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据IC Insights 调查显示, 2013年第一季日系半导体厂商销售业绩下滑严重,加之日元贬值雪上加霜,导致排名普遍下跌,怎一个愁字了得。另一方面,英特尔虽然业绩有衰退,但瘦死的骆驼比马大,保住了龙头宝座。台积电与高通则一路高歌,分别创造出了成长26%与28%的好成绩。

市场研究机构IC Insights公布的2013年第一季全球半导体供应商排行榜显示,有数家日本半导体厂商名次都比去年同期退步;其中东芝(Toshiba)退步一名成为第五,瑞萨(Renesas)因销售额下滑20%而跌出前十名,索尼(Sony)退步三名成为第十六、当季销售额较去年同期下滑31%,富士通(Fujitsu)则由去年第一季的第十五名退步为第二十名、季销售额下滑26%。 不过IC Insights指出,日本半导体厂商的销售额数字都是由日圆换算成美元;在2012年第一季时,美元兑日圆汇率为1美元79.26日圆,但到了2013 年第一季汇率成为1美元兑换92.19日圆,因此也对日本厂商的销售金额数字造成冲击。尽管如此,Sony与Fujitsu的2013年第一季销售额若不换算成美元,与去年同期相较衰退幅度仍达两位数字;Toshiba的第一季销售额若以日圆计算则比去年同期成长5%。 在2013年第一季全球前二十大半导体厂商(包括IC、离散元件、光电元件与传感器供应商)中,有9家总部位于美国、4家总部位于日本、3家总部位于欧洲,以及台湾与韩国各2家;在前二十大厂商中,也包括3家纯晶圆代工厂以及4家无晶圆厂芯片业者。

IC Insights 公布的2013年第一季全球前二十大半导体供应商,以销售金额计 (单位:百万美元)



{pagination} 几家欢喜几家愁,台积电、高通交好运 通常在这类排行榜单中加入晶圆代工业者会有一些争议,因为其中有部分销售额是重复计算的──因为晶圆代工业者将芯片销售给无晶圆厂芯片业者,然后无晶圆厂芯片业者再把芯片销售给客户──不过IC Insights表示,该机构所公布的排行榜是显示各家业者的销售金额排名,并市占率排名,因此不至于有影响。总计2013年第一季全球前二十大半导体厂 商销售额较去年同期增加了2%。 在IC Insights的排行榜上,英特尔(Intel)仍稳居龙头位置,但该公司2013年第一季销售额略显衰退;存储器供应商三星(Samsung)与SK海力士(Hynix)的2013年第一季销售业绩则分别成长13%与20%;此外晶圆代工业者台积电(TSMC)与其无晶圆厂客户高通(Qualcomm),也创下了季营收与去年同期相较分别成长26%与28%的好成绩。 美光(Micron)因完成收购尔必达(Elpida),2013年第一季销售额成长4%;此外恩智浦半导体(NXP)以及另一家台湾晶圆代工大厂联电(UMC),2013年第一季销售额各自有12%的成长。但已变成无晶圆厂业者的AMD景况仍然不佳,业绩成长表现在全球前二十大半导体厂商中敬陪末座,第一季销售额较去年同期衰退达31%。

2013年第一季全球前二十大半导体供应商业绩成长率排名 (单位:百万美元)

编译:Judith Cheng 参考原文:Japan's chip vendors slide down Q1 global rankings,by Peter Clarke


{pagination} Japan's chip vendors in the top 20 ranked by sales in Q1 all suffered declining sales compared with 1Q12 and were four of the worst five performing in the top 20 in terms of growth. LONDON – Several Japanese semiconductor companies, former leading lights of the industry, have fallen in a first quarter 2013 ranking of semiconductor vendors from market research firm IC Insights, when compared with the same quarter a year before. Toshiba slipped one place to fifth, but Renesas Electronics crashed out of the top ten as sales dropped 20 percent; Sony dropped three places to 16th with a 31 percent fall in quarterly sales; and Fujitsu fell from 15 th position in 1Q12 to 20 the position in 1Q13 as its sales fell 26 percent (see table below). IC Insights pointed out that the conversion of Japanese company semiconductor sales from yen to U.S. dollars, at 79.26 yen per dollar in 1Q12 versus 92.19 yen per dollar in 1Q13, had a big impact on the sales figures. Thus, while Sony and Fujitsu would have logged a double-digit semiconductor sales decline even if their sales results were not converted to U.S. dollars, Toshiba would have posted a 5 percent increase in semiconductor sales if the figures were expressed in yen. The top 20 worldwide semiconductor companies – including ICs, discrete, optoelectronic and sensor chips – for 1Q13 include nine suppliers headquartered in the U.S., four in Japan, three in Europe, and two each in South Korea and Taiwan, a relatively broad representation of geographic regions. IC Insight's top 20 ranking also includes three pure-play foundries and four fabless companies. The inclusion of foundries in such rankings is contentious because it means that some sales are double counted – from foundry to fabless chip company and then from fabless chip company to customer. IC Insights excuses itself by saying that the ranking is a top supplier list, not a marketshare ranking. In total, the top 20 semiconductor companies' sales increased by 2 percent in 1Q13 as compared to 1Q12. Intel remained firmly in control of the top spot in the 1Q13 ranking despite seeing its sales decline. Memory chip companies Samsung and SK Hynix achieved sales growth of 13 and 20 percent, respectively. Foundry TSMC and its fabless customer Qualcomm scored year-on-year growth of 26 and 28 percent, respectively. Other notable performances in terms of growth – indicated in figure 2 – include the growth of sales by NXP and foundry United Microelectronics Corp. by 12 percent. The now fabless Advanced Micro Devices is still in trouble, according to IC Insights. Rather than benefiting from the fabless trend AMD' was the worst performing of the top 20 chip vendors, seeing its 1Q13 sales decline by 31 percent.


Peter Clarke
业内资深人士Peter Clarke负责EETimes欧洲的Analog网站。 由于对新兴技术和创业公司的特殊兴趣,他自1984年以来一直在撰写有关半导体行业的文章,并于1994年至2013年为EE Times美国版撰稿。
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