据EE Times报道,意法爱立信(ST-Ericsson)周一发表声明称,宣布公司首席执行官迪迪尔·拉姆赫(Didier Lamouche)将在本月底离职。意法爱立信是意法半导体和爱立信的移动芯片合资公司,目前仍处于亏损之中,该公司正筹划进行重组。在此同时,两大股东意法半导体集团和爱立信公司都想撤出这个不断亏损的公司。
意法爱立信首席执行官迪迪尔·拉姆赫 |
Pohjola银行(Pohjola Bank Oyj)驻赫尔辛基分析师劳哈拉(Hannu Rauhala)表示,拉姆赫“离职有助于为意法爱立信的未来走向铺路”,“陆资企业可能会对这个合资事业有兴趣,以利他们为自家手机或平板电脑打造自有晶片事业,买下意法爱立信将是最简单的方法。”
意法半导体驻巴黎发言人布瑞顿(Alexis Breton)除了公司新闻稿,婉拒进一步置评。
爱立信公司(Ericsson AB)发言人郝斯坦(KarinHallstan)表示:“爱立信仍在探寻一切选项,两家母公司都渴望觅得解决之道。”
爱立信先前认列支出80亿克朗(12亿美元),以减记这个合资事业价值。去年12月20日,爱立信表示正在为其半数股权探寻一切选项,不排除让意法爱立信熄灯的可能性。摩根大通集团(JPMorgan Chase & Co.)则在替意法半导体提供策略谘询。
爱立信CEO卫翰思(Hans Vestberg)今天在声明稿中表示:“拉姆赫就任时意法爱立信的情况十分艰困,他扮演相当关键的角色,让公司得以更着重在策略执行上、显著降低损益两平点,并为准备在今年上市的LTE modem产品带来正面动能。”
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参考英文原文:ST-Ericsson's CEO steps down, by Peter Clarke
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ST-Ericsson's CEO steps down
Peter Clarke
LONDON – Didier Lamouche, chief operating officer of STMicroelectronics NV and president and CEO of ST-Ericsson, has resigned to "pursue other opportunities" effective March 31.
Lamouche's departure comes after STMicroelectronics made a decision to exit from its mobile handset chip venture with Ericsson. That exit is expected to happen sometime during 2013. No replacement has been announced for Lamouche in his positions at either ST-Ericsson or STMicroelectronics.
Lamouche's COO role at STMicroelectronics was suspended when he took on the job of leading the loss-making ST-Ericsson in December 2011.
In the financial results for 4Q11, immediately after Lamouche became CEO, ST-Ericsson made a net loss of $231 million on sales revenue of $409 million. In the most recent quarter's results, those for 4Q12, ST-Ericsson made an adjusted loss of $133 million on sales revenue of $358 million.
"Over the past years Didier has brought his strong contribution to ST, initially as the Chief Operating Officer, and then taking the challenging task to lead ST-Ericsson," said Carlo Bozotti, president and CEO of ST, in a statement.
Hans Vestberg, chairman of the ST-Ericsson board of directors, said: "Didier Lamouche came into ST-Ericsson when the company was in a very challenging situation and has been instrumental in bringing the company to the point where it is more focused on strategy execution, has a much lower break-even point and positive momentum where the new LTE modem-based products are ready for market introduction this year."
Lamouche will remain in his current position until March 31, 2013.