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英特尔首席执行官交棒的日子迈向倒数计时阶段──现任首席执行官欧德宁预定在5月16日退休,产业界都在关注他们的最新掌门人将会是谁。市场研究机构Linley Group的首席分析师Linley Gwennap与笔者都认为,有一个可信度很高的情况是,该公司会找一位“回锅”的前英特尔人来接班,例如……

英特尔(Intel)首席执行官交棒的日子迈向倒数计时阶段──该公司现任首席执行官欧德宁(Paul Otellini)预定在5月16日退休,产业界都在关注这家全球最大芯片制造商最新掌门人将会是谁。 对此英特尔的官方说法是该公司管理团队已经在寻觅首席执行官接班人选,好在年度股东大会之前发表新人事;市场研究机构Linley Group的首席分析师Linley Gwennap的看法是:“我认为他们会为了职务交接更有条理,而提早公布新首席执行官名单。” 笔者先前就说过,英特尔需要有一位像是IBM从烟草商RJR Nabisco挖角来的Lou Gerstner那样、率领公司成功转型的新首席执行官;目前PC产业衰退速度高于预期,而且英特尔在这波智能手机热潮中,一直无法进驻一线品牌产品。 Gwennap认为,英特尔的状况并没有很糟:“英特尔里有很多东西做得很好,”包括其“独特”的企业文化。据了解,英特尔内部的会议总是让重大决策案正反意见双方直接面对面辩论,谁最有理谁就赢,然后大伙儿再一起出去喝酒,为打了一场精采的仗而庆祝。 此外英特尔的快节奏、频繁的策略转换、组织重整以及独特的做法等等也在产业界很出名──例如该公司较大规模的事业群会有两位资深主管共同领导。 所以Gwennap表示,若英特尔找一个纯粹外来的人士担任首席执行官,公司恐怕会面临停摆危机;而若是这位新领导人带来:“文化上的冲突,他恐怕会失去一些高层主管;英特尔是一家复杂的企业,主将若没有趁职的助手,公司的运作可能会脱轨。” Gwennap 与笔者都认为,有一个可信度很高的情况是,该公司会找一位“回锅”的前英特尔人来接班,例如Pat Gelsinger (编按:VMware现任首席执行官,曾任职英特尔三十年),以及Michael Splinter (编按:美商应材现任首席执行官,曾任职英特尔二十年)都是不错的人选。

《国际电子商情》图左:Pat Gelsinger,右:Michael Splinter
图左:Pat Gelsinger,右:Michael Splinter

本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 本文下一页:预期,英特尔将会有出人意料之举

2013年半导体资本支出Top 10,英特尔大增18%重居首hSResmc

{pagination} 前面这两位产业资深老将都具备从英特尔外部与内部看这家公司的经历,也深知公司治理之道,并拥有足够的经验能将一些想法以更好的方式付诸实行。 无论如何,有两件事情是可以确定的;首先,英特尔这一回的首席执行官交棒将跟以往不同,因为欧德宁显然不打算在退休后继续担任董事会职务,像以前几任首席执行官 Gordon Moore、Andy Grove与Craig Barratt那样,因此这会是该公司的一次“换档”,而非仅仅加速而已。 此外笔者也预期,英特尔将会有出人意料之举;这家公司总是比其它规模差不多的公司动作迅速──在他们两脚都跨足新市场之后,一旦发现苗头不对,都能马上抽身而出。总之我们可以确信,在不到三十天的时间内将有大事发生,而且英特尔不会放弃智能手机市场。 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 编译:Judith Cheng 参考英文原文:Could Intel’s new CEO be blast from past?,by Rick Merritt

2013年半导体资本支出Top 10,英特尔大增18%重居首hSResmc

{pagination} Could Intel’s new CEO be blast from past? Rick Merritt The world’s biggest chip maker is due for a new chief executive in less than 30 days and a returning veteran could fill the chair nicely. The clock is ticking down toward the deadline for Intel to name a new chief executive, and people are starting to notice. Paul Otellini is set to retire on May 16 when the world’s largest semiconductor maker has its next shareholder meeting. An Intel representative would only say the executive team is working on the CEO search, aiming to deliver the new leader before the shareholder meeting. “I was thinking they would announce a couple months early so they could have an orderly transition,” said Linley Gwennap, a veteran Intel watcher and principal analyst of The Linley Group (Mountain View, Calif.). I’ve been saying Intel needs its equivalent of a Lou Gerstner, the man from RJR Nabisco who led the corporate makeover at IBM. It’s a new day with PCs on a faster than predicted decline as smartphones boom without Intel silicon in any top tier handsets. Gwennap thinks Intel’s situation is less dire. “There are a lot of things at Intel working well,” including its “unique” corporate culture, he said. Intel is well known for meetings that are screaming matches where opposing sides go head-to-head on big decisions. The best fighter wins and at least sometimes all sides go out for a beer, congratulating each other on a battle well fought. The x86 giant is also known for its fast pace, frequent strategic shifts and re-orgs and unique practices—such as having two senior execs share leadership of a big business unit. Hail the conquering hero With “a true outsider [for CEO], the company would grind to a halt,” said Gwennap. If a new leader creates a “culture clash [he could] lose top managers, and Intel is a complex business to run without good lieutenants--the trains will be off schedule,” he said. Gwennap and I agree on one strong possibility—the new CEO could be a returning hero. Pat Gelsinger or Michael Splinter are prime candidates. They have seen Intel from the inside and the outside, learned how to work its corporate levers and have had enough experience to have some ideas how it could be better. Two things I expect for sure. This transition won’t be like past ones. Otellini apparently has no plan to graduate from CEO to chairman as Gordon Moore, Andy Grove and Craig Barratt did before him. That alone tells me this transition will be more of a gear shift than a smooth acceleration. I also expect Intel will surprise me. It often does. Moving faster than other companies its size, it has jumped with both feet into new markets and then pulled out of them just as fast when they didn’t pan out. The only thing that’s really clear is something significant will happen in less than 30 days, and Intel won’t be jumping out of the smartphone market.
Rick Merritt
EE Times硅谷采访中心主任。Rick的工作地点位于圣何塞,他为EE Times撰写有关电子行业和工程专业的新闻和分析。 他关注Android,物联网,无线/网络和医疗设计行业。 他于1992年加入EE Times,担任香港记者,并担任EE Times和OEM Magazine的主编。
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