英特尔(Intel)将在今年更新其服务器处理器产品线,增加三款基于 Atom 的新芯片。在日前于北京召开的 IDF 上,该公司透露其于服务器专用处理器产品的最新计划、新款 Atom SoC细节以及为服务器机架(包括其硅光子技术)定义参考设计的工作进度。
此外,英特尔并与Pericom公司讨论针对 Thunderbolt 的新款芯片细节。 Thunderbolt 是一种快速的外围接口,最初由英特尔所定义,并用于苹果 Mac 计算机中。
英特尔宣布推出两款基于 Atom 的SoC──代号为 Briarwood 的SoC针对储存系统;以及针对连网应用的 Rangely 。 Briarwood 又称为 Atom S12x9 ,这款目前已出货的32nm组件,可支持多达40个PCI Express Gen 2 信道、不透明桥接与硬件加速RAID。
英特尔只透露 Rangely 是一款22nm SoC,预计将在2013年下半年出货。此外,英特尔也在北京IDF上展示了 Avoton ,这是一款针对微型服务器开发的22nm Atom SoC。包括 Rangely 与 Avoton 都采用了新的 Atom 核心── Silvermont ,预计将可支持乱序执行。
至于采用Haswell架构的 Xeon 系列,包括了E3、E5与高阶 E7 Xeon 服务器芯片,英特尔宣布将在年中针对低阶单路服务器推出22nm E3 系列 Xeon 。该芯片功耗仅13W,较目前最低功耗 Xeon 所能实现的17W更低得多。

Haswell Xeon 将包括嵌入式绘图核心。英特尔并提供开发工具套件,以执行采用该处理器绘图核心的视频串流应用。
而在 E5 Xeon 市场,英特尔将在第三季出货双插槽系统用22nm Ivy Bridge EP 芯片。而在今年年底,还将为内建8个或更多处理器的系统推出 Ivy Bridge EX 处理器,预计将采用32nm制程。该系列芯片能在八插槽节点中处理高达 12TB DRAM。
去年,英特尔与中国阿里巴巴(Alibaba)、百度(Baidu)、腾讯(Tencent)与中国移动(China Mobile)共同发起针对客制机架设计的天蝎计划(Project Scorpio)。英特尔北京分公司也正开发可让中国客户利用的的云端运算系统。
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• [图文报道]英特尔将借人机交互技术重塑PC帝国
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• 2013英特尔信息技术峰会:创新体验,踏春而来vblesmc
此外,在日前于加州举行的全美广播电视业者联盟年会上,英特尔发布全新 Thunderbolt 控制器,并展示仍在开发中的下一代产品。
英特尔 DSL4510 / 4410 Thunderbolt 控制器增加了 DisplayPort 1.2 功能,以顺利连接本地 DisplayPort 系统、改善电源管理以及降低成本。此外,英特尔还展示下一代的 Falcon Ridge 控制器原型──可执行于20 Gb/s速率、支持4K视频档案转换与显示同步,可望在今年年底前量产。
此外,Pericom Semiconductor发布6款新产品,包括一款可处理 Thunderbolt 的开关。 这款10.3Gb/s的 Thunderbolt 开关设计专为从绘图处理器中多任务与解多任务 Thunderbolt 路径封包至个别信号,并使其路由至一款平台连接器或端点。
Pericom公司发言人表示, Thunderbolt “正部署于越来越多的专业视频储存与视频剪辑系统中。”
Thunderbolt 接口一开始被视为可能成为主流的 PC 互连,在台式机与笔记本电脑应用上发挥作用。“由于目前正从1080P过渡到2K/4K的分辨率,采用10.3G接口将有助于简化PC与储存系统之间的资料移动。”

本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载
编译:Susan Hong
参考英文原文:Intel previews server and Thunderbolt chips,by Rick Merritt
• [图文报道]英特尔将借人机交互技术重塑PC帝国
• 2013年半导体资本支出Top 10,英特尔大增18%重居首
• 2013英特尔信息技术峰会:创新体验,踏春而来vblesmc
Intel previews server and Thunderbolt chips
Rick Merritt
SAN JOSE, Calif. – Intel will refresh its line of server processors this year, adding three Atom-based chips to the mix. At its annual event in Beijing this week, the company will reveal a few details of the chips and its work defining a reference design for server racks that includes its silicon photonics.
Separately, Intel and Pericom talked about new chips for Thunderbolt, a fast peripheral interface initially defined by Intel and used in Apple Macs.
In Beijing, Intel announced two Atom-based SoCs -- Briarwood for storage systems and Rangely for networking. Briarwood, aka the Atom S12x9, is a 32-nm part that is shipping now and supports up to 40 PCI Express Gen 2 lanes, non-transparent bridging and hardware acceleration for RAID.
Intel would only say Rangely is a 22-nm SoC that will ship in the second half of 2013. At the Beijing event, Intel showed a working demo of Avoton, it’s 22-nm Atom SoC for microservers. Both Rangely and Avoton use a new Atom core called Silvermont, expected to support out-of-order execution.
As for its Xeon server chips, Intel announced it will ship in the middle of this year a 22-nm E3-class Xeon for low-end single-socket servers. The chip is part of its Haswell generation and consumes just 13 W, down from 17 W for its current lowest power Xeon today.
Click on image to enlarge.
Intel claims its 2013 Atom and Xeon chips will span the server waterfront.
The Haswell Xeon will include embedded graphics. Intel will roll a developer’s kit for running video streaming applications using the graphics core on the processor.
In its middle market E5-class, Intel will ship in the third quarter a 22-nm Ivy Bridge EP chip for dual-socket systems. By the end of the year, it will ship Ivy Bridge EX processors for systems with eight or more processors, presumably made in its 32-nm process. They will handle up to 12 terabytes of DRAM in an eight-socket node.
Separately, Intel said it is working on a reference architecture for a rack-level server design that it will publish in 2014. The architecture will specify the silicon photonics interconnects Intel announced last year, at least as one design option.
Last year, Intel worked with China’s Alibaba, Baidu, Ten Cent and China Mobile on Project Scorpio, a custom rack design. Intel’s Beijing office is also developing its own cloud computing system it will let China customers access.
Thunderbolt edges toward pro markets
Meanwhile, at the National Association of Broadcaster’s annual event in Las Vegas, Intel announced new Thunderbolt controllers and demonstrated a next-generation product still in development.
The Intel DSL4510/4410 Thunderbolt controllers add DisplayPort 1.2 capability when connecting to native DisplayPort systems, improve power management and reduce cost. Intel also previewed prototype silicon of Falcon Ridge, a next-generation controller that runs at 20 Gbits/second, enabling 4K video file transfer and display simultaneously. Initial production is expected before the end of this year.
Separately, Pericom Semiconductor announced six new products including a switch that handles Thunderbolt. The 10.3-Gbits/s Thunderbolt switch is designed to multiplex and de-multiplex Thunderbolt data paths into individual signals from the graphics processor and route them to a platform connector or end point.
A Pericom spokesman said Thunderbolt is “being deployed more in the professional video storage and video editing systems.”
The interface was initially seen as a possible mainstream PC interconnect and may still play a role in desktops and notebooks. “Given that we are moving to from 1080P to 2K/4K resolutions, having a 10.3G interface will ease the data movement between the PC and storage,” said the Pericom source.
Click on image to enlarge.
Intel's reference design for server racks, due next year, will include its silicon photonics interconnects.