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嵌入式处理器效能指针联盟完成了一个数据库,收集来自1,500款 Android手机与平板电脑的处理器效能比较信息,在主处理器性能方面,华硕的PadFone 2 目前是排行榜第一名,分数达11,558,但该产品事实上并未获得太高的市场注意度。

嵌入式处理器效能指针联盟(Embedded Microprocessor Benchmark Consortium,EEMBC)完成了一个数据库,收集来自1,500款Android手机与平板电脑的处理器效能比较信息,采用在 2012年12月底所释出的一款新量测工具。而现在EEMBC正准备推出更新版的Android效能指针工具,未来将可展现更多Android移动装置在系统层级的效能差异细节。 EEMBC在2012年12月发表的新1.0版 AndEBench 会自动将Android装置性能量测结果公布在EEMBC官方网站的一个开放性线上数据库;在主处理器性能方面,华硕(Asus)的PadFone 2 目前是排行榜第一名,分数达11,558,但该产品事实上并未获得太高的市场注意度。 三星(Samsung) 的Galaxy系列与LG的Optimus,还有一款夏普(Sharp)的手机以些微差距分别排名第二、第三与第四,分数在11,367至10,334之 间。而其它来自众多制造商的不同种类装置,性能表现分数则差异较大;如Google的Nexus 7与10,主处理器性能指针分数分别为8,565与6,650,摩托罗拉(Motorola)的Defy XT手机主处理器性能则敬陪末座,仅96分。 在Java性能表现方面,华为(Huawei)的Ascend D1 Quad拿到458的最高分;其后则为数款三星Galaxy系列产品与LG的Optimus系列手机,分数在405~370分之间。Google的 Nexus 7与10的在这个项目得分较高,分别拿到303与378分。 该数据库显示,高通(Qualcomm)的平台被众多供货商与区域市场的手机所广泛应用;此外也显示在美国,以及中国、印度有许多不知名的手机供货商。 据了解,下一版的AndEBench会在处理器性能之外,加入内存、绘图处理器以及其它系统功能的性能量测指针,包括GUI渲染(rendering)、XML解析(parsing)以及加密法的性能量测。此外该工具还将针对移动装置如何处理特定任务提出报告,并以分镜表(story board)来呈现装置在执行任务时是如何各个击破重点。 目前还不清楚新版本工具何时会发布,其开发小组是由来自英特尔 (Intel)的Android专家Ronen Zohar领军。AndEBench可以透过GooglePlay与亚马逊(Amazon)的Android应用程序商店免费下载;该工具开发小组也欢迎 EEMBC成员加入,但要加入该联盟,第一年年费需缴交7500美元。 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 编译:Judith Cheng 参考英文原文:Android benchmark gets update, publishes online,by Rick Merritt


{pagination} Android benchmark gets update, publishes online Rick Merritt SAN JOSE, Calif. -- The Embedded Microprocessor Benchmark Consortium has gathered a database comparing processor performance of some 1,500 Android phones and tablets using a new tool released in late December. Now EEMBC is working on an update of its Android benchmark that will show more nuances of Android mobile device performance at the system level. The December update to version 1.0 of the AndEBench automatically posts results after it is run to an open, online database on the EEMBC Web site. In terms of native processor performance, the Asus PadFone 2 currently tops the list with a score of 11,558, despite the fact it has relatively little market traction. Members of Samsung’s Galaxy family, LG’s Optimus handsets and a Sharp phone are closely packed into second, third and fourth places with scores ranging from 11,367 to 10,334. A wide variety of other devices from many manufactures are scattered out across the performance spectrum. Google’s Nexus 7 and 10 ranked relatively low on the native benchmark at 8,565 and 6,650 respectively. The Motorola Defy XT handset is the dog of the group, scoring just 96 points. In terms of Java performance, the Huawei Ascend D1 Quad tops the list at 458. It is again followed by several Samsung Galaxy and LG Optimus handsets at 405 to 370. Google’s Nexus 7 and 10 fare somewhat better here with scores of 303 and 378 respectively. The database shows Qualcomm’s wide use among phones from many vendors and geographies. It also shows a wide variety of vendors unknown in the U.S., mainly from China and India. The next version of AndEBench will measure memory, graphics and other system features in addition to processor performance, including tasks such as GUI rendering, XML parsing and cryptography. It will also report on how a device handles a specific task, breaking down each major point in processing the job in a story board format. It’s unclear when the new version will be ready. The working group behind it, chaired by Ronen Zohar, an Intel Android specialist, is well attended, said an EEMBC spokesman. AndEBench can be downloaded for free from GooglePlay and the Amazon Appstore for Android. The working group is open to new participants willing to become EEMBC members at a cost of $7,500 for the first year.
Rick Merritt
EE Times硅谷采访中心主任。Rick的工作地点位于圣何塞,他为EE Times撰写有关电子行业和工程专业的新闻和分析。 他关注Android,物联网,无线/网络和医疗设计行业。 他于1992年加入EE Times,担任香港记者,并担任EE Times和OEM Magazine的主编。
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