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根据欧洲专利局最新发布的 2012年度报告,三星电子在该年度超越西门子,成为在欧洲专利申请数量最多的厂商;此外高通的 2012年度专利申请量排名则较上一年度退步不少。

根据欧洲专利局(European Patent Office,EPO)最新发布的 2012年度报告,三星电子(Samsung Electronics)在该年度超越西门子(Siemens),成为在欧洲专利申请数量最多的厂商;此外高通(Qualcomm)的 2012年度专利申请量排名则较上一年度退步不少。 EPO在 2012年所接获、来自全世界各国的专利申请数量创下新高纪录,达到25万7,744项,较 2011年的24万4,934项增加了5.2%;而EPO在 2012年授予的专利数量达到6万5,687项,也超越了2011年的6万2,115项。 在EPO所接获的专利申请中,有38%是来自欧洲各国,打破了2008年时的最高纪录;EPO总裁Benoit Battistelli在一份声明中指出:“来自欧洲业者的专利申请数量成长,显示本地产业选择以创新的途径来突破经济危机困境。” 而从厂商申请专利数量排行榜可以看出,电子与科技产业仍然处于显著地位;专利申请量前十大厂商中,有四家是欧洲厂商,其它分别是四家亚洲厂商与两家美国厂商。不过该排行榜第一次由亚洲厂商跃居龙头,前三大厂商依序为三星、西门子与巴斯夫(BASF)。 在前十大厂商中,还有博世(Robert Bosch)与爱立信(Ericsson)两家是欧洲厂商;中国厂商中兴(ZTE)也首度挤进前十大,由前一年的第四十三名进步到第十名。“EPO是欧盟唯一委托的专利授权单位,也让我们体认到正扮演欧洲创新推手的关键角色。”Battistelli表示。

Source:European Patent Office5OSesmc

Source:European Patent Office5OSesmc

本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 编译:Judith Cheng 参考英文原文:Samsung ranked top filer of patents in Europe,by Peter Clarke


{pagination} Samsung ranked top filer of patents in Europe Peter Clarke Electronics and semiconductor companies are plentiful at the top of a ranking of patent filers for 2012 produced by the European Patent Office LONDON – Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. has taken over from Siemens AG as the leading filer of patent applications in Europe according to a report on 2012 from the European Patent Office (EPO). However, Qualcomm dropped several places in the ranking compared with 2011. The EPO received record-breaking 257,744 patent filings in 2012 from all over the world, an increase of 5.2 percent over 2011 (244,934). The EPO also published 65 687 granted patents, 5.8 percent more than in 2011 (62,115). The number of patent applications filed with the EPO that originated from the 38 European countries that make up the EPO was also a record beating the previous high set in 2008. "The growth of filings from European businesses is a clear indication that industry here has opted to innovate its way out of the economic crisis," said Benoit Battistelli, president of the EPO, in a statement. However, the significance of electronics to technology was reflected in the list of companies ranked by the number of patents applications. Among the top ten firms were four European companies, four companies from Asia and two from the US. For the first time, however, the ranking was topped by an Asian company, Samsung, followed by Siemens and BASF. Robert Bosch and Ericsson are the two other European companies in the top ten. A Chinese company - ZTE - broke into the top ten for the first time, advancing from 43rd to 10th position. "We at the EPO are proud that the EU has entrusted us with delivering the unitary patent, recognizing the role of the EPO as a key enabler of innovation in Europe," Battistelli added. Siemens falls to second place as Samsung climbs to number one. Source: European Patent Office European patents by sector Mobile digital communication overtakes computing as a patent sector of interest. Source: European Patent Office.
Peter Clarke
业内资深人士Peter Clarke负责EETimes欧洲的Analog网站。 由于对新兴技术和创业公司的特殊兴趣,他自1984年以来一直在撰写有关半导体行业的文章,并于1994年至2013年为EE Times美国版撰稿。
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