其中一件还在进行中的,是微处理器核心供货商MIPS的出售案,该公司在11月宣布将分成两部分卖掉,业务营运由Imagination Technologies出资6,000万美元收购,专利组合则以3.5亿美元总价售与同业ARM领军的投资联盟Bridge Crossing;但两周之后,DSP核心供货商CEVA以更高出价7,500万美元求购MIPS,而前几天Imagination再次表示将价格提升到8,000万美元。你来我往,最后MIPS将花落谁家还有待观察。
在混合信号与RF技术领域,GPS与无线芯片供货商U-blox以1,650万美元收购新创IC设计业者Cognovo,又以900万美元收购4M Wireless;U-blox买这两家公司的原因,是看好他们在3GPP LTE技术领域的专长。其它几桩值得注意的并购案条列如下(排序不分先后):
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• 都别和我抢:Imagination加价至8000万美元收购MIPS
• RFMD收购Amalfi,发力入门级智能机市场
• 英特尔5000万美元收购ZiiLabs专利及工程资产MLfesmc
苹果(Apple)是在 2012年初宣布以3.9亿美元收购以色列新创公司Anobit,后者的技术号称可提升NAND闪存的读写次数。这桩收购案显示了Apple对其供应链关键环节的重视,而该公司在接下来几年是否会进军芯片制造领域,是产业界最想知道的答案。(相关报道,请参考这里
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• 都别和我抢:Imagination加价至8000万美元收购MIPS
• RFMD收购Amalfi,发力入门级智能机市场
• 英特尔5000万美元收购ZiiLabs专利及工程资产MLfesmc
AMD是在今年2月宣布以3.34亿美元收购新创公司SeaMicro,这家成立于2007年的厂商原本只打造采用英特尔(Intel) Atom处理器的服务器,后来又进阶采用Xeon系列处理器。透过这桩收购,AMD的角色从x86处理器供货商转型为能提供全套服务器解决方案的业者。
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• 都别和我抢:Imagination加价至8000万美元收购MIPS
• RFMD收购Amalfi,发力入门级智能机市场
• 英特尔5000万美元收购ZiiLabs专利及工程资产MLfesmc
EDA 供货商新思(Synopsys)今年收购案频传,在2月以5亿美元收购Magma Design Automation,5月宣布收购光学设计与仿真软件供货商RSoft Design Group,两个月后又宣布收购混合讯号与模拟布线工具供货商Ciranova。然后今年8月,宣布收购台湾的IC除错与验证软件业者思源 (SpringSoft)。(相关报道,请参考这里
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• 都别和我抢:Imagination加价至8000万美元收购MIPS
• RFMD收购Amalfi,发力入门级智能机市场
• 英特尔5000万美元收购ZiiLabs专利及工程资产MLfesmc
手机应用处理器大厂高通(Qualcomm)在 2012年也是忙着收购,今年稍早收购无晶圆厂MEMS显示器新创公司Pixtronix,细节未公布,但业界猜测价格在1.75亿至2亿美元间;高通收 购Pixtronix的目的应是急于以其技术取代Mirasol。而Pixtronix的MEMS快门技术据说与近期高通投资夏普(Sharp)一案有关。
在8月,高通收购以色列小型基地台(small cell basestation systems)芯片与软件业者DesignArt Networks,金额也未公布;以色列当地媒体的报导则指出,该收购案的交易金额应在1.2亿美元至1.4亿美元之间。高通透过不断收购,正稳定朝向全 球最大芯片供货商的目标迈进。(相关报道,请参考这里
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• 都别和我抢:Imagination加价至8000万美元收购MIPS
• RFMD收购Amalfi,发力入门级智能机市场
• 英特尔5000万美元收购ZiiLabs专利及工程资产MLfesmc
2012年电子产业界的收购案不仅是发生在欧、美,台湾无晶圆厂芯片设计业者联发科(MediaTek)与晨星(MStar Semiconductor)的合并案备受全球瞩目;联发科是在6月宣布收购晨星48%股权,台湾公平交易委员会已在8月核准该案。这两家原本是竞争对手 的公司都生产智能型手机或多媒体装置应用的SoC,并在数字电视芯片市场合计有六成占有率。
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• 都别和我抢:Imagination加价至8000万美元收购MIPS
• RFMD收购Amalfi,发力入门级智能机市场
• 英特尔5000万美元收购ZiiLabs专利及工程资产MLfesmc
于 是在7月份,英特尔同意支付30亿美元收购15%的ASML股权,并额外投资10亿美元进行共同研发;8月份,台湾晶圆代工大厂台积电(TSMC)收购 5%的ASML股权,也投资了共同研发,总金额约10亿美元;韩国三星电子(Samsung Electronics)则收购3%的ASML股权,总金额约6.3亿美元。(相关报道,请参考这里
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• 都别和我抢:Imagination加价至8000万美元收购MIPS
• RFMD收购Amalfi,发力入门级智能机市场
• 英特尔5000万美元收购ZiiLabs专利及工程资产MLfesmc
在 ASML成功说服英特尔、台积电与三星掏钱投资后没多久,这家微影设备业者砸下26亿美元,收购长期的微影光源技术供应伙伴Cymer;这桩收购案意味着 ASML将针对EUV微影技术的量产,提供效能够强、稳定的光源。半导体产业界认为,EUV将可支持10奈米及以下半导体制程节点的芯片生产;而ASML 收购Cymer一案预计2013上半年完成。(相关报道,请参考这里
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• 都别和我抢:Imagination加价至8000万美元收购MIPS
• RFMD收购Amalfi,发力入门级智能机市场
• 英特尔5000万美元收购ZiiLabs专利及工程资产MLfesmc
Cypress 总裁暨CEO T.J. Rodgers针对这项收购案表示:“Ramtron的FRAM技术与Cypress的nvSRAM业务、丰富的R&D资源、历来强大的制造能 力、全球销售机构,以及在分销管道中的深度扩展能力互相结合,将在非挥发性内存业务领域创建一个重要的全新实体。”(相关报道,请参考这里
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本文下一页:Rambus收购Unity Semiconductor
• 都别和我抢:Imagination加价至8000万美元收购MIPS
• RFMD收购Amalfi,发力入门级智能机市场
• 英特尔5000万美元收购ZiiLabs专利及工程资产MLfesmc
Rambus收购Unity Semiconductor
原为内存接口与连结技术开发商与授权业者的Rambus,逐渐转型为种类广泛的 IP授权业者,该公司在2月份宣布以3,500万美元收购同样位于美国加州的Unity Semiconductor;后者成立于2002年,是开发以金属氧化物为基础的交叉点(cross-point)、双端(two-terminal)非 挥发性内存单元,产品名称为CMOx。2011年时,美光(Micron)曾出手投资现金耗尽的Unity Semiconductor。
金属氧化物或其它种类的电阻式内存,由于具备达到比NAND闪存更高容量密度、更快速度、更低制造成本与更高可靠性的潜力,许多内存业者包括三 星、海力士(Hynix)与尔必达(Elpida)都在研发相关技术;对Unity的收购将让美国的非挥发性内存技术开发更进一步,也可望为 Rambus带来可观的专利收入。
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• 都别和我抢:Imagination加价至8000万美元收购MIPS
• RFMD收购Amalfi,发力入门级智能机市场
• 英特尔5000万美元收购ZiiLabs专利及工程资产MLfesmc
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参考原文: Top 10 electronics business deals of 2012,by Peter Clarke
• 都别和我抢:Imagination加价至8000万美元收购MIPS
• RFMD收购Amalfi,发力入门级智能机市场
• 英特尔5000万美元收购ZiiLabs专利及工程资产MLfesmc
Top 10 electronics business deals of 2012
Peter Clarke
Constantly evolving electronics technology again produced winners and losers in the semiconductor industry. Here are the ten most significant technology mergers and acquisitions of 2012. LONDON -- Despite a rocky global economy in 2012, consumer spending on tablet computers and smart phones remained strong as the era of the personal computer fades. These realities helped shape the electronics landscape this year, creating winners and losers in the semiconductor industry and a considerable number of significant mergers and acquisitions.
One of the most intriguing deals, the sale of processor IP licensor MIPS Technologies Inc. (Sunnyvale, Calif.) is still playing out. In November, graphics IP specialist Imagination Technologies it had agreed to buy MIPS' operating business for $60 million while another U.K. company, ARM, would lead a consortium called Bridge Crossing. that would acquire rights to the MIPS portfolio of patents. Bridge Crossing would pay $350 million in cash to purchase the rights to the MIPS portfolio, of which ARM will contribute $167.5 million (see ARM and Imagination divide up MIPS)
Two weeks later, however, Ceva Inc. (Mountain View, Calif.) sought to trump Imagination's offer for MIPS by bidding $75 million. MIPS shareholders are undoubtedly hoping Imagination or another bidder will respond with an even better offer.
There were other deals this year in the mixed-signal and RF market segments, including GPS and wireless chip company U-blox acquiring chip startup Cognovo for $16.5 million along with 4M Wireless for $9 million, both for their expertise in 3GPP LTE technology (see U-box buys Cognovo and 4M Wireless).
Here's the list:
The semiconductor mergers and acquisitions described below and on the following pages represent some of the key technology deals of 2012. They also illustrate the constant churn and reshaping of the global electronics industry. (Please note they're not ranked or ordered; all are considered significant.)
Deal: Apple Bites Anobit
Early in 2012, Apple announced its acquisition of flash memory controller startup Anobit Technologies (Herzeliya, Israel) for about $390 million. Anobit represented a catch for Apple because the Israeli company developed NAND flash memory controller technology that improves the apparent endurance of flash memory – the number of reads and writes it can perform.
The Anobit deal underscores an industry trend as all-powerful Apple pulls in key aspects of its supply chain. Left unanswered for now is whether Apple will in the coming year move to internal chip manufacturing. (see Apple buys Anobit).
AMD swims with SeaMicro
In February, Advanced Micro Devices Inc. move to acquire microserver startup SeaMicro Inc. in a deal worth $334 million. SeaMicro, founded in 2007, started out building servers using only Intel's Atom processors, then branched out to Xeon processors.
By acquiring a server company AMD (Sunnyvale, Calif.) put itself in position to gain design wins for its own x86 processors and to deliver server technology to customers (see AMD to buy microserver startup SeaMicro).
By December, AMD was announcing plans to cut 15 percent of its staff along with a re-organization intended to achieve a breakeven point of $1.3 billion in quarterly revenue. However, some observers said AMD's losses and rate of cash burn raise doubts as to whether the company could last beyong 2013.
SeaMicro server with AMD inside.
Synopsys heats up with Magma
EDA leader Synopsys Inc. (Mountain View, Calif.) had another busy year on the acquisition front. In February, it announced the closing of a $500 million deal to acquire Magma Design Automation Inc. (San Jose, Calif.).
In May, Synopsys acquired RSoft Design Group Inc. (Ossining, N.Y.), a provider of photonics design and simulation software. Two months later, Synopsys grabbed Ciranova Inc. (Santa Clara, Calif.) a mixed-signal and analog layout tools vendor.
That was followed in and in August by a move to buy IC debug and verification software company SpringSoft Inc. (Hsinchu, Taiwan). That deal closed in December at for $417 million, or approximately $320 million net of cash acquired.
Chi-Foon Chan, co-CEO of Synopsys, helped drive its acquisition strategy during 2012.
Qualcomm nabs Pixtronix, DesignArts
Application processor specialist Qualcomm was also on the acquisition trail in 2012. Early in the year, the San Diego-based chip maker confirmed it had bought fabless MEMS display startup Pixtronix Inc. (Andover, Mass.). No details have been released. Qualcomm reportedly paid between $175 million and $200 million for Pixtronix, and was eager to use its technology to replacement its previous display gamble, Mirasol. The Pixtronix MEMS shutter technology was the subject of a deal with Sharp late in 2012.
In August, Qualcomm acquired DesignArt Networks Ltd. (Ra'anana, Israel), a supplier of small cell basestation systems chips and software, for an undisclosed sum. Israel's Globes newspaper reported that the deal was worth between $120 million and $140 million.
As it grows through acquisitions, Qualcomm is steadily climbing the ranks of the world's top chip makers.
Taiwan's 'M Brothers'
Industry consolidation wasn't limited to North America and Europe during 2012. In what could be the most significant deal of the year in the nascent Asian market, Taiwanese fabless chip vendor MediaTek Inc. announced it was acquiring a stake in Taiwan rival MStar Semiconductor. Taiwan's Fair Trade Commission approved MediaTek's acquisition of a 48 percent stake in MStar in August.
The rivals both make SoCs for smart phones and multimedia devices. Together, the Taiwanese companies also dominate the digital TV chip market, collectively holding 60 percent of that segment.
MediaTek President C.J. Hsieh emphasized to us in January the importance of low-cost chips, especially those for the consumer electronics market. The TV SoC battle is especially brutal because “the technology for TVs progresses very fast,” Hsieh explained.
A few months after we spoke with Hsieh, MediaTek made its move to acquire a stake in MStar.
MediaTek President C.J. Hsieh is acquisitive.
Intel, TSMC, Samsung buy into ASML
In a creative piece of big-ticket technology financing, the market leader in lithography put up to 25 percent of itself up for sale.
In effect, ASML Lithography (Veldhoven, Netherlands) signaled leading chip companies that while they may be disappointed with the pace of technology development, there was only one partner that could develop manufacturing technologies like extreme ultraviolet lithography and 450-mm diameter wafers. Furthermore, ASML telegraphed that customers were going to have to pay more but could also get a return on the investment.
In July, Intel agreed to pay about $3 billion for a 15 percent stake in ASML as well as putting another $1 billion into research collaboration. In August, foundry chip maker Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. opted to take a 5 percent stake under the same equity-plus-research finding scheme for about $1 billion. South Korea's Samsung Electronics also agreed to acquire a 3 percent stake in the Dutch lithography vendor for about $630 million.
ASML: Put your money where your chips are built.
ASML buys Cymer for $2.6 billion!!!
No sooner had ASML persuaded Intel, TSMC and Samsung to invest did it move to acquire San diego-based Cymer Inc. in a cash and stock deal worth about $2.6 billion.
Yes $2.6 billion.
Cymer is a long-time supplier of lithography light sources to ASML and other lithography tool vendors. ASML's acquisition marks the company out as the most likely to produce a light source sufficiently powerful and stable to support volume production with EUV lithography. The semiconductor industry is counting on EUV for the creation of chips with geometries down at the 10-nm node and beyond. The Cymer deal is expected to close in the first half of 2013.
Cymer HVM laser-produced plasma light source.
Cypress pursues FRAM
Cypress Semiconductor Corp. closed its deal in September to acquire Ramtron International Corp. (Colorado Springs) in a cash deal valued at $109.8 million, excluding assumed debt and options.
Cypress (San Jose, Calif.) had long been courting Ramtron, which develops ferroelectric RAM technology for use in discrete memories or as embedded non-volatile memory. Previous offers were spurned by Ramtron. During the summer courtship, it was revealed that Cypress had bid unsuccessfully for Ramtron in 2011.
"The combination of Ramtron's FRAM technology with Cypress's nvSRAM business, considerable R&D resources, historically strong manufacturing capabilities, global sales organization and deep extension into distribution channels will create a significant new entity in the nonvolatile memory business," T.J. Rodgers, Cypress president and CEO, said at the time of Ramtron's acceptance.
The deal closed in November.
Rambus seeks Unity
Rambus Inc. (Sunnyvale, Calif.), which started out as a developer and licensor of memory interface and interconnect technology, has evolved into a broad-based IP licensor. Rambus' acquisition of Sunnyvale neighbor Unity Semiconductor Corp. in February for $35 million in cash was therefore a good fit.
Unity Semiconductor, founded in 2002, was developing metal oxide-based, cross-point, two-terminal non-volatile memory cells under the name CMOx. It was also running out of cash, having been bailed out in 2011 by strategic investor Micron Technology.
Metal-oxide, or some other resistive memory, has the potential to achieve higher density, faster performance, lower manufacturing costs and greater data reliability than NAND flash memory, with many companies including Samsung, Hynix, Elpida and others working on the technology. The Rambus acquisition will keep an intriguing strand of non-volatile memory research moving forward in the U.S. and pay off for handsomely for Rambus in terms of patent portfolio licensing.
A flash in the hand for Rambus.
Micron chips in for Elpida
Micron Technology (Boise, Idaho) closed a $2.5 billion deal in June to acquire Japan's Elpida Memory Inc., which had earlier filed for bankruptcy protection. The deal included $750 million to pay off a fraction of Elpida's debt to creditors and another $1.75 billion to be paid in annual installments through 2019 to satisfy the claims of Elpida's creditors.
The deal was approved by a Tokyo court in November.
While the deal still faces some regulatory hurdles, and a group of Elpida debt holders has fought Micron's bid, saying it undervalues Elpida's assets. The group is undoubtedly seeking to tweak the terms of the deal rather than to drive Micron off. The deal is nevertheless expected to close in the first half of 2013.