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CEVA日前宣布,它不会再对Imagination Technologies公司收购MIPS公司一事对进行加价。Imagination如愿以尝,但是还需要再借约2200万美元,以填补这个高达1亿美元的报价……

DSP IP供应商CEVA(位于加州Mountain View)日前宣布,它不会再对Imagination Technologies公司收购MIPS公司一事对进行加价。 图形IP授权商Imagination(位于英国Kings Langley)早在十一月初就出价6000万美元购买MIPS的经营业务及部分专利,而另一家英国公司ARM(位于英国剑桥),则带来Bridge Crossing财团收购了MIPS的重要专利组合。Bridge Crossing总共支付了3.5亿美元现金用于购买MIPS的专利组合,其中ARM出资1.675亿美元。 CEVA曾两次中途杀出加价,迫使Imagination一路追加收购金到了1亿美元。CEVA表示,尽管有心收购MIPS,但鉴于目前收购金额达到的高度,不如保留现金用于其他机会。 Imagination收购MIPS,很大程度上是看中了MIPS在32位和64位处理器方面的技术能力,这可以提高其对ARM的竞争力。ARM目前在通用和图形处理器方面都广泛涉足。 据报道,Imagination还需要再借约2200万美元,以填补这个高达1亿美元的报价。 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 编译:Luffy Liu 参考英文原文:Imagination wins MIPS bid,by Peter Clarke


{pagination} Imagination wins MIPS bid Peter Clarke LONDON – DSP IP licensor Ceva Inc. (Mountain View, Calif.) has announced that it will not rebid against Imagination Technologies Group plc for processor IP company MIPS Technologies Inc. Graphics IP licensor Imagination (Kings Langley, England) started the process in early November with a bid of $60 million to buy MIPS's operating business and certain patents while another U.K. company, ARM Holdings plc (Cambridge, England), would lead a consortium called Bridge Crossing that would acquire rights to the major part of the MIPS portfolio of patents as a form of legal protection. Bridge Crossing is set to pay $350 million in cash to purchase the rights to the MIPS portfolio, of which ARM will contribute $167.5 million. Ceva bid twice against forcing Imagination to rebid up to a level of $100 million. Ceva said that while there had been merit in trying to acquire MIPS, at the level reached it would rather preserve its cash for other opportunities. Imagination wants to acquire MIPS, a pioneer of 32- and 64-bit processing, to help boost its position against ARM Holdings which offers both general purpose and graphics processors for license. Imagination is expected to have to borrow about $22 million to help fund its higher offer.
Peter Clarke
业内资深人士Peter Clarke负责EETimes欧洲的Analog网站。 由于对新兴技术和创业公司的特殊兴趣,他自1984年以来一直在撰写有关半导体行业的文章,并于1994年至2013年为EE Times美国版撰稿。
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