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Google公司Project Glass负责人Babak Parviz在日前举行的国际固态电路会议(ISSCC)上表示,Google公司正准备为应用程序(app)开发人员发布Google眼镜原型版本,邀请开发人员为Google眼镜编程,为智能眼镜的发展铺路。

Google公司Project Glass负责人Babak Parviz在日前举行的国际固态电路会议(ISSCC)上表示,Google公司正准备为应用程序(app)开发人员发布Google眼镜原型版本,邀请开发人员为Google眼镜编程,为智能眼镜的发展铺路。 “我们预计很快地将会与开发人员们同共分享这些原型,也期待有些人实际展开作业,并在网络上发布任何的新发现,”Parviz在ISSCC一场探讨2020年将出现哪些杀手级应用的小组讨论会上载着Google眼镜出席。 至于Google眼镜中将采用什么处理器?Parviz表示,Google公司并不会透露目前原型版本的具体内容,但其中将会包括一个显示器、摄影镜头、音频输入与输出、陀螺仪、加速度计、蓝牙、Wi-Fi、GPS以及相当于一台笔记本电脑的运算能力。 此外,Parviz也呼吁多学科领域的系统设计工具加入应用。 “这些都不再只是简单的电子设备了──他们涉及了声学、光学、机械与电气工程等领域。目前并没有适当的工具来监控跨多学科领域的设计,而未来还将出现更多设计领域,”他说。

Babak Parviz展示以Google眼镜进行拍照、听取以及回复口语问题。
Babak Parviz展示以Google眼镜进行拍照、听取以及回复口语问题。

与讨论小组的其它成员一样,Parviz说,在降低功耗水准上,设计人员还需要在在更低的功率水平上提升更高处理性能──尤其是在绘图方面。有趣的是,ARM公司总裁Simon Segars表示,在实现这方面的要求时,3D芯片堆栈是最重要的技术之一。 此外,Parviz也让现场采访的记者试戴他的Google眼镜。他发现,Google眼镜虽然在眼睛旁与耳后都带有电子封装,但载起来轻如普通眼镜。 在展示过程中,Parviz说,Google眼镜并未采用Android系统,而是一款独立且具挑战性的新软件堆栈。 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 编译:Susan Hong 参考英文原文:App developers to be given Google Glasses,by Rick Merritt

IMS Research:可穿戴技术市场的四个重要发展领域

{pagination} App developers to be given Google Glasses Rick Merritt SAN FRANCISCO – Google is preparing to release a prototype version of its Google Glasses to application developers, said the lead of the project in a panel at the International Solid-State Circuits Conference here. "We are hoping in the not too distant future to share these with developers, and we expect some people will open them up and post what they find online," said Babak Parviz of Google who wore a version of the glasses to an evening ISSCC panel on what the killer applications will be in 2020. The comment came in a response to a question about what processor the glasses use. Parviz said Google is not disclosing contents of the current prototype except to say it includes a display, camera, audio in and out, a gyro, accelerometer, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, GPS and the equivalent computing power of a laptop from "a few years ago." Separately, Parviz called for multi-discipline system design tools. "These are not simple electronics devices anymore – they involove acoustics, optics, and mechanical and electrical engineering," he said. "We don't have proper tools to monitor design across these multiple disciplines, and there are more [design] domains coming," he said. Babak Parviz demoed his glasses taking a picture and hearing and answering a spoken question. Like other panelists, Parvis said designers still need much more processing power at lower power levels – especially in graphics. Interestingly, Simon Segars, president of ARM, said 3-D chip stacks are one of the most important enabling technologies on the horizon. Separately, Parviz let this reporter try on his Google Glasses. He found they are as light as regular eyeglasses, despite electronics packed next to the eye and behind the ear. During the demo, Parviz said the glasses do not use Android, but a separate and challenging new software stack.
Rick Merritt
EE Times硅谷采访中心主任。Rick的工作地点位于圣何塞,他为EE Times撰写有关电子行业和工程专业的新闻和分析。 他关注Android,物联网,无线/网络和医疗设计行业。 他于1992年加入EE Times,担任香港记者,并担任EE Times和OEM Magazine的主编。
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