但负责此案的韩裔法官高兰惠(Lucy Koh)在最新判决书中指出,陪审团在计算此项诉讼中的14项与三星产品有关的赔偿时存在缺乏法理基础等错误,与这些产品有关的总计约4.505亿美元赔偿金因此被判减免。换而言之,苹果获得的专利赔偿金额将由此降至5.989亿美元。
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Samsung's damage payments to Apple slashed
Dylan McGrath
SAN FRANCISCO—A U.S. federal judge Friday (March 1) cut the $1.05 billion award Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. had been ordered to pay Apple Inc. by more than 40 percent.
According to a report by the Reuters news service, Judge Lucy Koh of the U.S. District Court Northern District of California in San Jose set a new trial date to determine damages. According to a report by Investor's Business Daily, Koh's ruling reduced the damages to around $599 billion.
Koh also denied a request by Apple to increase the damage award. "Because the court has identified an impermissible legal theory on which the jury based its award, and cannot reasonably calculate the amount of excess while effectuating the intent of the jury, the court hereby orders a new trial on damages," Koh wrote in a 27-page opinion.
Koh did not set a new trial date, but encouraged Apple and Samsung to appeal the decision before a new date is set.
In a high-profile trial between the longtime collaborators in San Jose last year, Apple scored a significant legal victory when the jury ruled that Samsung must pay Apple $1.05 billion plus a verdict of willful infringement on many counts. Apple had been seeking as much as $2.71 billion in damages.
The nine-person jury found that many Samsung phones violated most of Apple's two design and three utility patents. However, the jury found that Samsung's tablets do not infringe Apple's iPad design patent.