根据Alliance@IBM网站估计,在已知被裁撤的职位中,大约有500人来自于IBM硬件部门──Systems and Technology Group,其中不只包括该公司的微电子团队,甚至还有该公司服务器、储存系统与其它硬件人员。此外,Alliance@IBM在上周四的统计,当时已经有165位半导体研发人员的工作被裁撤,目前总共累积了多少人,则不得而知。
Alliance@IBM管理人员Lee Conrad表示,根据分析师的推测,IBM这一波裁员行动将波及全美约4,000到5,000人,全球约6,000至8,000人之间可能受影响。

“必须强制要求IBM公开发布裁员数,”Conrad 表示,“多年来,IBM一直隐瞒这方面的信息,但对于一家领纳税人钱的公司,就有义务提供这些信息。”
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• IBM与Salesforce巨资收购云计算企业
• IBM新型医疗诊断分析技术可降低癌症治疗成本
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根据彭博社报导,IBM至少砍掉了165个半导体研发方面的工作。目前尚不清楚的是这165个半导体研发工作中,究竟有几个位于纽约上城──这是IBM与全 球合作伙伴共同推动在阿尔巴尼进行10纳米研发计划的中心位置。不过,Alliance@IBM已证实有几个被砍的研发工作位于北卡罗莱纳州的三角研究园 区(Research Triangle Park)。
在奥尔巴尼和周围的半导体研发和制造生态系统的增长一直是美国的重大胜利,特别是对于纽约州。虽然最后的数字还没有,它会出现,IBM已经削减至少有一些工人在这方面。 IBM裁员将是拖累了这一势头?
纽约州阿尔巴尼半导体研发与制造生产系统的成长,一直美国取得重大半导体成功的重要据点,特别是对于纽约州而言,意义更重大。虽然目前这一地区有多少研发工 作受到波及还不得而知,但显然地,IBM至少已经裁撤掉这一地区的部份工作人员了。IBM这一波裁员行动是否冲击到该区的半导体研发动能?
本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载
编译:Susan Hong
参考英文原文:What do IBM layoffs mean for New York's chip initiative?,by Dylan McGrath
• IBM与Salesforce巨资收购云计算企业
• IBM新型医疗诊断分析技术可降低癌症治疗成本
• IBM新型热系统让太阳能电池输出效率提高十倍aAResmc
What do IBM layoffs mean for New York's chip initiative?
Dylan McGrath
Reports of IBM initiating a new round of layoffs have been intensifying in recent days. According to the IBM employee group Alliance@IBM, as of late afternoon Friday (June 14), the total number of jobs that had been reported eliminated totaled nearly 2,300.
According to the Alliance@IBM website, http://www.endicottalliance.org/, some 500 of the jobs that have known to have been eliminated have been from the Systems and Technology Group, IBM's hardware division, which includes not only the company's microelectronics activities but also servers, storage systems and other hardware.
The Bloomberg news service, citing Alliance@IBM, reported Thursday that the layoffs that had been reported so far included at least 165 semiconductor R&D jobs. But that total is all but certain to climb.
Lee Conrad, the administrator of Alliance@IBM, said the group has seen analyst reports speculating that the total number of IBM job cuts worldwide could totally between 6,000 and 8,000. Conrad said that sounds about right and speculated that the number of U.S. job cuts would likely be 4,000 to 5,000.
Conrad said his group should have more complete information next week as reports continue to come in.
Big Blue has been notoriously tight lipped about layoffs in recent years. The firm did not respond to an EE Times request for information about the layoffs.
Conrad's group believes that states where IBM is a major employer should force Big Blue to disclose concrete information about job cuts.
"It should be mandated that IBM publicly release these job cut numbers," Conrad said in an interview. "For many years, IBM has been hiding these things. For a company that gets taxpayer money that should be a mandate."
Conrad notes that the latest round of layoffs—which are taking place worldwide—continue to the trend of IBM decreasing the size of its U.S. workforce. Ten years ago, he said, IBM had over 160,000 U.S. employees. With the latest cuts, that number is now below 90,000 he said.
"There's a lot of stuff going off shore," Conrad said.
How many chip industry job cuts?
The big question in semiconductor circles is how many of the job cuts are related to IBM's semiconductor R&D work and what impact that will have.
According to the Bloomberg report, at least 165 of the job cuts were in semiconductor research and development. It's not known how many of these jobs were based in upstate New York, where IBM is a central player in the move to establish the Albany area as the premiere location for semiconductor R&D globally. At least some of the R&D jobs eliminated were at North Carolina's Research Triangle Park, according to a separate report by the Herald-Sun, which also references Alliance@IBM.
A separate story put together by The Westchester (N.Y.) Journal News and Poughkeepsie (N.Y.) Journal, carried on USA Today's website, says IBM eliminated about 700 jobs in New York state.
The growth of the semiconductor R&D and manufacturing ecosystem in and around Albany has been a major win for the U.S., and particularly for New York State. While the final numbers are not yet in, it would appear that IBM has cut at least some workers in that area. Will the IBM job cuts be a drag on this momentum?