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根据美国纽约经济评议会(Conference Board)指出,美国消费者信心指数已上升至2008年以来的最高水平,如果这一成长态势能持续到感恩节与圣诞节期间,转变为强劲的销售业绩,电子产品市场仍可期待一个收获丰盛的一年。

根据美国纽约经济评议会(Conference Board)指出,美国消费者信心指数已上升至2008年以来的最高水平,如果这一成长态势能持续到感恩节与圣诞节期间,转变为强劲的销售业绩,电子产品市场仍可期待一个收获丰盛的一年。 持续关注美国经济环境的经济评议会最近发表的一份报告指出,由于明显感受到就业市场持续改善,带动今年十月份的消费者信心指数大幅提升至72.2,这是2008年2月以来的最高水平。从该产业组织的调查响应来看,消费者也感觉到自己的财务状况好转。 “由于就业市场改善成为重要的推动力,消费者在评估现况时的反应都相当正面,”Conference Board经济指针总监Lynn Franco指出,“消费者对于其财务状况以及短期经济前景的看法乐观,而且随着近节日季节的接近,情况似乎变得更好。” 经 济评议会表示,消费者对于短期前景“较乐观”,而企业也认为经济环境正持续改善中。虽然消费者信心指数还远低于高度乐观的水平,但对于11-12月期间的 零售业及其它经济领域而言,这一现况的改善已能为其创造佳绩。如果到了11月的成长态势仍像10月时一样强劲,在这段假期间的买气将会比许多人预期的更好。 根据经济评议会的调查报告指出,“认为商业环境不错的消费者约从15.3%增加到16.5%,而认为商业情况不佳者则从 33.8%下降至33.1%。消费者对于劳动力市场的评语也更积极正面,认为就业机会丰富的从8.1%增加到10.3%,而认为工作难找的人则从 40.7%减少到39.4%。” 但业界在最近几天收到的好消息还不仅止于此。美国最近发布的就业数字更印证了为什么消费者近来对于经济环境感到乐观。美国劳工部(Labor Department)最新的报告显示,非农业领域的就业人数增加了17.1 万人,失业率约7.9%。这项数据不仅鼓舞了投资人,也有助于抬股市交易。 这些好消息将让电子产品制造商感到振奋。在年底假期旺季期间,消费者信心指数提高,通常就意味着更高的支出──消费者为家人与朋友大肆采购最新的电子产品, 可望为消费电子产品制造商带来一笔不小的财富。如果消费者在11月和12月花费更多钱买礼物,那么所增加的销售业绩将有助于提升2012年整体电子产业的预期表现,同时一扫原本预计年底将持续面临的阴霾。 本文授权编译自EBN Online,版权所有,谢绝转载 编译:Susan Hong 参考英文原文:Higher Consumer Confidence May Jolt Electronics Sales,by Bolaji Ojo, Editor in Chief


{pagination} Higher Consumer Confidence May Jolt Electronics Sales Bolaji Ojo The electronics market may still wring out a respectable finish to the year if rising consumer confidence in the United States translates into strong sales during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday period. A recent report from the Conference Board, an industry organization that monitors conditions in the US economy, says consumer confidence surged in October to its highest level since February 2008, boosted by a sense of steady improvements in the employment market. The industry body also says consumers feel better about their finances, and this belief is being reflected in their response to the Conference Board's survey. "Consumers were considerably more positive in their assessment of current conditions, with improvements in the job market as the major driver," says Lynn Franco, Director of Economic Indicators at the Conference Board, in the statement cited above. "Consumers were modestly more upbeat about their financial situation and the short-term economic outlook, and appear to be in better spirits approaching the holiday season." The Conference Board says consumers are "more optimistic" about the short-term outlook, while businesses also believe conditions are steadily improving. While consumer confidence remains well below the levels that demonstrate a high level of optimism, the improvement could do wonders for retailers and other segments of the economy in the November-December period. If sentiments remain as strong in November as they were in October, buyers could spend more during the holidays than many were expecting. The Conference Board goes on to say: Those claiming business conditions are "good" rose to 16.5 percent from 15.3 percent, while those saying business conditions are “bad” edged down to 33.1 percent from 33.8 percent. Consumers' appraisal of the labor market was also more positive. Those stating jobs are "plentiful" increased to 10.3 percent from 8.1 percent, while those claiming jobs are “hard to get” declined to 39.4 percent from 40.7 percent. That's not the only piece of heartwarming news the industry has received in the last few days. The latest US employment data confirms why consumers are feeling a little more bullish about the economy. Earlier today, the Labor Department reported employers lifted payrolls in the non-farm sectors by 171,000 in October, leaving the unemployment number at 7.9 percent. The news cheered investors and helped to boost stocks in early trading on Friday. "Our unemployment rate has dropped by more than two percentage points under President Obama. Unemployment Insurance claims are at a four-year low, Consumer sentiment is at a four-year high. We've added more than a half-million manufacturing jobs over the last 32 months. And we just posted the largest 12-month increase in housing permits since 1983," said Hilda Solis, Secretary of Labor, in a statement. Electronics manufacturers will be heartened by the news. Higher consumer confidence typically translates into higher spending during the end-of-year holiday season, when consumer electronics makers can expect a mini-bonanza as shoppers snap up the latest gadgets for family and friends. If consumers spend more on gifts in November and December, the increased sales could help improve the expected performance of the entire electronics sector in 2012, and transform what many were expecting to be a dull close to the year.
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