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消费芯片设计大厂联发科技(MediaTek)与晨星半导体(MStar Semiconductor)之间一项延宕已久的40亿美元并购案日前终于获得中国商务部“有条件”的首肯──两家公司虽可100%进行股权合并,但附带条件是必须暂时保留双方LCD TV芯片业务独立运作。

消费芯片设计大厂联发科技(MediaTek)与晨星半导体(MStar Semiconductor)之间一项延宕已久的40亿美元并购案日前终于获得中国大陆商务部“有条件”的首肯──两家公司虽可100%进行股权合并,但附带条件是必须暂时保留双方LCD TV芯片业务独立运作。事实上,这两家公司总部都设于台湾新竹。 联发科在2012年8月收购晨星48%的股权,但从那时起就一直在为取得台湾、南韩与中国等地主管当局的批准以便100%收购晨星而奋斗,然而双方这项收购交易完成的时间却一延再延。 联发科和晨星都是上市公司,主要业务在于为智能手机与其他消费性电子与多媒体电子产品进行设计与销售。联发科特别在智能手机芯片市场占据优势地位。 中国当局是最后一个批准这项并购协议的地区性管理单位。中国商务部在其网站上发布了这项消息,包括联发科与晨星必须在合并完成后的三年内持续在数位电视市场竞争。晨星必须从台湾证券交易所下市,并成为联发科公司旗下子公司,但在未来三年内独立运作,维持既有的竞争关系。此外,联发科必须根据此一附带条件重新提案。不过,晨星的手机与无线业务部门预计将可顺利并入联发科。 联发科还必须针对双方合并的影响提交一份详细的计划书给中国商务部;这项合并交易预计将再延迟3个月,预计于2014年2月1日完成。 參考原文:MediaTek, MStar Merger Gets China's OK,by Peter Clarke


{pagination} A previously stalled $4 billion merger between consumer electronics IC companies MediaTek Inc. and MStar Semiconductor Inc., both based in Hsinchu, Taiwan, has received approval from China's antitrust regulator but with conditions covering the sale of LCD TV chips. MediaTek acquired a 48 percent stake in MStar in August 2012 but since then has been battling to gain approval from authorities in Taiwan, South Korea, and China for a total merger and has postponed the closing deadline for the deal multiple times. (See: MediaTek, MStar merger delayed.) MediaTek and MStar are public companies that design and sell SoCs that go in smartphones and other consumer and multimedia electronics. MediaTek is particularly strong in chips for smartphones. The Chinese authorities were the last regional authority to rule on the proposed merger. The Ministry of Commerce has posted its findings on its website, including the requirement that MediaTek and MStar continue to compete in digital TV controller chips for three years after the merger completes. MStar must delist from the Taiwan Stock Exchange and become a subsidiary company of MediaTek but continue to operate separately for three years; and MediaTek must then reapply to have that condition lifted. However, MStar's handset and wireless business units are expected to be incorporated within MediaTek. MediaTek has still to submit a detailed plan to the Ministry of Communications on how it will effect the merger, and the closing date for the deal has now been postponed three months to Feb. 1, 2014.


Peter Clarke
业内资深人士Peter Clarke负责EETimes欧洲的Analog网站。 由于对新兴技术和创业公司的特殊兴趣,他自1984年以来一直在撰写有关半导体行业的文章,并于1994年至2013年为EE Times美国版撰稿。
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