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Q2 DRAM市场利润率成长27%,创近三年新高


根据市调公司IHS表示,动态随机存取存储器(DRAM)市场近来历经快速成长,写下近三年来的利润率新高记录。全球DRAM的营运利润率从今年第一季的11%大幅成长,最近在第二季已经达到27%了──这也是自2010年以来的最高水准。事实上,IHS强调营业利润率已经持续六个月的稳步成长了。 IHS指出,多年来PC一直是DRAM的主要应用,随着近来PC市场下滑,2012年时首度出现PC在DRAM应用的比重不到50%的窘境。在后PC时代,许多装置──特别是移动设备──每单位用量更少,使得整个DRAM市场成长趋缓。


IHS储存分析师Dee Robinson指出:“以营收与容量来看,DRAM市场仍持续扩展,但由于DRAM着眼的新市场(如移动市场)密度仍较低,容量的成长较PC时代慢,从而使整体市场成长放缓。行动市场的成长正弥补了PC市场的萎缩,但仍难以达到像以往50-90%的成长。未来,我们可预期 DRAM市场将持平成长,大约在20-30%左右。” IHS表示,由于供应商实施严格的产能管理与平抑市场供需,以避免过度供货的问题,从而改善了DRAM市场与价格。如今,2013年第一季的ASP已成长了4%,2013年第二季的成长更高达12%。 “随着业界厂商整并为二家主要的供应商──三星(Samsung)、海力士(SK Hynix)与美光(Micron),他们也更有能力得以协调产能,从而使历经PC导致重大转型的市场迈向稳定。” 营运利润也由于ASP的提高而持续改善。IHS iSuppli的资料显示,第二季利润率最高的供应商是海力士(33%),其次依序为Elpida Memory(32%)、三星(28%)、Inotera(27%)与美光(12%)。 编译:Susan Hong 参考原文: DRAMs Back in Black ,by R. Colin Johnson {pagination} The dynamic random access memory (DRAM) market is back in the black and rising fast, recording its highest profits in nearly three years, according to IHS. DRAM operating margins rose 27 percent in the most recently reported period (April to June 2013) up from 11 percent in the first quarter -- the highest level since 2010 (see figure below). In fact, IHS notes that operating margins have been steadily climbing for six quarters. After years of PCs dominating DRAM sales, they consumed less than 50 percent of manufactured DRAMs in 2012 for the first time in 30 years, according to IHS. In this post-PC era, many devices -- especially mobile -- are using less DRAM per unit, which is slowing the overall growth of the market. After a three-year slump the DRAM business is finally posting rising average selling prices equal to those of three years ago, adding to operating margins rises for six successive periods. (Source: IHS iSuppli) Dee Robinson, IHS senior analyst, memory and storage, told EE Times: In terms of both revenue and gigabyte, the DRAM market is still expanding, but the growth is slowing because for the new market segments that DRAM is falling into, particularly mobile, the densities are lower so gigabyte growth is going to be lower than during the PC era. The growth in mobile is making up for the shrinking of the PC market, but nothing like the 50-to-90 percent growth rates of the past. Going forward, what we're expecting is that growth rates will be pretty moderate for DRAM -- in the 20-to-30 percent range. To keep margins healthy in this post-PC era, suppliers have had to tighten their belts and refrain from the over-production woes that depressed average selling prices (ASPs) in 2011 and 2012 when they sometimes dropped by nearly one-third in a single quarter. That effort is now paying off, as ASPs rose 4 percent in the first quarter of 2013 and a whopping 12 percent in the second quarter of 2013, according to IHS. "Due to industry consolidation behind three major players -- Samsung, SK Hynix, and Micron, which owns Elipida -- they are better able to coordinate production, bringing stability to a market going through a major transition away from PCs," says Robinson. Operating margins, which were boosted by the rising ASPs, were highest for SK Hynix (33 percent) followed by Elpida Memory (32 percent), Samsung (28 percent), Inotera (27 percent), and Micron (12 percent), according to IHS.

Q4 SK海力士火灾冲击最大,美光有望借机上位
移动应用牵头,2013年非PC DRAM需求成长46%u4Nesmc

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