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美国电源芯片供应商、Zilog母公司 Ixys Corp. 宣布以5,000万美元左右的价格,收购三星电子(Samsung Electronics)的 4位与 8位微控制器(MCU)业务。

美国电源芯片供应商、Zilog母公司 Ixys Corp. 宣布以5,000万美元左右的价格,收购三星电子(Samsung Electronics)的 4位与 8位微控制器(MCU)业务。 根据双方协议,Ixys 将接收三星电子近80条4位与8位MCU产品线,包括库存、IP与相关资产;收购案仍有待通过各种官方程序,预计下个月可完成。而未来三星将继续在一项扩大的代工伙伴合约之下,为Ixys制造MCU产品。 Ixys 董事长暨CEO Nathan Zommer在一份声明中表示,收购案将为该公司的芯片业务(包括Ixys的芯片部门与微控制器供应商子公司 Zilog)带来营收成长;Ixys计划进一步扩充在MCU与整体芯片市场的占有率,并扩展在工业、医疗与消费性应用领域的客户群。 Zommer 指出,4位与8位MCU产品能与Ixys的混合信号IC与功率半导体产品搭配,提供客户在电源管理应用方面更完整的解决方案,包括针对较高功率装置应 用的数字控制模拟驱动IC。Ixys估计,4/8位MCU市场规模在2013年可达35亿美元,出货量67亿颗。 Ixys首席财务官Uzi Sasson 则表示,此收购交易除了能扩充该公司产品阵容,也将强化与三星的合作关系。 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 编译:Judith Cheng 参考英文原文:Samsung sells MCU business,by Peter Clarke

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{pagination} Samsung sells MCU business Peter Clarke LONDON – Power IC vendor Ixys Corp. (Milpitas, Calif.), also parent of Zilog Inc., is buying the 4- and 8-bit microcontroller business of Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. for about $50 million. Under the terms of the agreement Ixys will receive nearly 80 products, inventories, intellectual property and other assets related to the 4- and 8-bit business. The acquisition is subject to various customary closing conditions and is expected to be completed within the next month. Samsung will continue to make the products under an expanded foundry deal with Ixys. "We have executed a management decision based on the focus on mobile solutions that we are taking in our semiconductor business," said Ben Suh, senior vice president of Samsung Electronics System LSI strategic planning team, in a statement issued by Ixys. In the same statement Nathan Zommer, CEO and chairman of Ixys, said: "This acquisition provides increased revenues for our higher gross margin IC business, which includes our wholly-owned subsidiaries, Ixys IC division and Zilog, a pioneer supplier of microcontrollers." He added: "We plan to gain market share for our MCU and IC products, and expand our customer base in industrial, medical and consumer applications. The 4-, 8-bit products fit with our mixed-signal ICs and our power semiconductors, whereby we will be able to offer our customers complete solutions for power management; from the digital control analog driver ICs to higher power devices." Ixys reported that market research puts the 4- and 8-bit microcontroller market at $3.5 billion in 2013, with shipments of 6.7 billion units. "In addition to bolstering Ixys' product portfolio, this transaction highlights the strong cooperative relationship with Samsung. We are excited about our ability to continue working and partnering with the Samsung team," said Uzi Sasson, president and CFO of Ixys.
Peter Clarke
业内资深人士Peter Clarke负责EETimes欧洲的Analog网站。 由于对新兴技术和创业公司的特殊兴趣,他自1984年以来一直在撰写有关半导体行业的文章,并于1994年至2013年为EE Times美国版撰稿。
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