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在刚刚开幕的日内瓦车展上,苹果公司宣布推出车载iOS系统CarPlay,通过汽车与iPhone连接,再配合方向盘上的Siri按钮,可实现电话、地图、音乐或查看信息等功能的连通。与此同时,法拉利、奔驰及沃尔沃等汽车品牌宣布已确定与苹果合作,将于近期推出CarPlay相关车型,而更多汽车厂商也将陆续跟进。 业内人士分析,大型车企一边与苹果合作,一边打造自有车联网系统,始终与苹果保持着微妙的关系。 苹果喧宾夺主 日内瓦车展上苹果喧宾夺主,“车载iOS系统CarPlay”整合了手机和汽车的通讯、娱乐功能,是苹果在手机、电脑之后进入的又一个新领域。根据苹果的介绍,在iPhone同一辆整合了CarPlay功能的汽车建立了连接后,用户便可以利用Siri轻松读取手机内的联系人信息、打电话、回电话,甚至是收听语音留言。如果收到新信息或者新通知的话,Siri也可以通过读出信息内容或者让驾驶者使用语音命令听写的方式来进行信息回复,或者给对方回电,确保司机的视线始终聚焦车前方。






据悉,苹果将在iOS7系统更新中推出CarPlay服务,该服务仅仅支持所有搭载了Lightning接口的iPhone (包括iPhone5s、iPhone 5c和iPhone 5),并将于2014年在部分指定车型中首发。 本文为《国际电子商情》原创,版权所有,转载请注明出处并附链接 第2页:大牌车企们:并不排斥其他家的车载系统 第3页:车厂们已经着手开发自己的系统

iOS in the Car系统用户界面大量新图曝光

{pagination} 大牌车企们:并不排斥其他车载系统 几乎就在苹果推出“CarPlay”的第一时间,李书福旗下的沃尔沃也发布新闻,宣布将率先搭载苹果CarPlay。而首款搭载该系统的沃尔沃车型将是全新XC90,这款将在2014年下半年全球首发。通用汽车也表示,已经在其旗下部分车型中嵌入了siri功能,作为美国企业,通用汽车一定会与苹果合作。






通用汽车车联网部门有关人士表示,手机在人们生活中发挥着重要的作用,如果车商不能将手机功能整合进汽车,那么必然会失去很多潜在消费者,所以车商一定会与包括苹果、google在内的所有手机系统开发商合作。但是,大部分车商更倾向于拥有自己的车联网系统,不会把蛋糕拱手让人。 本文为《国际电子商情》原创,版权所有,转载请注明出处并附链接 第3页:车厂们已经着手开发自己的系统

iOS in the Car系统用户界面大量新图曝光

{pagination} 一方面,通用汽车正在加强自己的车载软件开发包(SDK),要求开发者专门为通用汽车编写独特的应用程序。另一方面,福特公司也提供给软件开发者SDK,让他们编写能用在福特汽车电子上的智能手机apps。 除了通用和福特的做法,目前在美国至少还有4种做法可以把智能手机的apps带进汽车电子中。 第一种是通过苹果的Carplay; 第二是MirrorLink,其协议由汽车连接联盟(Car Connectivity Consortium)开发; 第三种是通过安卓,谷歌主导的开放式汽车联盟; 最后是Aha Radio。 下面的框图告诉我们。汽车制造商如何才能整合智能手机的apps到汽车中:

Source: IHS Automotivetvlesmc

看起来超复杂的是吧?由于整合智能手机应用的困难性,大部分车厂可能还是倾向选择平台厂商提供专有的系统,比如苹果。尤其在美国这个比较崇拜苹果和iPhone的国家,一些车厂迫于市场压力只能选择苹果Carplay。 车联网正在成为汽车业发展最迅速的细分市场。德勤预测,2016年全球汽车电子规模将达到2348亿美元,增速将高于整车行业3%-5%的增长水平。 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 参考英文原文:Apple's iOS Codes Get Inside Car

iOS in the Car系统用户界面大量新图曝光

{pagination} Apple's iOS Codes Get Inside Car Junko Yoshida At the Geneva Motor Show Monday, Apple debuted “CarPlay,” a tool described by the software giant to bring the iPhone user interface to the automobile dashboard, allowing drivers to easily control iPhone apps “from the car’s native interface” or “just push-and-hold the voice control button on the steering wheel to activate Siri.” With Apple’s announcement, the naked ambition among smartphone vendors to get inside the car has become more evident than ever before. So is the eagerness of carmakers to associate their cars with the popular smartphone platform – at any cost. But the CarPlay announcement, lacking any technical information, raises more questions than answers, while it illustrates the confusing mess the automotive industry has precipitated when it comes to the in-vehicle integration of smartphone apps. For starters, every carmaker today already has its own Human-Machine Interface (HMI) for its every model. Adding a new Apple HMI (touchscreen, voice, steering wheels, etc.), or supporting a different HMI set via another smartphone (i.e. Google’s Android, Microsoft, etc.) is no cake walk. Unanswered questions include the modifications necessary in iOS apps to enable them on cars that support CarPlay, Egil Juliussen, principal analyst, Infotainment & ADAS, at IHS Automotive, told EE Times. In fact, Apple’s CarPlay announcement listed only a few apps dedicated for use inside the car. They include phone calls, maps, music and messaging by voice or touch. More important, Juliussen said that it’s not clear if Apple is making a software development kit (SDK) available for car OEMs. In order to accommodate Apple’s CarPlay, Juliussen said, “I suspect that automakers are doing more modifications to their cars,” and they need “something like an SDK” to make modification to their cars -- “relatively quickly.” Many options for integrating smartphone apps Carmakers understand that a growing number of automotive-related software apps – whether directly written to their own cars or to smartphones are destined to change their cars' future. On one hand, General Motors -- armed with its own software development kit (SDK) -- is courting software developers to write unique automotive apps to GM cars. On the other, Ford is offering an SDK to software developers to write smartphone apps to be used in Ford cars. Today, beyond what GM and Ford are independently doing, there are “four different approaches, at least in the United States, to bring smartphone apps inside the car,” Juliussen explained. First is through Apple’s CarPlay; second is via MirrorLink (whose protocols were developed by the Car Connectivity Consortium); the third is through Android (Google-led Open Automotive Alliance); and finally, there’s Aha Radio. The diagram below illustrates options available to carmakers in terms of how they can integrate smartphone apps inside their cars. Smartphone apps integration options (Source: IHS Automotive) As complex as the integration of smartphone apps looks here, car OEMs are not likely to stop pursuing proprietary options offered by platform vendors like Apple. Especially in the United States, where iPhone owners are viewed as “more valuable by carmakers,” Juliussen said that some carmakers are finding no choice but to court Apple and CarPlay. Apple boasted that vehicles from Ferrari and Mercedes-Benz to Volvo will premiere CarPlay this week in Geneva. Apple added that additional manufacturers bringing CarPlay to their drivers down the road include BMW, Ford, General Motors, Honda, Hyundai, Jaguar Land Rover, Kia, Mitsubishi, Nissan, PSA Peugeot Citro?n, Subaru, Suzuki, and Toyota. However, a fair number of car companies listed above as CarPlay supporters are also members of the Open Automotive Alliance – launched at the International CES in January – designed to bringing the Android platform to cars starting in 2014. Transitional phase Asked about Apple’s CarPlay, Roger Lanctot, associate director for global automotive practice at Strategy Analytics, told us, “This is the first integration which actually requires some iOS code in the car – but not the OS. Lanctot predicted that carmakers ultimately “will support any and all available smartphone integration.” The situation automakers now face, however, looks pretty chaotic. Calling the current confusion in automotive apps development activities “an unfortunate transitional phase,” Lanctot explained, “The next step will be single platforms that support all smartphones in a consistent way.” Asked about examples of “works-with-all-platforms,” Lanctot listed initiatives that include OpenCar, MyLink, SYNC, Airbiquity, and Abalta. IHS Juliussen agreed that OpenCar might be a good place to start, in terms of creating a unified platform that can work with all smartphone apps. In fact, according the OpenCar website touts itself as “the next-generation application platform to bridge the automotive and mobile App ecosystems.” The website described OpenCar’s vision for the connected car as offering “applications that make smartphones irrelevant to drivers when they’re behind the wheel.” But as long as every smartphone platform is jockeying to create a dashboard beachhead and carmakers are going along, the Apple vs. Google in-vehicle apps battle will not go away any time soon, leaving a smartphone integration SNAFU for apps developers, carmakers, and drivers.
Junko Yoshida
ASPENCORE全球联席总编辑,首席国际特派记者。曾任把口记者(beat reporter)和EE Times主编的Junko Yoshida现在把更多时间用来报道全球电子行业,尤其关注中国。 她的关注重点一直是新兴技术和商业模式,新一代消费电子产品往往诞生于此。 她现在正在增加对中国半导体制造商的报道,撰写关于晶圆厂和无晶圆厂制造商的规划。 此外,她还为EE Times的Designlines栏目提供汽车、物联网和无线/网络服务相关内容。 自1990年以来,她一直在为EE Times提供内容。
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