AMD发言人德鲁·普莱利(Drew Prairie)周二在接受采访表示,公司计划将58英亩的奥斯汀园区以1.5亿美元至2亿美元的价格出售,预计将在明年第二季度完成这一交易。当地媒体《奥斯汀美国政治家日报》此前就曝光了AMD打算出售园区的消息。目前,由于PC销量增长放缓,AMD和更大的竞争对手英特尔都处境不佳。
市场研究公司Gimme Credit周二下调了对AMD的股 票评级,从“稳定”(stable)调降至“日益恶化”(deteriorating)。AMD目前背负着大约20亿美元的长期债务和资本租赁性债务。
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参考英文原文:AMD to sell Austin campus, by Dylan McGrath
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AMD to sell Austin campus
Dylan McGrath
SAN FRANCISCO—Advanced Micro Devices Inc. (AMD) wants to sell its campus in Austin, Texas, and lease the facility back from a commercial real estate investor in an effort to raise cash, a company spokesperson said Tuesday (Nov. 27).
In an email exchange, the spokesperson said AMD intends to take advantage of "favorable economic conditions in the Austin Southwest office submarket" by offering the company's "Lone Star" campus for sale to reputable commercial investors, contingent on a multi-year leaseback deal.
"AMD’s management team believes this is a good business decision that is supportive of the company’s long term corporate strategy by enabling AMD to generate capital to apply to its business operations, as opposed to having it locked in real estate," the spokesman said.
More than 2,000 AMD employees work at the Austin campus. It is the company's single largest site in terms of number of employees.
The spokesman said AMD expects the 58-acre campus site to fetch $150 million to $200 million.
With a multi-year leaseback deal, AMD plans to remain a long-term tenant at the campus, the spokesman said. The action is expected to have no impact on employees or operations, the spokesman said.
AMD last month announced it would cut its workforce by about 15 percent after reporting a net loss of $157 million on sales of $1.27 billion.