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展讯公司以迅雷不及掩耳之势宣布该公司首席技术官(CTO)邹求真离职,内部人士指出与展讯内部斗争有关。展讯在2011年收购了MobilePeak,而邹求真正是MobilePeak的CEO,许多前MobilePeak员工表示他们的Pre-IPO股 票期权被转换为展讯通信股价,这让他们很不满……

4月25日,展讯公司以迅雷不及掩耳之势宣布该公司首席技术官(CTO)邹求真离职,内部人士指出邹求真被炒掉与展讯内部斗争有关。 这是为什么呢? EE Times联络到的展讯公司发言人拒绝任何进一步的评论,只表示展讯目前没有计划找人来填补邹求真的位置。 展讯在2011年收购了MobilePeak,而邹求真正是MobilePeak的CEO,他们专注于WCDMA方案。 看得出收购MobilePeak主要是为了拿到UMTS/HSPA+解决方案,这是展讯国际化战略的关键。为了不局限于中国移动TD-SCDMA为主的市场,他们迫切需要通过进军WCDMA功能机、智能机和平板电脑市场,扩大其业务范围。 MobilePeak的上海和圣地亚哥(San Diego)团队,是展讯能否开发出下一代多模调制解调器技术的关键。最近接受EE Times采访时,展讯首席执行官李力游(Leo Lee)指出,该公司的第二代28纳米制程LTE解决方案(CAT 4),预计在第四季度出,将支持5种基带模式(TDD-LTE, FDD-LTE,WCDMA,TD-SCDMA和EDGE)。 这些都没法解释展讯为何突然炒掉CTO。 一位公司总部位于上海的业内人士透露,根据几个星期前在中国出现的一篇文章,曾暗示展讯的工程团队之间出现内部矛盾。许多前MobilePeak员工表示他们在MobilePeak的Pre-IPO(首次公开招股)股 票期权被转换为展讯通信股价,这让他们很不满从而迁怒于邹。 那篇文章也指出,此事邹确实与展讯做了私下交易,此举惹恼了过去的同事,包括他最亲密的心腹。 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 本文下一页:展讯的R&D团队中有两大派系?


{pagination} 两大派系? 另一位中国业内人士指出展讯的R&D团队中有两大派系 - 原展团队和来自MobilePeak的团队。 他说,有些人抱怨邹的风格太偏重研发,不实用;而其他人的不满多数集中在展讯收购了MobilePeak后的财务安排。 这位匿名人士指出,“现在看来,原展讯团队开始越来越多地负责工程项目。” 这一切看起来有些不可思议,首次公开招股前或后的财务安排让一些员工的不满时,展讯没有正确的管理疏导,这迅速导致公司的业务受到严重扰乱。 来看看其他例子,珠海炬力,另外一家中国的无晶圆厂,曾面临首次公开发售股 票后的分红问题。这个问题到2007年还没解决,直接导致70%的高级工程师离开了公司,让炬力工程力量一下退回几年前。更糟糕的是,那些离开的工程师成立了一个竞争公司,称为全志。 目前尚不清楚对邹的解聘是否意味着展讯要先发制人,以避免进一步的动荡。 在宣布解聘邹后,展讯也表示,他将有资格获得相关的遣散福利(severance benefits)。 展讯定于5月8日公布其第一季度报告。 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 编译:Luffy Liu 参考英文原文:Spreadtrum sacks CTO,Junko Yoshida


{pagination} Spreadtrum sacks CTO Junko Yoshida The sudden firing of Qiuzhen Zou, Spreadtrum's chief technology officer, hints at internal turmoil within the Chinese fabless chip firm. MADISON, Wis. – Spreadtrum Communications, China’s leading mobile baseband chip company, fired its CTO, Qiuzhen Zou, effective at close of business on April 25, Beijing Time. Why? A company spokesperson, contacted by EE Times, declined any further comment. Spreadtrum has no plans to replace Zou’s position in the immediate future, according to the company. Previously, Zou was CEO of MobilePeak, which Spreadtrum bought in 2011. The acquisition of MobilePeak and its UMTS/HSPA+ solution has been critical to Spreadtrum’s international strategy. Spreadtrum, a Shanghai-based fabless, badly needs to expand its business beyond the TD-SCDMA-dominated Chinese mobile market by making further inroads into the WCDMA feature phone, smartphone and tablet markets. MobilePeak's Shanghai and San Diego teams have been also key to Spreadtrum’s efforts to develop next-generation multi-mode modem technologies. In a recent interview with EE Times, Spreadtrum CEO Leo Li noted that the company’s second-generation 28-nm process LTE solution (CAT 4), scheduled to be out in the fourth quarter, will feature five-mode basebands (TDD-LTE, FDD-LTE, WCDMA, TD-SCDMA and EDGE). None of this explains Spreadtrum’s sudden sack of its CTO. One Shanghai-based industry source, quoting an article that appeared in China a few weeks ago, hinted at an internal turmoil among Spreadtrum’s engineering team, many of whom are former MobilePeak employees. They are said to be unhappy because they felt they got short-changed by Zou and Spreadtrum when their pre-IPO stock options were converted to Spreadtrum shares. The Chinese article, according the source, also noted that Zou made a private deal with Spreadtrum, a move that upset colleagues, including his closest confidants. Two factions? Another Chinese industry source points out a split of Spreadtrum's R&D team in two factions -- an original Spreadtrum team and a group that came from MobilePeak. He said that some complain Zou's style is too R&D-focused than being practical, while others voice their dissatisfaction with the financial arrangements made when MobilePeak was acquired by Spreadtrum. The source who spoke on the condition of anonymity, observed, "It looks like the original Spreadtrum team getting charge of the [engineering] project now." It is not unusual that some employees’ dissatisfaction over pre- or post-IPO financial arrangements lead to a serious disruption of a company’s business when they’re not managed correctly and swiftly. For example, Actions Semiconductor, another China fabless, faced an internal eruption over shares earned after the company’s IPO. By 2007, 70 percent of Actions’ senior engineers left the company, which set the company back at least for several years. Worse, those who left Actions formed a competing company called Allwinner in Actions’ backyard. It’s not clear whether Zou’s termination was meant to be a preemptive strike on the part of Spreadtrum to avoid further turmoil. In announcing Zou’s immediate departure, Spreadtrum said he will be eligible for the relevant severance benefits. Spreadtrum is scheduled to announce its Q1 report on May 8th.
Junko Yoshida
ASPENCORE全球联席总编辑,首席国际特派记者。曾任把口记者(beat reporter)和EE Times主编的Junko Yoshida现在把更多时间用来报道全球电子行业,尤其关注中国。 她的关注重点一直是新兴技术和商业模式,新一代消费电子产品往往诞生于此。 她现在正在增加对中国半导体制造商的报道,撰写关于晶圆厂和无晶圆厂制造商的规划。 此外,她还为EE Times的Designlines栏目提供汽车、物联网和无线/网络服务相关内容。 自1990年以来,她一直在为EE Times提供内容。
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