受累于使用其视窗(Windows)操作系统的电脑销售减少,以及在其即将发布核心视窗和Office产品前一些营收被递延。 获利大幅下滑令投资者意外,后者还是低估了疲弱的个人电脑(PC)销售的影响。微软股价盘后跌逾2%。 Global Equities Research分析师Trip Chowdhry说道,宏观环境显然恶化,没有一家科技公司将能够幸免。 据研究公司IHS称,PC销量今年料下滑,为2001年首次,在经济疲软且超级本无法与苹果的iPad竞争。 微软押注支持触控的Windows 8系统将能促进PC、笔记本电脑和兼容Windows的平板电脑销售。新系统下周即将发布。 "我控制不了宏观环境,但各种设备销量大增将带来巨大的机会,"微软首席财务官克莱恩(Peter Klein)称。 全球最大的软件企业--微软称,第一财季获利降至44.7亿美元,或每股0.53美元,上年同期为57.4亿美元或每股0.68美元。 据汤森路透I/B/E/S,华尔街的预期为0.56美元。 营收下降8%至160.1亿美元,主要是因为搭载Windows系统的个人电脑需求下滑。消费者在经济不佳时推迟购买新电脑或选择购买平板电脑。 微软递延约13.6亿美元营收至下一季,主要来自其Windows部门。这扩大了营收降幅。 分析师原预计营收为164亿美元,预料到个人电脑销售下降并计入了递延营收的因素。 "投资者原本就没有期望看到亮丽的财报。所有的期望都放在了推出Windows 8和进入平板市场上面。"FBR Capital Markets分析师Daniel Ives称。 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 编译:Luffy Liu 参考英文原文:Intel's Q3 results not as bad as feared ,by Dylan McGrath
• 英特尔:我们没有想象中那么差嘛• AMD:亏大发了,还是裁员重组吧
• 谷歌:收购摩托罗拉拖累了我啊,求广告• 微软:PC已经不行,留得Win8在不怕没柴烧


{pagination} Intel's Q3 results not as bad as feared Dylan McGrath SAN FRANCISCO—Thanks to a surprise pickup in PC processor billings in September compared with earlier in the quarter, Intel Corp. Tuesday (Oct. 16) reported third quarter sales that beat the revised target issued by the company last month. Despite beating the revised target, Intel executives said the company continued to grapple with difficult business conditions brought on by tough macroeconomic conditions, soft PC demand and a reduction in microprocessor inventories across the PC supply chain. The company forecast minimal growth for the fourth quarter and also cut its capital spending estimate for the year. Paul Otellini, Intel's president and CEO, said in a conference call with analysts following the quarterly report that the company expects the PC business to grow at about half of its normal seasonal rate in the fourth quarter. "Customers are taking a cautious inventory approach in the face of economic uncertainty and the timing of the Windows 8 launch, Otellini said. Otellini said the uptick in PC-related billings toward the end of the quarter came as customers began their system production in advance of the Oct. 26 launch of Microsoft's Windows 8 operating system. Executives said Intel was reducing its capacity utilization in an effort to burn off ballooning inventory, which grew by $400 million in the third quarter. The company reduced its capital spending forecast for 2012 to $11.3 billion from $12.5 billion and said it would re-direct space and equipment devoted to older technologies to manufacture 14-nm chips. Intel (Santa Clara, Calif.) reported third quarter sales of $13.5 billion, roughly flat compared with the second quarter and down 5 percent compared with the third quarter of 2011. The No. 1 chip vendor reported a net income for the quarter of $3 billion, or 58 cents per share, up 5 percent from the second quarter and down 14 percent compared to the year-ago quarter. Intel's third quarter sales came in above consensus analysts' expectations of about $13.2 billion, according to Yahoo Finance. Last month, Intel cut its sales target for the third quarter on weak PC sales, saying it expected sales to be about $13.2 billion. High hopes for Ultrabooks Last week, market research firm IHS iSuppli forecast that PC sales would contract in 2012 for the first time since 2001. The PC slump is blamed in part on changing consumer preferences for new types of computers like smartphones and tablets that cost less and emphasize convenience and mobility. Intel is pinning its hopes for stemming this tide largely on Ultrabooks and other types of ultrathin, low-power PCs that the chip company and its PC OEM customers will appeal to consumers by offering a blend of some of the capabilities popular in tablets with the performance advantage of a traditional PC. "I don't think the tablet as we've seen it evolve over the last several years is the end state of computing," Otellini said Tuesday. He predicted that new innovations from OEMs would further and enhance and improve on the types of computing devices available. "What I can't predict is what form factor is going to win here," Otellini said, adding that he believes devices like Ultrabooks that offer "the best of both worlds" will be some of the highest volume products. "But we won't know for 12 months," he said. Otellini said Intel expects OEMs to bring out more than 140 Ultrabooks based on Intel's Core microprocessor, including more than 40 with touchscreen technology. Many will hit the $699 price point that Otellini has previously said would make Ultrabooks more appealing to mainstream consumers, he said. IHS recently cut its forecast for Ultrabook sales in 2012 and 2013, but said it projects strong growth in Ultrabooks over the next fives years. Intel's third quarter sales ended up coming close to the firm's original target for the quarter, about $13.6 billion. Advanced Micro Devices Inc., Intel's chief competitor in the PC processor space, warned last week that preliminary results indicate its third quarter sales came in lower than expected, declining about 10 percent sequentially. "We are encouraged that Intel finally reset its expectations for PC demand and is lowering its utilization rates and inventory," said Christopher Danely, an analyst with JP Morgan. For the fourth quarter, Intel said it expects sales to be between $13.1 billion and $14.1 billion, which would represent a 1 percent sequential increase at the midpoint. Stacy Smith, Intel's chief financial officer, said the slight increase in Intel's fourth quarter target reflects the caution Intel is seeing in customer order patterns amid concerns about the global economy, softness in mature markets and a slowing demand from enterprises. Revenue from Intel's PC client group was $8.6 billion in the third quarter, down 1 percent from the second quarter and down 8 percent from the third quarter of 2011. The company's data center group had revenue of $2.7 billion, down 5 percent from the second quarter but up 6 percent compared to the third quarter of 2011.
Dylan McGrath
EE Times美国版执行编辑。Dylan McGrath是EE Times的执行编辑。 Dylan在电子和半导体行业拥有20多年的报道经验,专注于消费电子、晶圆代工、EDA、可编程逻辑、存储器和其他专业领域。
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