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李彦宏日前对群聚在硅谷的中国科技专家们喊话,指出中国正在经历从复制到创新的转变过程,那里,仍有许多机会等待被发掘。百度虽并未计划设计自己的智能手机,但希望能在Googel Android之上建立新的软件层,并开放给全球各地的软件开发人员……

中国最成功的科技企业家之一李彦宏(Robin Li)日前对群聚在硅谷的中国科技专家们喊话,指出中国正在经历从复制到创新的转变过程,那里,仍有许多机会等待被发掘。 这位中国的网络搜索巨擘并未计划设计自有的智能手机,但他希望能在 Googel Android 之上建立新的软件层,并开放给全球各地的软件开发人员,李彦宏在最近一次的中国创业家会议中表示。 “我们将开放我们的云端运算基础设施给全球的开发人员,我们是中国唯一这么做的企业,”李彦宏稍早前在华源科学技术协会的年度会议(Hua Yuan Science and Technology Association (Hysta)中接受采访时表示。 “在美国,如果你想要5GB的云端空间,你就得付钱;但我们直接提供15G甚至高达300G的空间,而且都免费,”李彦宏说。
李彦宏(Robin Li)
百度还提供能让使用者将智能手机的照片上传及储存到服务器的应用程序,完全不用压缩。“这项服务目前在市场上还不多见,”他说。 而谈到所谓的 B-phone 时,他表示,“我们并不需要全部重新来过,”他说。 “Android是免费的,所以我们还有很多事情可以做,去满足其它还没得到满足的需求。我们正在努力做的事情,就是还没有针对中国使用者最佳化,或是还不够完善的部份。” 百度成立于2000年,2005年上市,现号称拥有5亿使用者,营业额达150亿人民币约24亿美元)。该公司声称拥有全球最快速的浏览器,以及最准确的中文语音识别软件。 “我在1999年圣诞节回到中国时,很多人说,你晚来一步了,网络热潮快过了,这个市场已经太过拥挤,没什么机会留给像你这样的人了,”李彦宏说。他在美国拿到计算机科学博士学位后,曾在两家美国公司工作,开发搜寻算法,而后才回到中国。 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 本文下一页:遍地商机

IIC-China 2011春季展前专访:百度

{pagination} 遍地商机 就像李彦宏,今天的海归派还是能有机会。“只要抓住技术的变化趋势,机会还是很多的,所以回来是一个好选择,”他说。 李彦宏指出,中国的广大消费市场未来成长潜力非常大。“在百度,当我们提出一个新想法时,我们不是去讨论它──我们是去以百分之一客户为样本进行测试,大约是500万人左右,”他说。“这个庞大的平台是前所未有的。” “我们可能会遇到很多有别于在美国可能遇到的挑战,但在中国,我们有着更多的创新机会,”他说。 “中国还未出现真正国际化公司这一点相当荒谬,”李彦宏说。“人们目前都对于专注在中国市场感到满足,在这个时间点上,很难去责怪他们。” 百度现正朝中国外围市场进军,但李彦宏拒绝回答是否会设置美国办事处。他说表示,“今天,我们相信,我们拥有具竞争力的人才,所以,我们一直在往前走。” 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 编译: Joy Teng 参考英文原文:Baidu founder calls China's tech experts home,by Rick Merritt

IIC-China 2011春季展前专访:百度

{pagination} Baidu founder calls China's tech experts home Rick Merritt SANTA CLARA, Calif.--Engineers returning to China still have plenty of opportunities in a country poised to shift from copying to innovating, the founder of Baidu told a gathering of 1,500 mostly Chinese tech experts in Silicon Valley. China’s Internet search giant has no plans to design its own smartphone, but it does want to create new layers of software on top of Google’s Android and open up its data centers to developers around the world, said Robin Li, at a conference of Chinese entrepreneurs. "We will open up our cloud computing infrastructure to developers everywhere so they can work at the highest level--this is something unique for China," said Li in an on-stage interview at the annual conference of the Hua Yuan Science and Technology Association (Hysta). "In the U.S., if you ask for 5 Gbytes of storage [in the cloud], you have to pay for it. But we give 15G and even up to 300G for free—it’s another free thing," said Li. Baidu also provides an app that lets users upload photos from the smartphones to its servers, storing them without compression. "I think this is very rare," he said. As for a so-called B-phone: "We don’t need to reinvent the wheel," Li said. "Android is free, so there is a lot we can do to satisfy unmet needs by building on top of it. We are trying to do things that haven’t been done properly or done well for China’s users.” Founded in 2000, Baidu went public in 2005 and now claims 500 million users and revenues of 15 billion renminbi (about $2.4 billion). It claims it has the world’s fastest browser and most accurate Chinese voice recognition software. “When I came back to China at Christmas 1999, a lot of people said, 'You are too late to the Internet—it’s already crowded and there are not many chances for people like you,' " said Li who earned a doctorate in computer science in the U.S. and went on to develop key search algorithms at two U.S. companies before returning to China. Plenty of opportunity Like Li, today’s returnees still have a shot at success. "As long as the technology is changing, there are still many opportunities, so coming back to China is always a good option," Li said. China’s big consumer market is the gateway to its next level of growth, Li said. "When we come up with a new idea at Baidu, we don’t have to debate it--we go try it out on a one percent sample of our customers—that’s 5 million people," he said. "There weren’t platforms life that before." With such reach, "there are challenges we can encounter before the U.S., and so we have a lot better chance of innovating--there is a great opportunity to have a lot more innovation in China," he said. "It’s ridiculous that we don’t have more truly international companies in China," said Li. "People are satisfied focusing on the China market, and it’s hard to blame them for the time being." Baidu is now entering markets surrounding China, but Li declined to comment on whether it would open a U.S. office. "Today we believe we are able to compete for talent, so we are on the way," he said.
Rick Merritt
EE Times硅谷采访中心主任。Rick的工作地点位于圣何塞,他为EE Times撰写有关电子行业和工程专业的新闻和分析。 他关注Android,物联网,无线/网络和医疗设计行业。 他于1992年加入EE Times,担任香港记者,并担任EE Times和OEM Magazine的主编。
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