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美国政府计划在美国打造专注于下一代制造技术的区域性机构,以期推动并吸引更多的制造业就业机会回流美国,这是美国商务部副部长Rebecca Blank在日前硅谷领袖集团2013年度经济环境高峰会议上所强调的发展方向。

美国政府计划在美国打造专注于下一代制造技术的区域性机构,以期推动并吸引更多的制造业就业机会回流美国,这是美国商务部副部长Rebecca Blank在日前硅谷领袖集团(Silicon Valley Leadership Group)2013年度经济环境高峰会议上所强调的发展方向。 美国的目标在于投入十亿美元成立几座高科技制造中心。在美国国会尚未核准这笔基金以前,Blank并呼吁一些公共/私人合作伙伴竞标高达4,000万美元的联邦资金,积极投入相关产业发展。 “最好能在未来几年内投入于一些像机器人、新材料与网络安全等领域,”Blank在这次会议的一个座谈会上表示,“这是我们必须放手去做的各种投资计划之一…许多竞争对手国都已经开始在做了。” 推动技术飞跃式的进展是一个很棒的想法──这是硅谷从20年前即存在的观念。新思科技CEO Aart de Geus在该座谈会上表示。但对于已经高度自动化的制造业,Aart de Geus表示:“我们已经看到生产力大幅提升了,接下来的问题应该着重于探讨什么才是下一波新浪潮,”他说。 去年年底一座由政府和私人资金合作的“美国添加剂制造创新研究院”(NAMII)已经在美国俄亥俄州Youngstown市成立并展开运作。这座NAMII主要专注于 3D打印业务。 据报导该中心从国防部获得了大约3,000万美元,以及几家私营部门的合作伙伴的投资,包括波音(Boeing)、IBM和卡内基·梅隆大学(Carnegie Mellon University)。总共约有12所研究大学和35家制造商将参与该制造中心。

《国际电子商情》美国商务部副部长布兰克(Rebecca Blank)、《Silicon Valley Business Journal》Cromwell Schubarth、新思科技CEO Aart de Geus均参与了这项座谈会。
美国商务部副部长布兰克(Rebecca Blank)、《Silicon Valley Business Journal》Cromwell Schubarth、新思科技CEO Aart de Geus均参与了这项座谈会。

本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 编译:Susan Hong 参考英文原文:U.S. seeks more manufacturing tech centers,by Rick Merritt


{pagination} U.S. seeks more manufacturing tech centers Rick Merritt SANTA CLARA, Calif. – The Obama Administration wants to form regional institutes focused on next-generation manufacturing technologies to help attract more manufacturing jobs back to the U.S., said Deputy Commerce Secretary Rebecca Blank in a visit to Silicon Valley. The Obama Administration aims to propose spending a billion dollars to create a number of such centers. In lieu of Congress approving the funds, Blank called for a number of public/private partnerships that could make competitive bids for up to about $40 million in federal funds each with matching contributions from states and industry. “It would be great to launch a number of these in next several years in areas such as robotics, new materials and cyber-security,” said Blank, at a panel hosted by the Silicon Valley Leadership Group. “This is one of those investments we need to be doing… many of our competitor nations are doing this." (From left) Cromwell Schubarth, Silicon Valley Business Journal; U.S. Deputy Commerce Secretary Jennifer Blank and Aart de Geus, chief executive of Synopsys. An effort to leap ahead in technology is “a great idea--it’s the notion of Silicon Valley from 20 years ago,” said Aart de Geus, chief executive of Synopsys, also on the panel. De Geus expressed some skepticism about a focus on manufacturing which is already heavily automated. “We’ve seen incredible increases in productivity--now the question is what’s the next wave,” he said. One pilot institute is already up and running in Youngstown, Ohio. The National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Institute (NAMII) was officially formed late last year with a focus on 3-D printing. It reportedly received about $30 million from the Department of Defense along with matching funds from private sector partners including Boeing, IBM and Carnegie Mellon University. A total of about 12 research universities and 35 manufacturers will take part in the center, Blank said.
Rick Merritt
EE Times硅谷采访中心主任。Rick的工作地点位于圣何塞,他为EE Times撰写有关电子行业和工程专业的新闻和分析。 他关注Android,物联网,无线/网络和医疗设计行业。 他于1992年加入EE Times,担任香港记者,并担任EE Times和OEM Magazine的主编。
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