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Imagination在今年11月份宣布将在对MIPS的收购中支出6000万美元,谁知半路杀出CEVA,决定以7500万美元抢购MIPS。Imagination本周再度杀回,决定以 8000万美元争回属于自己的东西……

英国芯片制造商Imagination Technologies在今年11月份早前就宣布将在对MIPS的收购中支出6000万美元,谁知半路杀出另一家DSP IP芯片方案企业CEVA,CEVA决定以7500万美元从Imagination手中抢购MIPS。随后Imagination本周日再度杀回,决定以 8000万美元争回属于自己的东西,并且修改了相关收购材料。今天宣布与MIPS再度达成修订后的一致协议。 Imagination最富盛名的是其PowerVR系列显示芯片技术,是当今用于智能手机和移动设备嵌入系统中的显示芯片主力。基于MIPS架构的处理器也在多种设备上驰骋多年,从PS2游戏机到超级计算机,现在主要的市场则是数字电视和机顶盒产品,当然其中一些也运行Android操作系统。 收购的内容包括了MIPS的运营业务,当然还有MIPS的82项核心专利,以及其余500项相关专利的使用许可权。据Imagination周一的声明所说,MIPS处理器授权业务至6月30日的一年期间收益为6000万美元,税前亏损900万美元。 MIPS在声明中说,Imagination修改了收购的出价,“将收购价格加至8000万美元”。除了价格之外,其他相关材料和收购内容是否有修改目前尚不清楚。 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 参考英文原文:Imagination raises bid for MIPS,by Peter Clarke


{pagination} Imagination raises bid for MIPS Peter Clarke LONDON – Imagination Technologies Group, the graphics processor IP licensor, has raised its bid for processor IP company MIPS Technologies Inc. to $80 million in an attempt to outbid rival Ceva Inc. Imagination (Kings Langley, England) originally bid $60 million to buy MIPS's operating business and certain patents while another U.K. company, ARM Holdings plc (Cambridge, England), would lead a consortium called Bridge Crossing that would acquire rights to major part of the MIPS portfolio of patents. Bridge Crossing would pay $350 million in cash to purchase the rights to the MIPS portfolio, of which ARM will contribute $167.5 million. Ceva Inc. (Mountain View, Calif.) then offered $75 million for the operating business of MIPS (Sunnyvale, Calif.) on a similar basis to the Imagination bid. Imagination said Monday (Dec. 10) that has signed a revised agreement for $80 million in cash with all the other terms and conditions of the acquisition remaining the same as for the previous bid. In the year to June 30, 2012 MIPS made a loss before tax of $9 million on revenues of $60 million and on Sept. 30, 2012 MIPS had gross assets of about $20 million excluding cash and short-term investments, Imagination said. Imagination added that if its bid receives approval from MIPS' shareholders and meets other necessary conditions the deal is expected to complete during the first quarter of 2013.
Peter Clarke
业内资深人士Peter Clarke负责EETimes欧洲的Analog网站。 由于对新兴技术和创业公司的特殊兴趣,他自1984年以来一直在撰写有关半导体行业的文章,并于1994年至2013年为EE Times美国版撰稿。
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