感谢Google,我现在终于有了一台新款Nexus 7手机平板(phablet)。昨晚临睡前还玩了这台手机平板好一阵子,它真的很有趣。我甚至还观看了一段视频──美国总统奥巴马(Obama)发表对黑人平民遭白人警察抢杀一事的看法,这是我最近一周来一直想看的内容。
当我答应他后不由得笑了。我觉得他可能是个卢德分子之子。不过,他也活跃于社群网络、喜欢他的华硕(ASUS) Bamboo笔记本电脑和iPhone 4 。
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• [拆拆看]谷歌Nexus 7二代离高端大气上档次还有距离
• Q2平板电脑OS排名,BlackBerry险遭落榜
• Google Nexus 7比iPad mini好的六个理由SZnesmc
大约在同一时间,我手边还有两台用于写产品试用报告的BlackBerry Playbook 。其实,我认为它的软件在许多方面都比三星Galaxy Tab更复杂,而且也缺少email功能。后来,我给了我儿子一台(这次他应该没拿去卖掉吧?),另外一台还好好地躺在包装盒中。
当我在家时,多半时间都坐在笔记本电脑前或使智能手机,有空时则弹吉他、弹钢琴或看电视。有时我也喜欢看看书或杂志。外出时,平板电脑或甚至新买的这台7寸手机平板其实都太大了,不方便外出携带,甚至在一些没有 Wi-Fi 的地方更显得多余。
本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载
编译:Susan Hong
参考英文原文:Tablets Are Cool, I Just Don't Use Them,by Rick Merritt, SiliconValley Bureau Chief
• [拆拆看]谷歌Nexus 7二代离高端大气上档次还有距离
• Q2平板电脑OS排名,BlackBerry险遭落榜
• Google Nexus 7比iPad mini好的六个理由SZnesmc
Tablets Are Cool, I Just Don't Use Them
Rick Merritt, SiliconValley Bureau Chief
I hate to play the Luddite again, but I guess I don't get all the excitement about tablets.
I get a hearty helping of screen time at work on my Lenovo notebook -- 45+ hours a week. I supplement that liberally with daily web crawls for my personal life on the same system. While I am out and about I am, like many others I see around the Bay Area, with my face in my smartphone a fair share of the time -- I swear not when driving!
Thanks to Google, I now have a new Nexus 7 phablet. I played around with it last night before going to bed. It was fun. I actually watched Obama's video talk on Trayvon Martin, something I had been meaning to do for a week.
I'm not sure but I wouldn't be surprised if over time this wonderful little slate starts feeling ignored. Frankly, by the end of the day I have a bit of eye and finger fatigue. I want to get away from screens, play my guitar, take a walk, go out for a beer (and look at my smartphone, of course).
A couple years ago I had one of the first Samsung Android tablets, thanks again to Google. It was fun, although the software was a bit funky. I generously gave it to my son who sometime later called to ask if it was OK to sell it so he could get a new set of tires for his car.
I said yes and laughed. He may be the son of a Luddite, but he's active in social networking, and loves his Asus Bamboo notebook and iPhone 4.
About the same time I got a BlackBerry Playbook on review -- two actually. I actually thought its software was more sophisticated in many respects than the Samsung galaxy Tab, albeit its lack of an email client was unfortunate. Anyway, I gave one away to my son (I don't think he sold it but he might have). The other one is still in its box in my closet.
When I'm around my apartment I tend to sit down at the notebook or smartphone or pick up my guitar, sit at the piano (not enough), or watch TV (too much). Sometimes I even pick up a book or Outdoors or Mad magazine. (I admit it.)
When I am out, the tablet, even my new seven-inch phablet, is too big to take -- and what if I am somewhere with no WiFi and it's just an expensive big brick?
I catch the excitement around tablets when I read and write the tech news and go to tech events. I am a curious guy and like to play with this stuff. I have my share of gadget lust.
But at the end of the day, something in me craves less screen time, not more, and my tablets are on the losing end of that struggle. I don't see myself plunking down ~$300 for one of these things anytime soon.
What's wrong with me?