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根据最新发布的全球500大超级计算机排名显示,中国的超级计算机运算效能持续大幅领先,蝉连榜单首位宝座。此外,这份排名也显示了几项新的变化,包括 Cray 提供的新系统目前是欧洲最强大的超级计算机,而 Infiniband 则在丛集互连领域取得新应用……

根据最新发布的全球500大超级计算机排名显示,中国的超级计算机运算效能持续大幅领先,蝉连榜单首位宝座。此外,这份排名也显示了几项新的变化,包括 Cray 提供的新系统目前是欧洲最强大的超级计算机,而 Infiniband 则在丛集互连领域取得新应用。 最新的全球500大超级计算机排名中,揭露了中国“天河二号”(Tianhe-2) 的更多的细节──这是由中国国防科学技术大学开发的先进超级计算机,即将部署在广州的国家超级计算器中心。在Linpack的基准测试中,该系统可提供 33.86 petaflop/s的运算效能,较全球第二大超级计算机系统更高两倍之多。它16,000个运算节点,每个节点包含两个英特尔Xeon Ivy Bridge处理器和三个Xeon Phi处理器,共312万个运算核心。 中国工程师为天河二号开发出许多组件,包括其互连芯片、前端处理器、操作系统以及软件工具。该系统采用4,096个由中国开发的Galaxy FT-1500 CPU以及基于Sparc V9架构的16核心芯片。相较于英特尔12核心Ivy Bridge处理器可提供211Gflop/s的运算效能,该系统的每个前端处理器可在65W功耗下提供144 Gflop/s的运算效能。 天河二号执行中国开发的Kylin Linux 系统──在2006年首次获准使用。根据超级计算机会议上发布的最新500大榜单细节,该系统采用中国开发的编程模式 OpenMC ──类似于Open-MP 。 Cray 则是首次进入前十大的新系统──排名第六的PIZ Daint,目前位于瑞士卢加诺的瑞士国家超级计算机中心,可执行6.27 Pflop/s的运算效能,因而成为欧洲最强大的计算机系统。这款 Cray XC30 采用了73,808个 Nvidia K20x 加速芯片核心,功耗仅2.33MW,可执行2.7 Gflops/W的效能,使其成为前十大最具能效的系统。 500大超级电 脑排名中包含了31款运算效能达petaflop级的系统,较六个月前统计的26个petaflop级系统更持续增加了。总共有53个系统都采用了协同处 理器,其中的38个系统采用Nvidia的绘图芯片,13个系统采用英特尔Xeon Phi处理器,以及两个系统采用AMD Radeon GPU 。 英特尔在最新的统计中已经为412个系统(占82.4%)提供处理器了,较6个月前的80%微幅增加,并持续扩展其于 CPU 供货商的主导地位。AMD Opteron 芯片则用于43个系统(占9%),较六个月前的统计下滑了一个百分点;此外,还有40个系统用的是IBM的Power处理器。 在 系统选择排名方面,IBM BlueGene/Q 持续受到排名前10大的系统青睐,排名第3、第5、第8和第9的系统中都使用了该架构。然而,榜单上选择使用惠普(HP)的系统更多,有195个系统 (39%)都选择了惠普的系统,而使用IBM系统的则有166个(占33%)。 丛集计算机的规模也持续扩展。同步系统平均封装41,434个核心,较六个月前的38,700个核心以及一年前的29,796个核心更大幅扩增。 InfiniBand 技术目前已用于500大榜单中的207个系统,较六个月前的203个系统微幅增加。长久以来占主导地位的丛集互连技术──以太网络(Ethernet)则 进展持平,从一年前的216个系统使用下滑,目前则有212个系统使用。此外,还有77个系统10G以太网络,其余的系统则采用Gbit级链路。 全球500大超级计算机排名是由德国曼海姆大学(University of Mannheim)的Hans Meuer、美国劳伦斯柏克莱国家实验室(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)的Erich Strohmaier与Horst Simon,以及田纳西大学(University of Tennessee)大学的Jack Dongarra共同整理。这项排名最先是从1993年开始。 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 编译:Susan Hong 参考英文原文:China Retains Lead in Supercomputers,by Rick Merritt

NVIDIA Tesla GPU加速器成就全球最节能超级计算机

{pagination} China Retains Lead in Supercomputers Rick Merritt SAN JOSE, Calif. – A supercomputer in China retained its significant lead as the world's most powerful computer in the latest Top 500 list. Among few changes on the new list, Cray delivered a new system that is now the most powerful in Europe and Infiniband gained in use as a cluster interconnect. The latest rankings provided more details about Tianhe-2, revealing the sophistication of the supercomputer developed by China’s National University of Defense Technology to be deployed in Guangzho. The system delivers 33.86 petaflop/s on the Linpack benchmark, about twice as much as the world's second most powerful system. It packs 3.12 million computing cores, a mix of two Intel Xeon Ivy Bridge and three Xeon Phi processors on each of 16,000 nodes. China's engineers developed many of the Tianhe-2 components including its interconnect chips, front-end processors, operating system, and software tools. The system uses 4,096 China-developed Galaxy FT-1500 CPUs, 16-core chips based on the Sparc V9 architecture. Each front-end processor delivers 144 Gflop/s at 65 watts, compared to 211 Gflop/s for the 12-core Intel Ivy Bridge CPUs. Tianhe-2 runs China-developed Kylin Linux, first approved for use in 2006. It is based on OpenMC, a China-developed programming model, similar to Open-MP, according to details released with the new list at a supercomputer conference. Cray was the one new entrant to the Top 10 with its Piz Daint at a center in Lugano, Switzerland measured at 6.27 Pflop/s, making it Europe's most powerful system. The Cray XC30 uses 73,808 Nvidia K20x accelerator cores and is the most energy-efficient system in the Top 10, consuming 2.33 MW and delivering 2.7 Gflops/W. The list now contains 31 petaflop-class systems, up from 26 six months ago. A total of 53 systems use co-processors, 38 of them Nvidia graphics chips, 13 Intel Xeon Phi processors and two AMD Radeon GPUs. Intel extended its dominance as CPU supplier slightly in the latest list powering 412 (82.4 percent) of the systems, up from 80 percent six months ago. AMD's Opteron chips are used in 43 systems (9 percent), down a point, and IBM Power processors are in 40 systems. IBM's BlueGene/Q continues to have bragging rights as the most popular architecture in the top 10, used in the No. 3, 5, 8, and 9 systems. However, Hewlett-Packard supplied more systems, 195 percent or 39 percent of the Top 500, compared to 166 systems (33 percent) for IBM. Clusters continue to scale out. The average concurrency system packs 41,434 cores, up from 38,700 six months ago and 29,796 one year ago. InfiniBand technology is now found on 207 systems, up from 203 systems. Ethernet, long the dominant cluster interconnect, remained flat at use in 212 systems down from 216 systems a year ago. A total of 77 of the systems now use 10Gbit Ethernet, the rest using Gbit links. The Top 500 list is compiled by Hans Meuer of the University of Mannheim, Germany; Erich Strohmaier and Horst Simon of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; and Jack Dongarra of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. The first list was compiled in June 1993.
Rick Merritt
EE Times硅谷采访中心主任。Rick的工作地点位于圣何塞,他为EE Times撰写有关电子行业和工程专业的新闻和分析。 他关注Android,物联网,无线/网络和医疗设计行业。 他于1992年加入EE Times,担任香港记者,并担任EE Times和OEM Magazine的主编。
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