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Google此举意味着该公司认真考虑进军连网家电市场,但更重要的是在范围更大的物联网(Internet of Things,IoT)市场占据一席之地。透过智能手机或平板遥控家电的概念,对许多消费性电子业者、甚至消费者来说,都已不是新鲜事。但Nest声名大噪的原因在于其简洁的特性……

Google 在美国时间1月13日宣布以32亿美元收购家用智能型温度控制/烟雾侦测装置供货商 Nest Lab,并藉此向家庭应用领域伸出触角;这似乎预告了Nest Lab共同创办人 Tony Fadell 的长期愿景──“感知家庭(conscious home)”技术领域将点燃战火。 Nest在 2012年的国际消费性电子展(CES) 前的一场发表会上大出风头,曾参与开发 Apple iPod 的共同创办人Fadell、简洁时尚的温度控制装置设计,以及结合iPhone应用程序的创新功能,让这家公司在当时吸引了所有人的目光。两年后,场景一 样是CES,Nest成为被Google高价收购的对象。 Google此举意味着该公司认真考虑进军连网家电市场,但更重要的是在范围更大的物联网(Internet of Things,IoT)市场占据一席之地。根据双方协议,Google收购的内容包括Nest产品与设计团队,而共同创办人Fadell与Matt Rogers也在其中。根据Google的声明,Nest将:“继续在Fadell的领导下运作,并保有自己独特的品牌识别。” 透过智能手机或平板遥控家电的概念,对许多消费性电子业者、甚至消费者来说,都已不是新鲜事。但Nest声名大噪的原因在于其简洁的特性(特别是在消 费者设定时),还有该装置的自我学习(self-learning)功能,以及这家公司在软件可升级性方面的完美执行力。


如何赋予家电链接性、智能功能以及易用性,多年来都是各家消费性电子厂商关注的焦点。在甫落幕的 2014年度CES期间,LG展示了新一代具备“聊天”功能──HomeChat──的智能家电,让使用者能透过手机实时通讯软件Line跟家里的电器(以自然语言)沟通。 举 例来说,如果你用HomeChat功能传短信给家里的电器说“我要去度假了”,你会收到自动回复的消息:“我应该转换成度假模式吗?”,当你回答“是”, 你的冰箱就会进入省电模式,而扫地机器人会设定在每天晚上9点开始打扫,洗衣机则是会在你度假回来的前一天准备好执行洗衣程序。 “连网”智能家电的概念已经扩大,接下来合理的发展是改善那些装置与云端链接的方式,厘清有哪些数据需要收集并上传到因特网,以及哪些有用的分析数据能回馈 到那些智能家电中。Nest的Fadell曾在一篇部落格文章写到:“当我和Matt在2010年创办Nest,我们就决定要改变我们的家庭以及我们周遭 的世界。” Fadell在一开始就说过:“我们的愿景是打造一个“感知家庭”,一个更体贴周到、更直觉,而且外观好看的家。目前还没有人能做到,而我们有信心可以用正确的产品、正确的团队与焦点达成那样的愿景。” 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 编译:Judith Cheng


{pagination} Google Acquires Nest Labs for $3.2 Billion Junko Yoshida The battle of "a conscious home" begins SAN FRANCISCO — Let the battle begin over the so-called “conscious home” -- a long-term vision held by Nest Lab’s co-founder Tony Fadell. Now that Google is inserting itself into that "home" picture, through the acquisition of Nest, a smart thermostat and smoke alarm developer, expect the market segment to heat up. It was at CES Unveiled -- a pre-show gadget-fest at the International CES -- in 2012, where Nest stole the show. The pedigree of Fadell (who developed Apple’s music player iPod) as the startup’s co-founder, the sleek thermostat design, and the fact that the lowly thermostat came with an iPhone app from day one on the product rollout fascinated everyone. Two years later, right after the 2014 CES, Google snatched up Nest Labs for $3.2 billion in cash on Monday (Jan. 13). Google’s move suggests that the search engine giant is serious about becoming a player in the “connected” home appliance market, but more to the point, occupying the space of the much larger Internet of Things market. Under the deal, Google will acquire both Nest’s products and a design team that includes its co-founders, Fadell and Matt Rogers. According to Google’s announcement, Nest will “continue to operate under the leadership of Fadell and with its own distinct brand identity.” The idea of remotely controlling home appliances via smartphones or tables is no longer foreign to many CE vendors, and perhaps, even to consumers. But Nest’s claim to fame is its simplicity (when consumers are setting it up), the self-learning capability of the device and the company’s flawless execution in making appliances software upgradable. How to bring connectivity, intelligence, and ease-of-use to home appliances has been the name of the game among CE vendors for years. At CES last week, LG showed off next-generation smart home appliances that do “HomeChat.” By tapping a Japanese messaging service called Line, LG now allows users to chat with LG’s new appliances via text messaging (in natural language). For example, texting “I’m going on vacation” in HomeChat will result in the automatic response, “Should I convert to vacation mode?” When you reply "yes," the refrigerator will go into power-saving mode, the family’s robotic vacuum cleaner will sweep the floor at 9:00 a.m. every day, and the washing machine will run a wash cycle on the day before your return. As the idea of “connected” smart appliances spreads, the next logical step is to improve the way those devices are connected to the cloud, figure out what data will be collected and uploaded to the Internet and what useful analytics will be fed back into those smart appliances. In his blog at Nest, Fadell wrote: “When Matt and I started Nest in 2010, we were determined to change our homes and the world around us.” From the beginning, Fadell said, “our vision was to create a conscious home. A home that is more thoughtful, intuitive -- and nice to look at. No one had cracked the code and we were confident we could do it with the right product, the right team, and focus.” According to Google, the transaction of the deal is subject to customary closing conditions, including the receipt of regulatory approvals in the US. It is expected to close in the next few months.
Junko Yoshida
ASPENCORE全球联席总编辑,首席国际特派记者。曾任把口记者(beat reporter)和EE Times主编的Junko Yoshida现在把更多时间用来报道全球电子行业,尤其关注中国。 她的关注重点一直是新兴技术和商业模式,新一代消费电子产品往往诞生于此。 她现在正在增加对中国半导体制造商的报道,撰写关于晶圆厂和无晶圆厂制造商的规划。 此外,她还为EE Times的Designlines栏目提供汽车、物联网和无线/网络服务相关内容。 自1990年以来,她一直在为EE Times提供内容。
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