了解 Soitec 的碳化硅产品及其 SmartSiC™ 工程衬底如何助力并加强电动汽车的功率转换。
本网络研讨会将解释 Soitec 的碳化硅 (SmartSiC™) 在制造碳化硅功率器件方面的特性与优势,特别是对功率器件的性能、可用性和可持续性方面的提升。
我们还将解释 SmartSiC™ 衬底如何通过简化处理过程和增加 200mm 衬底的可用性来加快 SiC 功率器件的部署。
会议亮点 :
2、Soitec 的智能碳化硅 (SmartSiC™) 为电动汽车/混合动力汽车应用中的 MOSFET 和二极管带来的优势
3、Soitec 的智能碳化硅 (SmartSiC™) 将如何解决碳化硅制造难题,并通过更高性能、更低成本的碳化硅功率器件加速碳化硅的应用。
Soitec is a world leader in the production of innovative semiconductor materials. The company leverages its unique technologies to serve the electronics markets.
In meeting the technical and economic challenges of mainstream electronics, Soitec is helping to speed up the mobile and digital revolutions. Its products are used to manufacture chips that go into smartphones, tablets, computers, IT servers and data centers as well as electronic components in cars, connected devices, and industrial and medical equipment.
With more than 4,000 patents, the company pursues a strategy of disruptive innovation to provide its customers with products that combine performance, energy efficiency and competitiveness. Soitec's technologies, projects and industrial capacity make it one of the crown jewels of France's industrial sector.
Soitec is headquartered in Bernin France. The company was founded 30 years ago in Grenoble's high-tech ecosystem and has manufacturing facilities, R&D centers and sales offices in Europe, the United States and Asia. Soitec is listed on the CAC NEXT 20, in Paris.
For more information please visit: https://www.soitec.com