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欧盟委员会(EC)正式宣布 5G 公私联盟协会(5G PPP),致力于加速展开针对2020年及其后的第五代蜂窝网络工作。这项计划将遵循 3GPP 的发展脚步。3GPP是专为今日长期演进(LTE)网络开发相关规格的现有标准组织。

欧盟委员会(EC)正式宣布 5G 公私联盟协会(5G PPP),致力于加速展开针对2020年及其后的第五代蜂窝网络工作。这项计划将遵循 3GPP 的发展脚步。3GPP是专为今日长期演进(LTE)网络开发相关规格的现有标准组织。 5GPPP 并不是致力于下一代蜂窝网络标准的唯一组织,但它可望成为最具影响力的组织之一。例如,中国在建立自有的 3G 移动网络标准后,也成功地主导全球开发 TD-LTE 版标准的计划。 今年稍早,欧洲新的 5G PPP 组织首先发表了 5G 草案,奠定了下一代蜂巢式网络的广泛视野以及研究议程。 该 5G PPP 草案由24家电信厂商、系统制造商与研究小组共同提出,包括阿尔卡特-朗讯(ALU)、爱立信(Ericsson)、法国电信(France Telecom)、华为(Huawei)、英特尔(Intel)、诺基亚(NSN)以及意大利电信(Telecom Italia)等。 他们期望未来的移动网络将会结合无线网络以及云端运算的数据中心。 该 报告未来的结果:“十年后,电信与IT业者将基于通用目的与可编程硬件,大规模地朝向共同的基础架构而整合,从而为传输、路由、储存与执行提供资源。网络 设备将会变成‘运算等效’(computing equivalent)设备,收集基于虚拟化技术的可编程资源。这些网络将会在一个融合的基础架构下,嵌入于运算与储存资源中,从而协调IT与网络服务的 提供。” 该草案提到,相较于2010年的3G网络, 5G 网络可望提供更高1,000倍的性能,而且仅消耗每个网络服务总功率的10%。它还建议采用软件定义网络(SDN)与网络功能虚拟化的新兴技术,从而可在几分钟内(不必再耗时数小时)实现新的服务。 该草案并呼吁业界展开在无线、光学与软件技术方面的广泛研究,包括可带来更高80%的新式空中接口。同时,它还需要更多新的无线技术,包括通道建模、接取与干扰处理,以及在采用多天线与共享频谱非连续载波聚合方面的更多进展。 5GPPP正式成立以落实这项计划“可说是针对5G的应用案例、需求与技术迈向全产业协议的一个重要里程碑,”负责主导5G PPP的Werner Mohr表示。Werner Mohr同时也是诺基亚研究联盟负责人。 “在未来的十年内, LTE 技术及其持续的进展已经足够用。然而,在2020年后,业界将会需要新一代的技术来因应市场需求,新的技术和其持续发展将延续到这十年的结尾”Werner Mohr强调。 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 编译:Susan Hong 参考英文原文:5G Work Officially Begins in Europe,by Rick Merritt


{pagination} 5G Work Officially Begins in Europe Rick Merritt SAN JOSE, Calif. — The European Commission officially formed the 5G Public-Private Partnership Association (5GPPP), aiming to accelerate work on fifth-generation cellular networks for 2020 and beyond. The effort follows the footsteps of the 3GPP, a de facto standards group that develops the specifications for today's Long-Term Evolution (LTE) nets. 5GPPP is not the only group expected to work on standards for next-generation cellular networks, but it could become one of the most influential. For example, China successfully led a global effort to develop a variant of LTE after marginal success creating a version of 3G cellular. Earlier this year a forerunner of Europe's new 5GPPP group published a draft proposal for 5G. It laid out a broad vision and research agenda for next-generation cellular networks. A group of 24 carriers, system makers, and research groups worked on the draft proposal. They included Alcatel-Lucent, Ericsson, France Telecom, Huawei, Intel, Nokia Solutions and Networks, and Telecom Italia. They envisioned a future network that blends elements of wireless nets and cloud computing datacenters. The report described the end result: Ten years from now, telecom and IT will be integrated towards a common infrastructure massively based on general purpose and programmable hardware that will offer resources for transport, routing, storage and execution. Network equipment will become 'computing equivalent' equipment that gathers programmable resources based on virtualization technologies. [These nets will] embed computing and storage resources in a converged infrastructure to orchestrate the delivery of IT and network services" The draft said 5G nets should provide 1,000 times higher capacity that 2010 networks, presumably 3G, while consuming only 10 percent of the total energy per network service. It also recommended using emerging techniques in software-defined networks and network-function virtualization so new services can be created in minutes rather than hours. The draft called for research across a spectrum of wireless, optical, and software technologies including new air interfaces that will be 80 percent more efficient. It identified the need for new radio technologies in channel modeling, access, and interference handling as well as advances in use of multiple antennas and sharing non-contiguous blocks of spectrum. Officially forming the 5GPPP to carry on this work "is an important milestone towards an industry-wide agreement on use cases, requirements, and technologies for 5G," said Werner Mohr, who will chair 5GPPP. "LTE and its continuous evolution will be sufficient until the end of the decade. However, after 2020 a new generation of technologies will be needed to address market demands," said Mohr who also serves as head of research alliances at NSN.
Rick Merritt
EE Times硅谷采访中心主任。Rick的工作地点位于圣何塞,他为EE Times撰写有关电子行业和工程专业的新闻和分析。 他关注Android,物联网,无线/网络和医疗设计行业。 他于1992年加入EE Times,担任香港记者,并担任EE Times和OEM Magazine的主编。
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