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据《日本经济新闻》(Nikkei)网络版周二报道,三星将斥资约100亿日元(约合1.08亿美元)收购夏普3%股份,这笔交易将使三星进一步深入到智能手机和平板电脑显示屏领域。 报道称,三星将通过购买夏普价值约100亿日元新股方式入股夏普,成为夏普的第五大股东,而夏普将用这笔收入增强其财务底线。报道称预计两家公司将于本周三正式对外宣布这项交易。 在当前液晶显示屏设备市场上由于竞争激烈而导致相关产品价格下滑,夏普深受其患。夏普与三星达成该交易后,其将优先向后者提供龟山(Kameyama)制造工厂出产的32寸电视液晶显示屏。 而目前该工厂大量显示屏设备出售给了三星的主要竞争对手——苹果公司,于苹果决定减少iPhone 5的订单,造成产线利用率下将达50%,三星的到来也缓解了这一情况。据悉,三星通过这一交易,可避免增加巨额投资而达到扩大产能之目的。 报道还称,两家公司未来还可能在其他领域展开合作。 分析师预计,夏普本财政年度的净亏损或将达到4500亿日元,而这家公司一直以来都在寻找产业领域及金融领域合作伙伴。 2012年3月,夏普与鸿海精密达成协议,后者以每股550日元的价格收购了夏普9.9%的股份。但由于两家后来又重新谈判,并在8月陷入僵局,导致夏普的股价在8月中旬下跌到38年来的最低点至164日元。 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 参考英文原文:Samsung reportedly investing in Sharp, by Junko Yoshida


{pagination} Samsung reportedly investing in Sharp Junko Yoshida Madison, Wis.--Troubled Japanese electronics manufacturer Sharp Corp. is expected to accept a 10 billion yen ($107 million) investment from South Korea's Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., according to Nikkei, Japan’s economic newspaper. While both companies are keeping mum, Nikkei reported that the official announcement is expected as early as Wednesday (March 6). The investment will reportedly give Samsung a roughly 3 percent stake in Sharp. It makes the South Korean giant "Sharp’s fifth largest shareholder," and “the largest that is not a financial institution,” Nikkei reported. A partnership between the Japanese LCD company and its rival South Korean giant is somewhat unexpected, but the move will be critical for the ailing Sharp to improve its financial health and boost supplies of television and smartphone LCD panels to Samsung. Nikkei reported that Sharp, in fact, has been already supplying LCD panels for 32-inch TVs to Samsung from its Kameyama fab. The new financial deal with Samsung could also help Sharp to increase the utilization of its Kameyama fab, speculated Nikkei, since Sharp has seen its Kameyama fab’s capacity utilization sinking under 50 percent as a result of Apple’s decision to reduce output of the iPhone 5. It remains unclear how the Samsung-Sharp deal affects or substitutes the yet-to-be-consummated Hon Hai-Sharp deal originally struck a year earlier. Hon Hai agreed last March to acquire a 9.9 percent stake in Sharp for 550 yen a share, providing the Japanese company with 66.9 billion yen. As the companies renegotiated the deal, Sharp's share price fell to a 38-year low in mid-August to 164 yen. Talks stalled after top executives from both companies met in Osaka at the end of August last year. The two companies, to date, have been unable to come up with a reworked deal, while its deadline for the deal, set on March 26, is only a few weeks away.
Junko Yoshida
ASPENCORE全球联席总编辑,首席国际特派记者。曾任把口记者(beat reporter)和EE Times主编的Junko Yoshida现在把更多时间用来报道全球电子行业,尤其关注中国。 她的关注重点一直是新兴技术和商业模式,新一代消费电子产品往往诞生于此。 她现在正在增加对中国半导体制造商的报道,撰写关于晶圆厂和无晶圆厂制造商的规划。 此外,她还为EE Times的Designlines栏目提供汽车、物联网和无线/网络服务相关内容。 自1990年以来,她一直在为EE Times提供内容。
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