市场研究机构 IC Insights 的最新统计报告显示, 2010年全球电子系统产品内含的半导体组件价值比例达到25.4%的新高纪录;而随着半导体组件平均销售价格(ASP)在今明两年可能继续上扬,该机构估计电子系统产品内的半导体内容价值比例将持续升高。
根据 IC Insights 的统计纪录, 2010年的电子系统产品半导体内容价值比例,比前一次最高纪录──1995年与2006年曾创下的23.1%──还高出2.3%。该机构总裁Bill McClean表示,这样的新纪录非常引人瞩目:“随着半导体组件内容价值在电子系统产品销售金额中占据越来越高比例,意味着半导体市场的成长速度也超越了电子系统产业的成长速度。”
McClean补充指出,电子系统产品市场的平均年成长率约6%,也就是说今年半导体市场的成长幅度大约会是8~9%,这与IC Insights 对2011年半导体销售额的预测成长率相符。此外IC Insights的历史资料显示,2009年是首度出现电子系统半导体组件内容价值比例成长,但半导体市场本身却呈现衰退的一年。
从1989 年到2010年的22年间,半导体内容价值在电子系统产品销售金额中所占据的比例,总共增加了13.3%,平均每年的成长幅度是0.6%。IC Insights指出,电子系统产品内的半导体内容价值比例变动,大多数是因为芯片价格的改变;但是在2009年,芯片平均销售价格下滑了2%,是连续第五年呈现下滑,2010年芯片平均销售价格则成长了1%。
IC Insights预期,芯片平均销售价格将在 2011年与2012年将持续上扬,此趋势将使得接下来五年电子系统产品半导体内容价值比例,平均每年仅增加2%左右,由2010年的25.4%,成长为2015年的27.8%。而该机构认为,该比例的天花板,也就是电子系统产品半导体内容价值比例的最高点,应该至少有30%。
(参考原文: Analyst: IC content in electronics hit record,by Dylan McGrath)
• Gartner:2011年半导体市场将增长4.6%Ybaesmc
Analyst: IC content in electronics hit record
Dylan McGrath
The semiconductor industry benefited in 2010 from a record high dollar content in electronic systems, 25.4 percent, according to market research firm IC Insights Inc.
What's more, with semiconductor average selling prices (ASPs) projected to rise this year and next year, the firm believes the percentage of semiconductor content in electronic systems sales is likely to continue rising.
The 2010 mark was 2.3 percentage points higher than the previous high of 23.1 percent first reached in 1995 and again in 2006, according to IC Insights (Scottsdale, Ariz.).
Bill McClean, president of IC Insights, said the record is significant. "With semiconductor content increasing in electronic system sales, it indicates that the semiconductor market is growing faster than the electronic systems industry," McClean said.
McClean added that the electronic systems market is increasing 6 percent per year, which suggests that the semiconductor industry is on pace to grow 8 to 9 percent this year. This is consistent with IC Insights' forecast for 2011 semiconductor sales growth, which is higher than several rival market research firms.
According to IC Insights, 2009 was the first year on record that showed an increase in semiconductor content in electronic systems in a year when the semiconductor market declined.
In the 22-year period from 1989 through 2010, the percentage of semiconductor content in electronic system sales increased by 13.3 points, an average of 0.6 points per year, according to IC Insights. Historically, much of the volatility with regard to the percentage of semiconductor content in electronic systems has been due to IC price changes, the firm said.
But in 2009, the IC average selling price (ASP) dropped 2 percent, a record fifth year in a row of an IC ASP decline, IC Insights said. In 2010 IC ASPs increased by 1 percent, the firm said.
IC Insights said it expects IC ASPs to continue to show improvement in 2011 and 2012. The trend toward increasing IC ASPs is forecast to cause the average semiconductor content in electronic systems to rise just over two percentage points over the next five years, from 25.4% in 2010 to 27.8% in 2015, according to the firm.
IC Insights believes the "ceiling"—maximum percentage of electronic systems sales that can go to semiconductors—is at least 30 percent.