一位英特尔(Intel)高层表示,在日本于3月11日发生的里9.0强震中,WiMax 技术已被证实比 3G 蜂巢式技术更具可靠性。
发表以上言论的是英特尔副总裁暨嵌入式计算机事业群总经理Ton Steenman,在日本大地震发生前一刻,他人就在当地;“3G手机网络在地震中几乎完全中断,但 WiMax 网络却屹立不摇、并持续在各种应用中运作;包括自动提款机(ATM)、数字看板等等,有不少服务都是藉由WiMax网络所提供。”Steenman表示。
目前最新版的WiMax可提供40Mbit/s的传输速率,而预期IEEE 802.16m的更新版本,可将速率提升到1Gbit/s。
当被问到WiMax网络经证实的强韧度,是否有助于该技术在市场上与 LTE 等 4G 技术竞争?Steenman表示:“你可能认为蜂巢式通讯技术已经迈向3G,但其实世界上大多数地区仍在采用GSM等其它2G技术;4G-LTE时代还要5~10年才会来临,而WiMax已经存在,且在全球取多区域都有很好的覆盖率。”
编译:Judith Cheng
(参考原文: WiMax survived Japan quake, says Intel exec,by Peter Clarke)
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WiMax survived Japan quake, says Intel exec
Peter Clarke
SHANNON, Ireland – WiMax wireless LAN technology has proved more resilient than 3G cellular technology during the earthquake that hit Japan last Friday (March 11) and its aftermath, according to an Intel executive.
Ton Steenman, vice president and general manager of the embedded computer group at Intel, said he had been in Japan immediately prior to the earthquake. "The 3G phone network completely broke down. The WiMax network stayed up and running throughout all the issues that Japan has had during the last week. ATMs [automated teller machines] and digital signage are often connected through WiMax. A lot of services are overlaid on WiMax."
The current WiMAX revision provides up to 40-Mbit/s with the IEEE 802.16m update expected to offer up to 1-Gbit/s fixed speeds.
When asked if he thought the robustness demonstrated by WiMax would help with its market acceptance in competition against 4G-LTE, Steenman said: "You may think that the cellular world has moved to 3G but most of the world runs on GSM and other 2G technologies. 4G-LTE will come in 5 to 10 years. WiMax is here today and has very good coverage in many geographic areas."
Steenman concluded: "WiMax is a very robust communications technology. We will continue to see that success grow."