日本最大的消费电子展会──CEATEC 2012中展出了一系列新技术和消费电子产品,包括全新的眼动追踪用户界面、智能连接、机器人、昆虫外观的汽车,以及低功耗、高分辨率显示器。
夏普(Sharp Corp.)展示了 IGZO 技术。 IGZO意为铟镓锌氧化物,这种半导体材料是制作屏幕的基础,它能让电子移动速度比非晶硅快上50倍,进而实现更高的半透明效果。这也意味着所需的背光LED数量更少,从而降低功耗。
本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载
• 聚焦环球资源香港秋季电子展,四核国产平板抢先发布
• 2012年环球资源秋季电子展展位破纪录,同期举办CEO峰会
• 给点光就灿烂:深圳光电博览会图文游记RVNesmc
Sony 4K 3-DTV
索尼(Sony)展示了84英寸的4K-DTV。凭借3,840 x 2,160的分辨率,Sony等日本消费电子厂商的平面电视战场已经从目前的30~50英寸转向80寸甚至更大尺寸的显示器。其Bravia系列的KD- 84X9000将于11月底在日本上市。但问题是:谁能负担得起168万日圆(约21,400美元)的电视?

左边是村田制作所(Murata)的标准电感(regular inductor , 尺寸1.0×0.5mmm)。右图是薄膜电感,尺寸仅0.25×0.125mm。村田称这是最小的堆栈式陶瓷电容和薄膜电感。预备2013年底出样。
Tokai Rubber 公司展出了完全由橡胶制成的超薄扬声器。与传统机型相比,橡胶扬声器能在低频重现更好的低音音效。这种扬声器可以内嵌在智能手机,或是作为外部扬声器。
本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载
• 聚焦环球资源香港秋季电子展,四核国产平板抢先发布
• 2012年环球资源秋季电子展展位破纪录,同期举办CEO峰会
• 给点光就灿烂:深圳光电博览会图文游记RVNesmc
夏普借鉴“蛾眼”(moth eye)的原理开发出新的液晶显示器,可减少屏幕反射光,在大屏幕应用中可避免影像失真。蛾眼面板技术也可以应用到显示器上。图中左边为运用蛾眼技术后呈现的影像。
丢掉鼠标;忘记手势吧!一些日本公司在CEATEC中展示了眼动追踪技术──这是一种崭新的用户界面。 NTT DoCoMo公司的i Beam平板电脑已整合了一款原型模块,该模块包含了相机和红外线组件。据表示,红外线能够更容易地让相机来追踪眼睛的运动。当使用者的眼睛在页面边缘移 动时,平板电脑便会自动翻页。
首度参加CEATEC的丰田(Toyota)展示了单人座电动车──“智能昆虫” (Smart Insect)。“智能昆虫”有着海鸥翅膀式的车门,它是以丰田之前一款名为“ COMS ”的单人座电动车为原型来开发的。 COMS最高时速为每小时60公里,每充电5小时可行驶50公里。 COMS 已于今年夏天在日本上市,售价60万日圆(约合7,700美元)。
本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载
本文下一页:MiEV home、M2M智能机、无人驾驶
• 聚焦环球资源香港秋季电子展,四核国产平板抢先发布
• 2012年环球资源秋季电子展展位破纪录,同期举办CEO峰会
• 给点光就灿烂:深圳光电博览会图文游记RVNesmc
三菱MiEV home
三菱(Mitsubishi)的“MiEV house”运用了在网格或汽车之间转移家用电源的概念。配备了太阳能板的房子和一部电动车可连接到一个能源管理系统,并决定如何分配电力。它还能确保电动车在出门前就已经充饱了电。
日本的嵌入式软件开发人员设计出了一种可嵌入在咖啡壶等家电,并透过智能手机控制的机器对机器(M2M)无线模块,并于本周的CEATEC日本消费电子展中展示了数款“智能家电”,包括咖啡壶和健身器材等。Gaia的做法,是为现有家电增加一个微小的无线模块,不必做任何修改动作,就可以实现家电之间的M2M智能连接。这些家电的嵌入式无线模块会发送数据到智能手机 中,再透过云端服务进行进一步的处理。
日产(Nissan) 展示的是 NSC-2015 ,这款汽车可以自行驾驶和停车。只需透过一个应用程序,便可远程控制这款无人驾驶汽车,它能识别道路标记并自行停车。
本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载
• 聚焦环球资源香港秋季电子展,四核国产平板抢先发布
• 2012年环球资源秋季电子展展位破纪录,同期举办CEO峰会
• 给点光就灿烂:深圳光电博览会图文游记RVNesmc
Maspro Denkho的宠物监控系统具备广角摄影镜头、夜视能力,可自动追踪移动中的宠物。宠物主人可以透过智能手机查看他们的狗或猫。该系统预计11月底前在日本上市,售价 约450美元,这套监控系统还可以在侦测到不寻常的噪音或宠物移动情况时,对智能手机发送短信。
NTT DoCoMo在周的日本 CEATEC 消费电子展上展示了可穿戴、免提式影像电话。这个影像电话的原型看起来像一副眼镜,但内嵌好几个超广角相机。这些相机会撷取使用者面部影像的不同角度。一旦完成记录,这些影像便会结合并建立使用者的3D影像,而后发送使用者面部的实时运动影像给另一端的发话人。这款产品还具有一个指向后方的摄影镜头,所以 使用者也能同时发送使用者的背景影像。
编译: Joy Teng
本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载
参考原文:Slideshow: Japan consumer electronics showcases smart connectivity,by Junko Yoshida
• 聚焦环球资源香港秋季电子展,四核国产平板抢先发布
• 2012年环球资源秋季电子展展位破纪录,同期举办CEO峰会
• 给点光就灿烂:深圳光电博览会图文游记RVNesmc
Slideshow: Japan consumer electronics showcases smart connectivity
Junko Yoshida
The smartphone and connectivity dominated Japan's largest consumer electronics show, with appliances, robots and autos relegated to the status of smartphone accessories.
CEATEC 2012, Japan’s largest consumer electronics show, showcased a host of new technologies and consumer electronics products ranging from a novel eye-tracking user interface to smart connectivity and low power, high resolution displays.
A running theme among Japanese CE companies this year was how to make home appliances smarter and more connected using links like infrared, Bluetooth, near- field communication and wireless LANs. An unprecedented number of auto makers also showed up, underscoring the growing synergy between automotive and consumer electronics technologies.
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The emphasis on smart connectivity placed the smartphone at the center of the consumer universe, relegating everything else -- from washers, refrigerators to robots and automobiles – to smartphone accessories.
CEATEC, held in Makuhari, Japan, often showcases "prototype" products without a price tag or launch date. Japanese manufacturers, masters of this game, trot out working prototypes from their labs to gauge consumer interest at CEATEC. In the midst of an industry slump, Japanese companies depend on trade shows to restore industry mojo.
Click through to see the rest of our slideshow.
Sharp Corp. showed off its IGZO technology. IGZO stands for indium gallium zinc oxide, the semiconductor material on which the screen is based. The material allows electrons to move up to 50 times faster than amorphous silicon, enabling significantly higher translucency. It also means that smaller or fewer LEDs are needed for backlighting, reducing power consumption.
Robot butler
Sharp unveiled a new cleaning robot called “Cocorobo.” It featurs with a home-grown artificial intelligence engine called “Cocoro.” The robot can be controlled by voice commands. Cocorobo, already integrated with wireless LAN, can send a text messages to a user’s smartphone. Users can then remotely command the robot to adjust room temperature, for example.The robot uses an infrared unit inserted via its USB port to adjust room temperature.
Sony 4K 3-DTV
Big Push for 4K.
Sony showed off an 84-inch 4K 3-DTV. Leveraging 3,840 x 2,160 resolution, the 4K TV could enable Sony and other Japanese CE vendors to shift the flat screen TV battleground from current 30 to 50-inch screens landscape to 80-inch or larger displays. The Bravia KD-84X9000 will go on sale in Japan at the end of November. The questions is: Who can afford 1.68 million yen ($21,400) for a TV set?
Can you see this?
On the left is Murata’s regular inductor (1.0 x 0.5mmm). Right is the film-type inductor, measuring 0.25 x 0.125 mm. Murata claims this is the smallest stacked-type ceramic condensers and film-type inductors. They will be ready for sampling in late 2013.
Rubber speakers
Tokai Rubber demonstrated ultra-thin speakers made entirely of rubber. Compared to conventional models, rubber speakers can reproduce much better bass sound in low frequency with higher volume. The speakers can be embedded in smartphones or used as external speakers.
Moth eye technology
Sharp claimed a solution for reflected light that distorts images displayed on large screens: a "moth eye" approach used on LCDs to minimize screen reflection. Moth eye panel technology also can be applied to display screens. The glass on the left is displayed using a moth eye filter.
Eye tracking
Forget a mouse. Forget gestures. Several Japanese companies at CEATEC pitched eye-tracking technology as a new user interface. NTT Docomo’s i Beam tablet was integrated with a prototype module consisting of camera and infrared. IR supposedly makes it easier for the camera to track eye movement. When you move your eyes at the edge of a page, the tablet automatically turns the page.
Smart Insect
First-time CEATEC exhibitor Toyota showed its single-seater EV dubbed “Smart Insect” featuring gull-wing doors and a body similar to Toyota’s single-seater EV, COMS. With a top speed of 60 kilometers per hour, COMS can travel 50 kilometers on a five-hour charge. COMS is available in Japan at 600,000 yen (about $7,700). The EV is touted as a CE platform, including a motion detection system (Microsoft’s Kinect) to identify its owner along with other motion sensors used to predict driving behavior. A docking port in the dashboard for smart phones allows handsets to be synchronized with online services while recharging wirelessly. A large LCD screen above the steering wheel displays smart phone information.
MiEV home
Mitsubishi's “MiEV house” utilizes the concept of shifting home power usage between grid or car. A house equipped with solar panels and an EV linked to an energy management system can determine how to distribute electrical power. It also ensures that the EV is fully charged when the driver heads out the door.
M2M, smartphone connectivity
Gaia's Holdings demonstrated smart connectivity applications in which the machine-to-machine wireless module and smartphone are connected to home appliances. Gaia said the M2M approach eliminates concerns such as whether appliance electronics come with enough memory or a microcontroller powerful enough to process data. The embedded M2M wireless module and a smartphone can run apps, control the appliance and process data.
Driverless car
Nissan demonstrated at CEATEC its NSC-2015, a vehicle that can drive and park itself. The driverless car recognizes road markings and parks itself while controlled remotely via an app.
Checking on your pets
Maspro Denkho demonstrated a pet surveillance system featuring a wide-angle camera with night-vision capability that automatically tracks pets as they move about a room. Pet owners can check up on their dogs or cats via smartphone. Priced at $450 with a late November launch in Japan, the surveillance system can also send alerts to smartphones when it senses a big change in noise-level or movements.
Wearable, hands-free video phone
The prototype videophone is embedded with several ultrawide-angle cameras. All but one are pointed at the user to capture facial images in several different quadrants. Once recorded, the images are combined to create a 3-D picture of the user. The moving image of the user’s face is sent in real time to a caller. The unit has one camera pointing backward so the video phone can simultaneously transmit the background. NTT Docomo said the wearable phone is ideal for mobile videoconferencing.
Navigating by gestures
Pioneer unveiled a car navigation system that understands hand gestures. It was designed to make it easier for drivers to use car navigation systems. A driver controls navigation by simple hand gestures such as bringing a hand closer to the screen or waving at it.