2011年3月11日发生的大地震与海啸重创日本东北,损失了数量庞大的人命与财物;重大天灾所带来的长期性影响,就是食物、饮水与公共卫生基础设施的大区域崩坏。在 2012年年10月重创美东的飓风Sandy也具备同样的破坏威力,使得纽约市基础设施受到重创,当地居民到现在仍在重建家园。
1. 美国FirstNet 紧急救难通信网路
美国官方在2012年通过设置紧急救难网络管理局(First Responder Network Authority,FirstNet),旨在为警察、消防员、医疗救护专业人员以及其它公共安全单位,建立第一个全国互通的无线宽频网络。

目前美国各地的紧急救难单位都是用不同的频段来通信,FirstNet将使用一个分布式核心网络(distributed core network)来整合一组不同的冗余频道,确保在紧要关头时的紧急救难通信可顺利运作。
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• 智能创新加速震后日本半导体业恢复增长
• 日本灾后欲复兴的不仅仅是芯片产业
• 震后一年看日本:芯片产业老化的挑战nZtesmc
2. 超越GPS的新一代定位服务
通讯的内容不再只是语音或是资料,也包括位置信息的遥测;波音(Boeing)、Glonass卫星系统与NextNav共同推出的定位服务 (location-based service),就是超越GPS的新一代系统。该服务能在灾区周围设置紧急信标,以RF信号的三角测量结果来取得灾区内部的位置信息。

由TRX Systems等公司提供的追踪装置,则以MEMS惯性传感器提供航位推算(dead reckoning),让GPS、Wi-Fi甚至是蜂巢式网络都瘫痪的区域内人员与资产,能以公分级的精确度被追踪。
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本文下一页:3. 报警短信服务
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• 日本灾后欲复兴的不仅仅是芯片产业
• 震后一年看日本:芯片产业老化的挑战nZtesmc
3. 911短信服务
美国联邦通信委员会(FCC)计划在 2013年展开报警电话911接收短信服务的布署,预定2014年推广至全美。而包括AT&T、Verizon、Sprint与 T-Mobile等电信业者都承诺支持该服务,在短时间内,美国有九成的手机用户都能传短信给911,让有听力、语言障碍的民众或是无法透过电话沟通的民众在紧急时运用。

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• 日本灾后欲复兴的不仅仅是芯片产业
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4. 能在灾区应用的整合式公用警报系统
美 国联邦急难管理署(Federal Emergency Management Association,FEMA)的整合式公用警报系统(Integrated Public Alert and Warning System,IPAWS),是供应众多警察、消费与紧急救护主管机关应用的通信网路。

IPAWS 应用示意图
由维吉尼亚理工大学(Virginia Tech)开发的智能布署增强型无线网关器(Intelligent Deployable Augmented Wireless Gateway,iDAWG),能让IPAWS深入灾区;警察、消防、紧急救护、手机与民用频段可藉由一种名为Gridstream X的“edge-ware”应用程序联合在一起,利用Virginia Tech的无线网格创新测试平台(Wireless Grid Innovation Testbed)开发之感知无线电技术。
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5. 可支持多种功能的长程飞行器
美 商Northrop Grumman所开发的长程多智能功能飞行器(Long Endurance Multi Intelligence Vehicle,LEMV)号称可支持“21天不眨眼”的军事ISR (情报、监视与侦查)任务,也能在灾难发生时做为空中观测/通信中继站。这种飞行船能载重2,500磅的通信设备,每小时飞行时速达100英里。

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6. 海啸侦测浮标
美 国国家海洋与大气管理局(National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,NOAA)已经在太平洋上布署了一种海啸侦测浮标,由位于夏威夷与阿拉斯加的太平洋海啸警报中心负责监测。NOAA也打算 在美国东岸与加勒比海沿岸布署这种海啸侦测浮标,透过侦测飓风、龙卷风与热带风暴的国家气象服务无线网络传送警告。

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7. 风暴潮感测装置
美国地质调查局(U.S. Geological Survey)在东岸(由Chesapeake湾至缅因州海岸)布署了150个风暴潮感测装置,在Sandy飓风期间量测水位变化。那些装置所收集到的资料将用以制作详细的计算机模型,并辨别出风灾与水灾破坏的差别;所有的资料都能在地质调查局的风暴潮汐对应图(Storm-Tide Mapper)查询。

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8. 无人驾驶安全侦察机
一 项名为ResQu的计划打造了一种无人驾驶飞机,所搭载的智能科技能侦测紧急状态下的损失情况与国土安全,同时感测并避开其它飞行器。该计划是一个由众多机构合作的成果, 包括澳洲波音研究与技术中心(Boeing Research & Technology-Australia)、波音子公司Insitu Pacific,澳洲科学与工业研究组织(Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation,CSIRO)以及昆士兰科技大学(Queensland University of Technology)。

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9. 能执行灾区救援任务的机器人
维吉尼亚理工大学开发的战略冒险作业机器人(Tactical Hazardous Operations Robot,Thor),也能在灾难发生时发挥作用;这种机器人能协助天然或人为灾害的受难者进行撤离,或是在危险恶劣的环境中执行复杂任务。

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10. 灾难警报应用程序
太平洋灾害中心(Pacific Disaster Center)提供一种免费下载的灾难警报应用程序,能在灾难或紧急事件发生时提供互动地图与实时信息;这些灾难包括飓风、龙卷风、台风、水灾、地震、海啸与火山爆发。

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编译:Judith Cheng
参考英文原文:Slideshow: 10 technologies to save our cities,by R. Colin Johnson
• 智能创新加速震后日本半导体业恢复增长
• 日本灾后欲复兴的不仅仅是芯片产业
• 震后一年看日本:芯片产业老化的挑战nZtesmc
Slideshow: 10 technologies to save our cities
R. Colin Johnson
The massive earthquake and tsunami in 2011 devastated northeastern Japan and exacted an enormous human and financial toll. Among the disaster's many long-term effects were disruptions in essential infrastructure for food, water, and sanitation across large areas.
The recent mega-hurricane Sandy this year made a mess of many properties in the New York metropolitan area. Again the infrastructure suffered. And as of this day residents are rebuilding their lives.
Hurricane Sandy ripped through the Eastern United States taking down power lines, sending sea water gushing into substations, and knocking out connections to power plants. Millions of people lost power from both the grid and their secondary and tertiary backup systems. Evaluating how the power grid could better cope with disasters of this magnitude is a major priority.
After World Trade Center disaster in 2001, the rescue efforts were hampered by incompatible communications system between the police and fire departments on the scene.
While the communications compatibility is being rectified in bits and pieces in the areas struck by natural and man-made disasters, much needs to be addressed in bettering both communications and sensing technology in large cities’ infrastructures.
The following slideshow illustrates the enabling communications and sensor technologies that will ensure our city infrastructures are properly prepared and recovery operations run smoothly and efficiently, barring of course possible bureaucratic nightmares. --Nicolas Mokhoff
1) First Responder Network Authority:
Click on image to enlarge.
The First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet) was authorized in 2012 to create the first nationwide interoperable wireless broadband network for first responders including police, firefighters, emergency medical service professionals and other public safety personnel. Today emergency personnel routinely use different frequencies to communicate, but FirstNet will use a distributed core network to integrate a diverse set of redundant channels to insure emergency communications work in a pinch.
2) Beyond GPS
Communications is not just for voice and data anymore, but also for location-based telemetry. In fact, the next-generation beyond GPS are the location-based service coming from Boeing, Glonass and NextNav (pictured). Emergency beacons around the perimeter of the disaster zone use the RF signals to triangulate the locations inside.
Tracking devices from TRX Systems and others add MEMS inertial sensors for dead reckoning that enable people and assets to be tracked with centimeter accuracy in locations where GPS, WiFi and even cellular networks don’t operate.
Click on image to enlarge.
3) Text-to-911
The first deployments of text-to-911 will begin in 2013, with nationwide availability slated for 2014 according to a Federal Communications Commission mandate.
With AT&T, Verizon, Sprint and T-Mobile pledging to support for the service, soon 90 percent of the nation's mobile consumers can text to 911, including all with hearing or speech disabilities or who just cannot get through on the phone.
Click on image to enlarge.
The Federal Emergency Management Association (FEMA) Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS) is the communication network used by many police, fire and emergency management agencies.
Virginia Tech’s iDAWG extends iPAWS into the disaster zone by establishing and Intelligent Deployable Augmented Wireless Gateway (iDAWG) in a temporary location.
Police, fire, ambulance, cell phone and citizen bands are united with an “edge-ware” application called Gridstream X that uses a cognitive radio technologies developed by Virginia Tech’s Wireless Grid Innovation Testbed.
Click on image to enlarge.
5) Long Endurance Multi Intelligence Vehicle
Providing “21 days of unblinking stare” is Northrop Grumman's Long Endurance Multi Intelligence Vehicle (LEMV), a military technology for ISR (intelligence/surveillance/reconnaissance) that will also provide an eye-in-the-sky and radio relay point for disasters.
Run from the Army's Universal Ground Control Station, the blimp can carry communications equipment payloads over 2,500 pounds and travel at almost 100 miles per hour.
Click on image to enlarge.
6) Tsunami-detecting buoys
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has deployed tsunami-detecting buoys in the Pacific which it monitors from its Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Hawaii and a similar center in Alaska.
Over 300 people have been killed by tsunamis in the Atlantic (compared to over 400 for the Pacific) prompting the NOAA to deploy additional buoys off the East and Gulf coasts and in the Caribbean Sea.
Alerts to East coast residents are sent out over the National Weather Service radio network that was designed to warn of tornadoes, hurricanes and tropical storms.
Click on image to enlarge.
7) Storm surge sensors
The U.S. Geological Survey deployed over 150 storm surge sensors across the East Coast from the Chesapeake Bay up the coast to Maine, to measure water levels during hurricane Sandy.
The data will be used to create detailed computer models, as well as to discern between wind and flood damage. All data can be accessed on the USGS Storm-Tide Mapper.
Click on image to enlarge.
8) Project ResQu
Project ResQu's unmanned aircraft employ smart technologies to enable them to survey damage and land safely in emergency situations as well as both sense and avoid other aircraft.
The project is a cooperative effort of Boeing Research & Technology-Australia, Boeing subsidiary Insitu Pacific, the Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) and Queensland University of Technology (QUT).
Click on image to enlarge.
9) Thor
Virginia Tech's Tactical Hazardous Operations Robot (Thor) will compete in the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency's Robotics Challenge to create robots for disaster-response operations.
The robots will aid victims of natural or man-made disasters, conduct evacuation operations, and perform complex tasks in dangerous, degraded, human-engineered environments.
Click on image to enlarge.
10) Disaster Alert app
The free Disaster Alert app from the Pacific Disaster Center gives real-time information on disasters and other active hazards on an interactive map (left) and in a list view (right).
World disaster alerts are issued for hurricanes, cyclones, typhoons, floods, earthquakes, tsunami and volcanic eruptions.
Click on image to enlarge.