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Sony PlayStation 4硬件规格大曝光

Sony 最新发表的 PlayStation 4 (PS4)游戏机这几日来成为市场热门讨论的话题,也陆续有不少相关信息在各媒体上曝光。以下我们先不管PS4是否能挽救Sony,与各位读者分享一些详细的PS4硬件规格信息。

Sony 最新发表的 PlayStation 4 (PS4)游戏机这几日来成为市场热门讨论的话题,也陆续有不少相关信息在各媒体上曝光。以下我们先把跟企业经营相关的问题放一边(例如讨论 PS4是否能挽救Sony之类的),与各位读者分享一些详细的PS4硬件规格信息。 虽然Sony在产品发布会上并没有展示 PS4 主机,但其内部硬件规格可参考下方表格;在该场发表会上,Sony只有展示命名为“DualShock 4”的游戏手柄,配备了触控屏幕、运动传感器以及蓝牙功能。 Sony的首席系统架构工程师Mark Cerny并介绍了他称之为“分享按钮”的新功能,据说是提供游戏玩家将玩游戏的实况画面透过UStram频道转播,或是录下游戏过程视频上传到Facebook等社群网站。


PS4“DualShock 4”手柄硬件规格
PS4“DualShock 4”手柄硬件规格

PS4还有另外一个新配备是“PlayStation 4 Eye”,是一个嵌入双摄影机的长条状装置,每个摄影机都支持1,280x800像素视频撷取。

PS4 PlayStation 4 Eye硬件规格
PS4 PlayStation 4 Eye硬件规格

本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 编译:Judith Cheng 参考英文原文:What’s under the hood of Sony's PS4?,by Junko Yoshida

索尼你不懂营销!Sony Style不如电商供应链

{pagination} What’s under the hood of Sony's PS4? Junko Yoshida Although Sony did not show the PS4 game console, the spec sheets on the console, wireless controller and “PlayStation 4 Eye” show you a glimpse of what’s inside in each unit. NEW YORK – Most of what Sony said or didn’t say during the company's PlayStation 4 press event Wednesday (Feb. 20) has been widely reported, including on this website. All business-related questions aside (whether PS4 can save the day for Sony, etc.), the following are a few details on the technical specifications of the new PS4 hardware. Although Sony has neither shown nor demonstrated the main PS4 game console, the spec sheets below show you a glimpse of what’s inside. During the event, Sony did demonstrate what it calls its “DualShock 4” game controller. It features a touch pad, motion sensor and Bluetooth. Mark Cerny, Sony’s lead system architect, spoke extensively about what he called “a share button,” presumably designed for gamers to stream live gameplay to UStream, upload recorded gameplay videos to Facebook and others. Another piece of hardware that comes with PS4 is the PlayStation 4 Eye. Shaped like a bar, the unit has dual cameras, each capable of capturing uncompressed 1280-x-800-pixel video. What's inside PS4 game console? Wireless controller for PlayStation 4 (DUALSHOCK4) Key components of the dual shock4 PlayStation 4 Eye Under the hood of PlayStation 4 Eye
Junko Yoshida
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