苹果(Apple)日前公布了其2011财务年度第一季的业绩报告,当季销售额达到创新高纪录的2,674万美元,季成长32%、年成长70%;而在财报发表的前一天,该公司才宣布执行长 Steve Jobs 再度请病假、且期间未定的消息。
Jobs在过去的24个月以来已经是第二次请病假,而且苹果都不愿透露他的健康状况以及回公司上班的预期时间表;在2009年,Jobs的病假请了六个月,他请假期间由苹果营运长Tim Cook代理其职务。
但苹果的第一季业绩表现仍远超过分析师的预期,该公司财务长Peter Oppenheimer表示:“我们的Mac、 iPad 与 iPhone 产品销售表现,超越公司史上的所有季销售纪录。”当季iPhone销售量达到1,624万支,较去年同期成长86%;Mac计算机销售量则年成长23%,但iPod销售量则较去年同期减少了7%,来到1,945万台。
此外 iPad 销售量在第一季达到733万台,较上一季增加了419万台;Cook表示,苹果在第一季大幅提升了iPad产能,以因应市场上对平板装置的大量需求,也让 iPad 进军更多新的区域市场。但他表示, iPhone 4 订单的交货仍有显著落后情况。
编译: Judith Cheng
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(参考原文: Apple posts record sales, profit,by Dylan McGrath)
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Apple posts record sales, profit
Dylan McGrath
Apple Inc. Tuesday (Jan. 18) reported record revenue and profit for its first quarter of fiscal 2011, one day after the company announced that CEO Steve Jobs was taking medical leave for an undefined time period.
Apple (Cupertino, Calif.) reported sales of $26.74 billion, up 32 percent from the previous quarter and up 70 percent from the year-ago quarter. Apple reported a net income for the quarter of $6 billion, or $6.53 per share, up 40 percent compared to the previous quarter and up 47 percent compared to the year ago quarter.
On Monday, Apple announced that Jobs was taking his second medical leave in the past 24 months. The company did not reveal the specifics of Jobs' medical condition or provide a timetable for his expected return. As he did when Jobs went on a six month medical leave in 2009, Tim Cook, Apple's chief operating officer, will oversee Apple's day-to-day operations in Jobs' absence.
Apple's quarterly results easily exceeded consensus analysts' expectations, which called for sales of $24.4 billion and net income of $5.38 per share, according to Yahoo Finance.
"We sold more Macs, iPads and iPods than in any other quarter of the company's history," said Peter Oppenheimer, Apple's chief financial officer.
Sales of iPhones shot to 16.24 million units, Apple said, up 86 percent from the first quarter of fiscal 2010. The company said it sold 4.13 million Macintosh computers during the quarter, up 23 percent from the year-ago quarter. But sales of iPods declined to 19.45 million, down 7 percent from the year ago quarter.
Apple said it sold 7.33 million iPads during the fiscal first quarter, up from 4.19 million during the previous quarter.
Cook said Apple was able to increase iPad production dramatically during the quarter, helping the company to meet the enormous demand for the tablet and allow Apple to being offering iPad in several new countries. But Cook said Apple still has a significant backlog of orders for iPhone 4. "We are working around the clock to build more," Cook said. "I feel great that the demand is so high, but at this point I'm not going to predict when supply and demand will meet."
"Demand for iPhones has just been incredible," Oppenheimer said. "We could not make enough during the quarter."
Cook also revealed that Apple struck long-term agreements with suppliers worth $3.9 billion over two years. He declined to name the suppliers or even to say what they will be supplying to Apple. Cook likened the agreements to Apple's 2005 deals with NAND flash suppliers which helped the company maintain a steady supply of NAND for its products.
Apple said its gross margin for the fiscal first quarter, which closed on Dec. 25, was 38.5 percent, down from 40.9 percent in the year-ago quarter. International sales accounted for 62 percent of the quarter's revenue, Apple said.