根据消息人士的说法,三星在至少一个版本的Galaxy Tab 3 10.1中选择了英特尔Clover Trail+处理器,具体型号则为Intel Atom Z2560双核处理器,采用32nm的CMOS工艺。这款平板电脑将成为苹果公司iPad的重要竞争对手。
消息人士表示,三星将于6月20日在伦敦举办发布会,发布采用英特尔处理器的新款ATIV平板电脑。预计三星将在6月4日举行的台北国际电脑展(Computex)上展示新款Galaxy Tab 3。
来回顾一下这款产品的其他主要参数:Galaxy Tab 310.1的编码为GT-P5200,其配备1280*800分辨率的10.1英寸触摸显示屏;前置130万/后置300万像素摄像头;电池容量6800毫安,整体大小243.1*176.1*7.95mm。
三星决定在Galaxy Tab中使用英特尔处理器是英特尔在移动设备市场的重要突破。谈及三星平板转投英特尔的原因,不外这两方面。一方面,自家的猎户座芯片在手机领域面供不应求,很难在分心平板;另一方面则是英特尔为了解决兼容问题扩大市场而降低成交价格。所以在双重原因的作用下,三星平板选英特尔也就不难理解了。
尽管正在开拓移动处理器市场,但英特尔进入这一市场的时间较晚,动作也较慢。目前并不清楚三星是否将在未来的10英寸Galaxy Tab中使用来自其他公司,或该公司自主开发的处理器。
三星和英特尔发言人均拒绝对此消息置评。上周,VentureBeat等美国科技博客首先报道了三星即将采用英特尔Clover Trail+处理器的消息。
本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载
参考英文原文:Intel wins CPU slot in Samsung tablet,Peter Clarke
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Intel wins CPU slot in Samsung tablet
Peter Clarke
LONDON – Samsung Electronics will use Atom-branded processors from Intel Corp. in a range of budget Android tablet computers, according to reports from Reuters and the Korea Times.
Samsung has chosen an Intel Clover Trail processor for at least one version of its Galaxy Tab 3 10.1, the Reuters report said. Clover Trial is a version of the Atom processor implemented in 32-nm CMOS.
The breakthrough by Intel into the mobile computing market is important for the company which has previously dominated personal computing but struggled to gain traction in the mobile sector. However, it is also unusual as Samsung is itself a developer and vendor of mobile processors, under the Exynos brand.
The Galaxy Tab 3 is expected to be unveiled at the Computex exhibition in Taiwan held during the first week of June.
Intel's design win was secured partly due to its willingness to offer favorable pricing and partly on its ability to provide resources to help with design work, according to the Korea Times report.
"Samsung wants to secure as many processors as possible at better pricing. That’s why Samsung Electronics has recently been diversifying its procurement channel in processor chips as a strategy to stabilize production yields of its in-house Exynos-branded processors," the Korea Times quoted a unnamed member of the Samsung research staff saying.
The same report cited an unnamed Intel Korea source saying that Intel had increased the number of chip engineers designing around the Atom processor from 6 to 50. "Most of them are working for Samsung-related projects with a mission to customize circuits for adaptation on Samsung products,” the report quoted the source saying.