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博通公司宣布,他们将逐步缩小手机基带芯片业务规模并在全球范围内裁掉2成的员工。首席执行官Scott McGregor在电话财报会议上告诉分析师,在今年6月份计划退出基带市场并将开始寻找潜在的买家之后,他们现在决定关掉这一业务……

EE Times美国报道,当地时间周二,博通公司宣布,他们将逐步缩小手机基带芯片业务规模并在全球范围内裁掉2500名员工。首席执行官Scott McGregor在电话财报会议上告诉分析师,在今年6月份计划退出基带市场并开始寻找潜在买家,在没有合适买家的情况下,他们现在决定关掉这一业务。 McGregor说道:“我们做出决定,将逐步减小规模,这将帮助我们减少在这一业务上的经济损失并帮助我们可以更好地把精力集中到核心优势业务,让其得到更快的发展。” 据悉,博通计划裁掉250名销售及管理人员,并在全球范围内裁掉2250名员工,总数2500人--这一数字等同于2013年财年总员工人数的1/5,重组将关闭或合并18个办事处。

《国际电子商情》博通首席执行官Scott McGregor
博通首席执行官Scott McGregor

虽然多家智能手机厂商都在使用博通的连接芯片,但随着4G网络的发展,高通开始慢慢地蚕食掉博通在基带芯片市场的份额。 其实在美国博通并不是唯一一家决定放弃基带芯片的公司。早在2012年,德州仪器就在因没有卖掉移动新品部门而被迫裁掉了1700名员工。 鉴于中国廉价智能手机的快速发展,博通才开始在已有的连接芯片基础上研发了新的基带技术。不过这一战略现在已经慢慢失效。据悉,因为放弃了基带市场,博通基带SoC业务的规模在三季度将下降至5000万美元,在四季度再减少一半。 报告称,博通2014年第二财季总收入为20.4亿美元,同比上一年下跌了2.3个百分点。博通预计接下来的两个季度,财政收入将相对平坦,预计分别为21.4和20.4亿美元。 不过由于在财政上的支出得到了减少,这家公司甚至还将本年第三财季的毛利率提升到55%,比华尔街预测的53%还要高,达到历史最高。博通将花费超过8亿美元回购股票,是此前计划的两倍。 尽管少了基带业务,但依靠下一季整机合作伙伴们的新产品不断推出,博通的无线连接芯片预计会有上佳表现,比如Wi-Fi和蓝牙芯片。我们想这个伙伴大家都不会陌生。McGregor表示,遗憾的是以后博通的无线芯片产品无法搭配基带功能了。 再看看好的一面,McGregor表示博通在25Gbit/S以太网数据中心业务中处于领先地位,该业务占博通基础设施收益的2/3。博通还获得了大量整机厂商的超高清(Ultra HD)分辨率HEVC编解码Design Win,该业务预计明年开始盈利。此外,他还预计公司芯片业务会在汽车电子和物联网领域获得增长。 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 编译:Luffy Liu 参考英文原文:Broadcom Cuts 2,500 jobs,Rick Merritt


{pagination} Broadcom Cuts 2,500 jobs Cellular exit drives 20% layoffs Rick Merritt SAN JOSE, Calif. — Broadcom will lay off about 2,500 employees as part of a decision on June 2 to exit the cellular baseband business for which it could not find a buyer. The news came in a call with financial analysts in which the company essentially reported neither profits nor revenue growth for its latest quarter. Broadcom will take a $417 million charge, about $150 million of it this quarter, for the restructuring which will include closing or consolidating 18 offices. "The decision to exit the cellular baseband business puts Broadcom on a path to being a stronger company," said Broadcom's chief executive Scott McGregor. The decision underscores the significance of the smartphone market and how it is consolidating into the hands of fewer, larger system and chip makers. The layoffs represent about 20% of Broadcom's 12,400 employees. With its decision to exit the market, Broadcom's cellular SoC business will fall quickly. It is expected to decline to about $50 million in the third quarter and then about half that in the last quarter of the year. Broadcom expects the next two quarters will be fairly flat overall with revenues estimated at about $2.14 and $2.04 billion respectively. Despite the cellular move, Broadcom's sales of connectivity chips such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth will rise in the next quarter, in part due to new system launches planned by partners. However, those products may lose some sockets long term for designs paired with baseband sales, McGregor said. On the bright side, McGregor said Broadcom is leading a move to 25 Gbit/second Ethernet for data centers which represent about two-thirds of its infrastructure revenues. The company has a leading position in the HEVC codec for Ultra HD resolution systems with design wins beginning this year but revenues not starting until next year, he said. In addition, he predicted growth in the company's chips for automotive and the Internet of things sectors Broadcom reported revenues of $2.04 billion for the second quarter, up 2.9% from the first quarter but down 2.3% from the second quarter of 2013. The company reported a $1 million loss down from profits of $165 million in the last three months and up from a loss of $251 million in the second quarter of 2013. The company reported 55% gross margins, a historically high figure. It will spend more than $800 million to repurchase stock, twice the amount previously planned.
Rick Merritt
EE Times硅谷采访中心主任。Rick的工作地点位于圣何塞,他为EE Times撰写有关电子行业和工程专业的新闻和分析。 他关注Android,物联网,无线/网络和医疗设计行业。 他于1992年加入EE Times,担任香港记者,并担任EE Times和OEM Magazine的主编。
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