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在日前举办的2013年游戏开发者大会上,Sony为其即将推出的新一代游戏主机 PlayStation 4 展示 DUALSHOCK4 无线手柄原型。但除了Sony在今年二月发表 PS4 时提供的信息以外,Norden并未透露太多其它的技术细节,也未能展示这款传说中的游戏主机原型……

在日前举办的2013年游戏开发者大会(Game Developer Conference;GDC)上,Sony为其即将推出的新一代游戏主机 PlayStation 4 (PS4)展示 DUALSHOCK4 无线手柄原型。 Sony公司资深工程师Chis Norden在GDC上展示这款 DUALSHOCK4 手柄,并说明该产品的最新开发进度。但除了Sony在今年二月发表 PS4 时提供的信息以外,Norden并未透露太多其它的技术细节,也未能展示这款传说中的游戏主机原型。 当然,今年二月发布 PS4 时的最大新闻就是Sony终于放弃了先前基于 Cell 处理器的架构,改为新一代游戏机采用 AMD 公司设计的 X86 CPU 。 不过, PlayStation 4 的无线手柄设计看起来就和其前身 PlayStation 3 所使用的类似。从硬件的角度来看,最大的变化是增加了一款灵敏度更高的六轴传感器陀螺仪,Sony计算机娱乐公司(SCEI)发言人Aram Jabbari表示。 Aram Jabbari强调,传感器的灵敏度更高将为游戏开发人员带来动作设计的更大自由度。


本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 第2页:相较于PS3手柄,PS4原型的重大改变 第3页:有关 PS4 的更多详细信息

Sony PlayStation 4硬件规格大曝光9mcesmc

{pagination} 虽然Aram Jabbari说 PS4 手柄原型在实际产品上市前还可能进行一些修正,但在设计上已大致抵定了。SECI目前正探索透过更高动作灵敏度所能展现的更多可能性。 相较于 PS3 手柄, 新一代 PS4 原型的另一项重大改变就是在前方配备了一个触控键盘,为游戏玩家提供了边玩游戏边和其它玩家互动时的新选择。交互式游戏是Sony在推出新游戏机时大力推广的概念。 PS4 手柄顶部还搭置了三色 LED 灯条,能发出不同的色彩。在与不同玩家互动游戏时,可各自显示不同的 LED 灯条色彩,还可用于配合游戏中的人物角色,为玩家提供一种更易于辨识其它玩家的方式。开发人员还能自行定义 LED 灯条,在游戏中改变 LED 闪灯模式,为玩家提供更多有用的信息,例如游戏中的角色能量不足或受重伤等。 PS4 手柄还内建扬声器和立体声耳机插槽。Sony的用意在于让游戏玩家在和朋友一起玩线上游戏时更容易和朋友轻松聊天,还能能从手中的手柄听到游戏的音效。 虽然以前的 PlayStation 手柄都采用了“开始”(start)和“选择”(select)按键,但新一代设计则将这两种功能整合于一个“选项”(option)键中,并增加了一 个“分享”(share)键。同样地,其目的在于让玩家更容易地与其它玩家互动。透过 share 键,游戏玩家可以上传视频游戏至 Facebook,分享在游戏中取得的宝物与胜利。根据SCEA,相较于透过PC串流媒体内容的方式,游戏玩家不必再为所记录的游戏转换数据格式,就能轻松地实现分享。

《国际电子商情》相较于 PS3 手柄, 新一代 PS4 原型的另一项重大改变就是在前方配备了一个触控键盘,为游戏玩家提供了边玩游戏边和其它玩家互动时的新选择。9mcesmc

本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 第3页:有关 PS4 的更多详细信息

Sony PlayStation 4硬件规格大曝光9mcesmc

{pagination} 此外,新一代的设计让玩家能在 PS4 待机时,或透过专用的充电站,为手柄进行充电。 与 PS3 手柄的另外一项差异之处是, PS4 手柄的触控板并不具压力感应功能。Jabbari说,SCEA发现很少有游戏会利用到压力感应功能。 有关 PS4 的更多详细信息预计要到今年六月的 E3 展揭晓。

《国际电子商情》相较于 PS3 手柄, 新一代 PS4 原型的另一项重大改变就是在前方配备了一个触控键盘,为游戏玩家提供了边玩游戏边和其它玩家互动时的新选择。9mcesmc

编译:Susan Hong 参考英文原文:Sony shows off PlayStation 4 controller,by Dylan McGrath

Sony PlayStation 4硬件规格大曝光9mcesmc

{pagination} Sony shows off PlayStation 4 controller Dylan McGrath SAN FRANCISCO—Sony offered a glimpse of a prototype of the controller for its forthcoming PlayStation 4 gaming console at the Game Developer Conference here last week. Chis Norden, a senior staff engineer at Sony, showed off the controller and talked about its development in a scheduled presentation at GDC. Norden did not provide many more technical details than had previously been revealed when Sony announced the PS4 last month. Nor did he show a prototype of the console itself. Of course, the big news from the PS4 launch last month was that Sony is ditching the infamous CELL processor and using an X86 CPU designed by Advanced Micro Devices Inc. The design of the wireless controller for PlayStation 4 is similar to that used in its predecessor, the PlayStation 3. From a hardware perspective, the biggest change is the inclusion of a much more sensitive six-axis sensor gyroscope, said Aram Jabbari, a spokesman for Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCEA). The more sensitive sensor will give game developers "carte blanche to do motion," Jabbari said. The PS4 controller features a new "share" button to allow gamers to more easily share highlights of their triumphs via Facebook. While Jabbari said the prototype PS4 controller is subject to possible changes before it hits store shelves, the design is largely locked down. Jabbari said SCEA is now "showing the possibilities of what could be done" with extra motion sensitivity. Another major change from the PS3 controller is that the PS4 prototype has a touch pad located on the front, offering gamers new ways to play and interact with games. Interactive gaming is a concept that Sony is pushing heavily with the new console launch. LEDs, built-in speaker The PS4 controller also features a light bar on the top with three color LEDs that illuminate in various colors. The light bar illuminates to match the color of characters in a game to offer a simpler, more friendly way to identify players, even when playing side by side. The light bar also changes patterns during gameplay to provide useful information to gamers, such as when a character is critically low on health or has taken major damage. The PS4 controller also features a built-in speaker and stereo headset jack. Sony wants to make it easier for gamers to be able to chat with friends playing online, while hearing sound effects from the controller in hand. While previous PlayStation controllers featured both a "start" and "select" button, the new design integrates both into an "options" button and adds a "share" button. Again, the goal is to make it easier for gamers to interact with fellow gamers. Users can share their triumphs and accomplishments by uploading video gameplay to Facebook with the "share button." Unlike streaming content via PC, users no longer have to convert data formats of their recorded gameplay and can share it with ease, according to SCEA. The new design also enables gamers to charge the controller while the PS4 is on standby or through a dedicated charging station. Another difference is that, unlike the PS3 controller, the touch pads on the PS4 controller are not pressure sensitive. Jabbari said SCEA found that very few games ever made use of the pressure sensitive functionality.
Dylan McGrath
EE Times美国版执行编辑。Dylan McGrath是EE Times的执行编辑。 Dylan在电子和半导体行业拥有20多年的报道经验,专注于消费电子、晶圆代工、EDA、可编程逻辑、存储器和其他专业领域。
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