Kickstarter集资网站最近发布一款新创公司利用微机电系统(MEMS)芯片为工程师打造的 iPad 专用附加套件──它能让以普通的纸与笔画出的原理图实时实现数字化。
这家位于法国Grenoble的ISKN LLC公司今年才从法国原子能署/信息暨电子科技实验室(CEA-Leti)旗下拆分出来,成为一家独立的新创公司。

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• MEMS电子鼻让你的手机也拥有嗅觉
• 面向医疗市场的MEMS传感器应用
• 1亿美元:InvenSense收购ADI MEMS麦克风业务bV1esmc
Kickstarter协助该公司发布这项计划才11个小时,就已经筹得其目标的35,000美元资金,后来还达到了366,127美元。这款可让内容实时数字化的 iPad 保护套── iSketchnote ,可望在2014年七月以189美元的价格商用化上市。
iSketchnote 采用意法半导体(STMicroelectronics)的MEMS磁力计数组,让用户能在开阖式设计的保护外盖内放置的普通纸上书写或作画,此时书写内 容将会同步数字化,并显示在一旁的 iPad 屏幕上。根据ISKN公司解释,这些 MEMS 磁力计数组将会追踪内建环形磁铁的被动式书写笔轨迹,并以次毫米级的精确度复制在 iPad 屏幕上。

“ISKN已经开发出能够利用三轴磁力计精确定位书写笔笔尖位置的算法了,” ISKN公司的一位顾问Stephen Walsh表示。他同时也任教于北卡罗莱纳州立大学(NCSU)。
本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载
• MEMS电子鼻让你的手机也拥有嗅觉
• 面向医疗市场的MEMS传感器应用
• 1亿美元:InvenSense收购ADI MEMS麦克风业务bV1esmc
等 到明年这款iSketchnote 保护套上市后,Walsh打算用来让他在电子原理图课程的学生使用。它具有一种特别且好用的动画功能,可让所绘制的内容连续播放,因而可让他每一次预先画好原理图的一个步骤,然后在教室上课时播放连续的动画,为学生諎细解释每一个步骤。

接下来,ISKN的工程师们计划将这种在 iPad 屏幕上的应用加以扩展到白板、游戏板、3D动画以及其它可搭配其画笔追踪技术的广泛应用。
本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载
编译:Susan Hong
参考英文原文:Perfect iPad Add-On for Engineers Uses MEMS,by R. Colin Johnson
• MEMS电子鼻让你的手机也拥有嗅觉
• 面向医疗市场的MEMS传感器应用
• 1亿美元:InvenSense收购ADI MEMS麦克风业务bV1esmc
Perfect iPad Add-On for Engineers Uses MEMS
R. Colin Johnson
PORTLAND, Ore. — The Kickstarter crowdfunding site has helped launch a startup leveraging micro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS) chips to create the perfect iPad add-on for engineers -- a cover that allows pen-and-paper schematics to be digitized in real time.
The iSketchnote iPad cover digitizes anything written on a plain piece of paper (right) and duplicates it on the iPad screen (left). SOURCE: iSketchnote
The company, ISKN LLC (Grenoble, France) was spun-off just this year by the Laboratoire d'électronique des technologies de l'information (Leti) a French research institute for electronics and information technologies and a subsidiary of the Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives (CEA).
Launched by a Kickstarter program that raised its goal of $35,000 in just 11 hours, and ultimately reached $346,127, the iSketchnote digitizing iPad cover will be available commercially in July 2014 at a price of $189.
A array of STMicroelectronics three-axis magnetometers on a printed-circuit board enables the Kickstarter iSketchnote project to track a passive pen with an embedded ring magnet. SOURCE: iSketchnote
Using an array of MEMS magnetometers from STMicroelectronics, users can draw on any sheet of plain paper laid on the inside flap of the open cover to digitize their schematics in realtime, which appear on the iPad screen as they draw. Passive pens with embedded ring magnets are tracked by the magnetometers to reproduce the drawings on the iPad screen with sub-millimeter accuracy, according to ISKN.
"ISKN has developed algorithms that can very precisely locate the position of the pen's tip, from the location of the magnet in the pen body, using the three-axis magnetometers from STMicroelectronics," said Stephen Walsh, a consultant for ISKN who also teaches electronics classes as an adjunct faculty member at North Carolina State University (NCSU).
Walsh plans to use the iSketchnote to draw electronic schematics for his classes when it becomes available next year. A special animation feature will also be useful, since it allows the sequence of a drawing to be played back, allowing him to pre-draw schematics one stage at a time, then play back the animation in class explaining each stage as it is redraw for the students.
Source: iSketchnote
The iSketchnote was not conceived by ISKN with engineers specifically in mind, but rather for iPad users who miss the freedom of drawing or taking notes by hand on real paper. It will come with a variety of different colored pens, which the iPad will reproduce in the matching color.
Next, the engineers at ISKN plan to expand from iPad covers into whiteboards, game boards, 3-D animations and other applications of their pen-tracking technology.