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在2012年美国前50大专利拥有厂商排名中,Google公司以更多15项专利数险胜苹果公司,双方分别排名21与22。在排名前50大的美国专利赢家中,这两家势均力敌的移动竞争对手也是较2011年专利数增加最多的厂商。此外,IBM蝉联专利冠军,而台湾则有鸿海与台积电双双入榜。 Google在2012年的榜单上排名第21,从2011年排名第65首次进入前50大,专利数年增率达170%。根据Fairview Research旗下IFI Claims Patent Services发布的数据显示,这家搜寻引擎巨擘小赢苹果15项专利。苹果公司从2011排名第38进步到2012年排名第22,专利数年成长68%。 这场竞争激烈的“专利战”仍将持续。以目前未核准前(pre-grant)的专利申请数(通常是未来专利数的最佳指针)来看,苹果排名第17,远远超越Google第35位的排名。 在这场移动专利战中,Google和苹果,以及三星、微软与HTC等公司,都被锁定于世界各地的法律诉讼中。Google以126亿美元收购摩托罗拉移动公司,很大一部份就在于取得其17,000项专利。 美国联邦贸易委员会(FTC)经过19个月的调查后,在今年初发布一项法院命令,要求Google履行摩托罗拉授权其产品组合中所有相关标准专利的承诺,同时移除目前争议中的有关广告案例的规定,双方就反垄断议题达成和解。 近几年来,苹果一直在加速创造专利的步伐。在2010年,它获得了563项专利,排名第46,较2009年增加了94%。2011年,又取得了657项专利,排名第39。 “这些成长率令人印象深刻,并显示这两家公司相当重视知识产权(IP),”UBM TechInsights公司专业服务副总裁表示。 “由于这些公司在某些关键业务领域不同,过份强调彼此之间的专利数目差异并没多大的意义,”McLean说,“关键在于观察多年间的发展趋势、分析重要的技术,以及衡量这些资产的品质,以便利用这些专利来促进未来业务发展”,他补充道。 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 本文下一页:IBM蝉联专利王 亚洲专利数居冠


{pagination} IBM蝉联专利王 亚洲专利数居冠 根据IFI估计,美国专利暨商标办公室(USPTO)在2012年共核发了253,155项专利,再度刷新年度专利数的最高记录,同时也较2011年增加了13%。在2010年,USPTO核发的年度新专利数创下增加31%的最高年成长率。 在排名前50大的美国专利数拥有公司中,有41家的专利数都较去年持续增加,其中的32家甚至还达到了两位数或更高的成长率。 位居榜首的IBM蝉联20年专利冠军,在2012年取得了创记录的6,478项新专利,较2011年成长近5%。三星以5,081项专利居次,较去年成长4%,而佳能(Canon)则以3,174项排名第三,成长12%。 Sony 以33%的年成长率排名第四,松下(Panasonic)与微软(Microsoft)分别排名第五与第六。鸿海在2011年时名列第九,2012年则以 2,013项专利进步到第八。在2011年排名第11的通用电气(General Electric)于2012年首次名列十大,名列第9。在2012年的前十大榜单中 共有三家美国公司中。 2012年专利数 成长较多的公司还包括阿尔卡特-朗讯(Alcatel-Lucent)、爱立信(Ericsson)和中国鸿富锦精密电子公司,均取得了较2011年更高 59%的专利数。这三家公司都在2012年时首次进入前50大排行榜,分别排名第49、第48和第40。此外,Research In Motion (RIM)公司和台积电(TSMC)都成长了49%(排名40),其次是高通,成长40%。 另一方面,在前50大美国专利拥 有公司中,2011年排名第22的思科(Cisco)在2012年退步到第31;韩国海力士(SK Hynix Inc.)从排名25退至第43;德国英飞凌科技(Infineon Technologies)则从44退出前50大榜行榜至第61名,部份原因在于将其无线部门卖给了英特尔。此外,澳洲Silverbrook Research从排行31暴跌至第157名。 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 编译:Susan Hong 参考英文原文:Google edges Apple in 2012 U.S. patent race,by Rick Merritt


{pagination} Google edges Apple in 2012 U.S. patent race Rick Merritt SAN JOSE, Calif. – Google edged out Apple in a close race to win U.S. patents in 2012. The two mobile rivals also logged the biggest gains over 2011 of any other Top 50 U.S. patent winners. Google ranked 21st on the 2012 list, up from 65th in 2011. The search giant beat Apple by just 15 patents, logging an 170 percent gain, according to figures compiled by IFI Claims Patent Services, a division of Fairview Research. Apple jumped 68 percent moving from No. 38 in 2011 to No. 22 in 2012 rankings, it said. The stage is set for the close race to continue. In terms of pre-grant applications—a good indicator of future patent grants, Apple ranked No. 17, well ahead of Google at No. 35. Google and Apple, along with Samsung, Microsoft and HTC are locked in legal disputes around the world in a mobile patent war. Google acquired Motorola Mobility in August for $12.6 billion, in large part to acquire an estimated 17,000 patents. As a condition of ending a 19-month investigation of Google, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission executed a court order last week requiring Google honor all promises Motorola made to license standards-essential patents in its portfolio and drop pending cases where they were at issue. Apple has been accelerating its pace of producing patents for several years. In 2010 it won 563 patents to rank No. 46, up 94 percent from 2009. In 2011, it won 657 patents to rank 39th. “These growth rates are impressive and show the importance both companies put on intellectual property,” said Mike McLean, vice president of professional services for UBM TechInsights, a division of UBM LLC, the publisher of EE Times. “The difference in patent numbers at this magnitude isn't very meaningful given the differences between the companies in some key business areas,” McLean said. “The key points are the trends over multiple years, the breakdown across important technologies and the quality of resulting assets measured by the ability to use these patents to further the business,” he added. IBM tops, Asia again dominates The U.S. patent office issued 253,155 utility patents in 2012, the highest annual number on record and an increase of about 13 percent over 2011, IFI estimates. In 2010, the office made its largest increase of annual patent awards, 31 percent. All but nine companies in the top 50 saw an increase in patent production over last year. Among the gainers, 32 saw double-digit or better growth. “For the past five years, the world’s appetite for U.S. patents has been seemingly insatiable,” said Mike Baycroft, chief executive of IFI. For the twentieth year in a row, IBM was at the top of the list, receiving a record 6,478 utility patents in 2012, up nearly 5 percent from 2011. Samsung was second with 5,081, up nearly 4 percent, and Canon third with 3,174, up 12 percent. Sony comes in fourth with a gain of nearly 33 percent over 2011, and Panasonic and Microsoft are fifth and sixth, respectively. General Electric made it back into the top 10 at No. 9 up from 11th last year, putting three U.S. companies in the top 10. Among other big gainers this year, Alcatel-Lucent, Ericsson and Hong Fu Jin Precision all won 59 percent more patents than in 2011. All three companies made it into the top 50 for the first time this year, ranked at 49th, 48th and 40th respectively. Research in Motion, and Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. were both up by 49 percent, followed by Qualcomm up 40 percent. Among the biggest losers, Cisco dropped to No. 31 from No. 22, Korea’s SK Hynix Inc. fell to 43th from 25th and Germany’s Infineon Technologies declined to 61st from 44th, probably due in part to the sale of its wireless unit to Intel. Australia’s Silverbrook Research plummeted to 157th from 31st.
Rick Merritt
EE Times硅谷采访中心主任。Rick的工作地点位于圣何塞,他为EE Times撰写有关电子行业和工程专业的新闻和分析。 他关注Android,物联网,无线/网络和医疗设计行业。 他于1992年加入EE Times,担任香港记者,并担任EE Times和OEM Magazine的主编。
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