英特尔曾希望赢得官司,以减小罚单规模。但欧盟普通法院(EU General Court)周四维持了对英特尔的判罚,并裁定,英特尔的所有主张都不足以减小罚款规模。
2009年,经过8年调查,欧盟委员会(European Commission)对英特尔作出了罚款10.6亿欧元(14.4亿美元)的反垄断处罚决定。这一罚款金额占英特尔2008年营收的4.15%。
欧盟委员会重罚英特尔的原因是,2002年至2007年间,美国PC厂商戴尔、惠普、日本NEC、大陆联想集团、台湾宏碁和德国零售商Media Saturn均接受了英特尔提供的回扣,这导致英特尔的竞争对手AMD无法向这些厂商提供x86处理器。
在败诉之后,英特尔可以依据法律条款向欧盟法院(Court of Justice of the European Union)继续提出上诉。
然而,Intel发言人Sophie Jacobs并未在发言中明确是否会上诉,仅表示:“我们对此决定非常失望。这是一个很复杂的官司。我们会对判决进行评估。”
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参考英文原文:EU Denies Intel Appeal of $1.4B Fine,by Rick Merritt
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EU Denies Intel Appeal of $1.4B Fine
Rick Merritt
HERAKLION, Greece — A European court turned down Intel's appeal of a 2009 antitrust case in which it levied a ?.06 billion (US$1.43 billion) fine against Intel, its largest fine ever in an anti-competition case.
Intel can still appeal the decision to Europe's highest court, the European Court of Justice, according to The New York Times. Intel did not immediately comment on a statement from the General Court of the European Union, which rejected the appeal June 12.
The original case concluded in May 2009 that Intel made payments to computer makers Dell, Lenovo, Hewlett-Packard, and NEC on the condition that they purchased from Intel all or almost all of their x86 CPUs. In addition, Intel gave European PC retailer Media-Saturn payments for exclusively selling PCs using Intel processors, the court said.
The original case also found Intel paid Acer, HP, and Lenovo to postpone or cancel the launch of AMD CPU-based products or to put restrictions on how the AMD-based PCs were distributed.
The US government also conducted separate investigations against Intel and Microsoft for similar practices. AMD sparked both the US and European cases against Intel. Intel settled its case in the US.
At the time of the original cases, some OEMs told EE Times at least some of the payments came as part of joint marketing agreements broadly used by Intel and Microsoft. The payments would often be substantial and come just before quarterly earnings, making them more attractive to PC makers operating on razor-thin profits, one HP source told EE Times.
In a 2013 interview a former Intel executive described how some of those payment programs got their start with deals between Intel and IBM.
Intel argued on several points in its European appeal that the fine should be eliminated or reduced.
The European court rejected Intel's argument that the court needed to prove on a case-by-case basis that the so-called rebates hurt competition. It pointed in part to Intel's 70% or larger share of the x86 processor market.
In its statement, the European court detailed reasons it denied Intel's arguments. For example, it said:
Exclusivity rebates granted by an undertaking in a dominant position are, by their very nature, capable of restricting competition and foreclosing competitors from the market. It is thus not necessary to show that they are capable of restricting competition on a case by case basis.
Intel attempted to conceal the anti-competitive nature of its practices and implemented a long term comprehensive strategy to foreclose AMD from the strategically most important sales channels.
Regarding the fine it said:
The fine is appropriate in the light of the facts of the case... the Commission set the proportion of the value of sales at 5% which is at the lower end of the scale which can go up to 30%. Moreover, the fine is equivalent to 4.15% of Intel's annual turnover, which is well below the 10% ceiling provided for.