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英特尔CEO欧德宁近日在该公司 2012年第四季财报发布分析师电话会议上表示,该公司正在自家LTE调制解调器的开发上取得进展,但恐怕在 2014年以前还看不到整合LTE调制解调器与应用处理器的方案问世。

英特尔(Intel)CEO欧德宁(Paul Otellini)近日在该公司 2012年第四季财报发布分析师电话会议上表示,该公司正在自家LTE调制解调器的开发上取得进展,但恐怕在 2014年以前还看不到整合LTE调制解调器与应用处理器的方案问世。 欧德宁在该场会议上表示,英特尔已经推出仅支持数据(data-only mode)的LTE调制解调器芯片给客户,而支持数据与语音的多模调制解调器芯片预计在2013年内推出。他补充指出,预计第一批采用英特尔LTE技术的手机将在 2014年初上市,时间点约是在世界移动通信大会(Mobile World Congress)期间。 由于缺乏整合基频与处理器的手机应用处理器产品,英特尔在通讯领域落后高通(Qualcomm)好一段距离,后者的骁龙(Snapdragon)系列处理器已经可提供整合性的LTE技术支持。其它也整合了基频调制解调器的应用处理器产品,包括瑞萨(Renesas Mobile)的MP6530与意法爱立信(ST-Ericsson)采用28纳米 FDI-SOI 制程的NovaThor L8580 ModAp芯片。 英特尔的无线技术大部分来自于该公司在 2011年初完成收购程序的英飞凌(Infineon Technologies)无线业务部门。欧德宁表示,前英飞凌团队在LTE技术开发方面进展不错:”我们认为我们拥有非常具竞争力的解决方案;该团队或 许以往并不是以第一个推出解决方案闻名,但是在产品的可靠性、成本效益与价格竞争力上表现非常好。” 他补充指出,英特尔内部拥有蓝牙、Wi-Fi、GPS位置侦测与NFC等众多技术,可满足市场与时俱进的整合度需求。 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 编译:Judith Cheng 参考英文原文:Intel says no LTE integration until 2014,by Peter Clarke

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{pagination} Intel says no LTE integration until 2014 Peter Clarke LONDON – Intel Corp. is making progress with its development of LTE modems but does not expect to have an integrated LTE modem and application processor until 2014, according to CEO Paul Otellini. When asked specifically about integration of LTE modem circuitry with a mobile application processor such as the Atom during an analysts' conference call held to discuss Intel's fourth quarter 2012 financial results, Otellini said: "In terms of integrated solutions, you'll see higher levels of integration from us next year." During the call, Otellini said Intel was shipping a data-only mode LTE modem IC to customers and that a data-and-voice multimode modem would ship during the course of 2013. He added that he expects the first mobile phones with Intel supplied LTE capability to have launched early in 2014 at about the time of the Mobile World Congress. The lack of an integrated baseband modem and processor for mobile applications puts Intel some way behind Qualcomm Inc. (San Diego), which already offers integrated LTE capability in its Snapdragon line of application processors. Other companies with chips that integrate the application processor with the baseband modem include Renesas Mobile with its MP6530 and ST-Ericsson NV with its NovaThor L8580 ModAp chip implemented in 28-nm fully-depleted silicon on insulator process technology. Intel's wireless capabilities are largely derived from the company’s acquisition of the wireless business unit of Infineon Technologies AG (Munich, Germany) completed in January 2013. Otellini said the former Infineon team is making good progress in LTE: "We believe we have a very competitive solution. The Infineon team is known for not necessarily being first to market, but being really good at engineering a very solid solution and being cost effective and cost competitive and I think that they are doing a very good job with respect to this product." He added that Intel has many of the technologies for Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, GPS location detection and near field communications in house and would offer levels of integration that make sense at the right time.
Peter Clarke
业内资深人士Peter Clarke负责EETimes欧洲的Analog网站。 由于对新兴技术和创业公司的特殊兴趣,他自1984年以来一直在撰写有关半导体行业的文章,并于1994年至2013年为EE Times美国版撰稿。
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