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据市场研究公司Strategy Analytics周五发布的最新研究报告称,苹果已经在2012年第四季度成为全美最大手机厂商,这也是苹果在其公司历史上第一次在手机出货量上面超过三星。

国际电子商情讯,据市场研究公司Strategy Analytics周五发布的最新研究报告称,苹果已经在2012年第四季度成为全美最大手机厂商,这也是苹果在其公司历史上第一次在手机出货量上面超过三星。 Strategy Analytics的无线设备战略服务估计,苹果第四季度的手机出货量达到1770万部,它的市场份额达到了创纪录的34%,超过了三星。同期三星的手机出货量为1680万部,市场份额为32.3%。 在2011年第四季度,估计苹果的手机出货量为1280万部,而三星的手机出货量为1350万部。 从2008年到2012年第四季度之前,三星一直是美国最大的手机厂商。必须指出的是,上述出货量数据包括了智能手机和功能手机的出货量数据。 Strategy Analytics执行总裁内尔茂斯滕(Neil Mawston)称:“苹果第一次成为美国出货量最大的手机厂商。苹果的成功与其流行的iPhone和AppStore生态系统、运营商提供的慷慨补贴和围绕iPhone 5展开的规模浩大的推广活动是分不开的。”

Source:Strategy Analytics1tIesmc

苹果在2013年第一季度的财报分析师会议上宣布,其iPhone手机的全球销量达到了4780万部,同比增长29%。据公司首席财务官彼得奥本海默(Peter Oppenheimer)称,iPhone手机销量增长的主要原因是这款手机在美国的销售行情非常强劲。他指出,美国政府的许多部门比如NASA、NOAA和TSA都采购了数千部iPhone。 Strategy Analytics称,4G智能手机和3G功能手机的客户需求超过了美国的出货量,达到5200万部,较去年的5020万部增长4%。但是年底圣诞节旺季的增长并不足以弥补前九个月的弱势下滑,结果2012年全美手机总出货量由2011年的1.868亿部减少到1.669亿部,降幅为11%。 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 参考英文原文:Apple was top U.S. handset seller in Q4,by Dylan McGrath


{pagination} Apple was top U.S. handset seller in Q4 Dylan McGrath SAN FRANCISCO--Apple Inc. was the top seller of mobile handsets for the first time ever in the fourth quarter of 2012, according to market research firm Strategy Analytics. Apple (Cupertino, Calif.) shipped an estimated 17.7 million iPhones in the U.S. in the fourth quarter, good for a record 34 percent share of the U.S. market, according to Strategy Analytics (Boston). We estimate Apple shipped 17.7 million mobile phones for a record 34 percent share of the United States market in the fourth quarter of 2012. The market research firm credited Apple’s popular ecosystem of iPhones and App Store, generous carrier subsidies and extensive marketing around the new iPhone 5 model. Overall, U.S. mobile phone shipments increased 4 percent year-over-year to reach 52 million in the fourth quarter, according to a Strategy Analytics report on wireless devices. Strategy Analytics cited strong demand among U.S. consumers for 4G smartphones and 3G feature phones for the shipment growth. Prior to the fourth quarter growth, the U.S. mobile phone market had contracted 16 percent through the first three quarters of 2012 due to economic uncertainty and tighter carrier upgrade policies, Strategy Analytics said. As a result, U.S. mobile phone shipments fell 11 percent from 186.8 million units in 2011 to 166.9 million in 2012, Strategy Analytics said. South Korea’s Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. shipped 16.8 million mobile phones in the U.S. in the fourth quarter, good for a 32 percent share of the market, according to Strategy Analytics. Samsung’s market share rose 5 points from 27 percent in the fourth quarter of 2011, the firm said. Prior to being displaced by Apple in the fourth quarter, Samsung had been the No. 1 mobile phone vendor in the U.S. since 2008, according to Strategy Analytics. LG Electronics Inc. remained the No. 3 seller of mobile phones in the U.S. in the fourth quarter, shipping an estimated 4.7 million handsets, or about 9 percent of the total market, Strategy Analytics said.
Dylan McGrath
EE Times美国版执行编辑。Dylan McGrath是EE Times的执行编辑。 Dylan在电子和半导体行业拥有20多年的报道经验,专注于消费电子、晶圆代工、EDA、可编程逻辑、存储器和其他专业领域。
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