“我们的最新ITC投诉,意味着我们现在起诉苹果侵犯了诺基亚的46项专利,许多侵权诉讼10多年前就提出来了,当时苹果还没有推出其第一款iPhone,”诺基亚负责知识产权的副总裁Paul Melin表示,“在生产杰出移动产品所需的技术方面,诺基亚是领先的创新者,苹果必须停止使用诺基亚的自主创新来生产其产品。”
最近这次诺基亚与苹果之间的专利纠纷,是ITC收到的众多投诉之一。摄影设备生产商柯达曾对苹果和智能手机生产商Research In Motion Ltd. (RIM)提起诉讼,希望能从这两家公司身上获得10亿美元的专利使用费。ITC上周同意针对柯达的诉讼展开调查。ITC的一名法官最初曾驳回这起针对苹果与RIM的诉讼。
• Android大军侵蚀,Nokia必须高举差异大旗
• 联姻微软,诺基亚技高一筹还是臭棋一招?vDhesmc
参考原文:Nokia-Apple Patent War Heats Up,by Bolaji Ojo
Nokia-Apple Patent War Heats Up
Bolaji Ojo
Barely a week after a judge rejected its earlier complaint, Nokia Corp. (NYSE: NOK) has again hauled smartphone rival Apple Inc. (Nasdaq: AAPL) before the US International Trade Commission (ITC), alleging that the American company has violated another seven of its patents.
In the new complaint, Nokia said Apple is infringing on patents related to mobile phones, portable music players, tablets, and personal computers -- virtually all products manufactured by the California-based company, which has rejected the allegations, and has in turn filed counterclaims against Nokia.
"This second ITC complaint follows the initial determination in Nokia's earlier ITC filing, announced by the ITC on Friday, March 25. Nokia does not agree with the ITC's initial determination that there was no violation of Section 337 in that complaint and is waiting to see the full details of the ruling before deciding on the next steps in that case," Nokia said in a statement.
"In addition to the two ITC complaints, Nokia has filed cases on the same patents and others in Delaware, US and has further cases proceeding in Mannheim, Dusseldorf and the Federal Patent Court in Germany, the UK High Court in London and the District Court of the Hague in the Netherlands, some of which will come to trial in the next few months," the company added.
The telecommunication equipment and personal computing industry has seen numerous cases of patent violation allegations and counter-allegations over the course of the last year as competition heated up, especially in the smartphones and tablet PC sector where manufacturers are jostling for leadership. With Apple dominating in the two segments, the company has been a bigger target for rivals and is now facing complaints over patent infringement from not only Nokia but also fellow American OEM Motorola Mobility Inc. (NYSE: MMI).
In October, Motorola filed three separate infringement lawsuits alleging Apple violated about 18 patents covering a wide range of applications. The company also filed a complaint with the ITC "alleging that Apple's iPhone, iPad, iTouch and certain Mac computers infringe Motorola patents." Motorola also asked a court in the Northern District of Illinois and the Southern District of Florida to rule on its complaints.
About two weeks after the filing of that October complaint, Motorola and Nokia signed a cross-licensing agreement to cover their 3G cellular products, including LTE, WiMax, and LTE-Advanced technologies. It's unlikely either company would be striking a similar agreement with Apple in the near future. Nokia's complaints against Apple go back 10 years.
"Our latest ITC filing means we now have 46 Nokia patents in suit against Apple, many filed more than 10 years before Apple made its first iPhone," said Paul Melin, vice president of intellectual property at Nokia. "Nokia is a leading innovator in technologies needed to build great mobile products and Apple must stop building its products using Nokia's proprietary innovation."
The latest Nokia-Apple patent spat is one of numerous complaints before the ITC. Photography equipment maker Eastman Kodak Co. has filed complaints against Apple and smartphone maker Research In Motion Ltd. (RIM) (Nasdaq: RIMM; Toronto: RIM) in the hopes it could seek royalties worth about $1 billion from the two companies. The ITC last week agreed to open investigations into Kodak's complaint. A judge with the ITC had initially dismissed the complaint against Apple and RIM.
Apple itself has filed complaints against Motorola in a US Federal court. Apple's lawsuit alleged violations of six patents used by Motorola in several of its smartphones. This is in addition to a separate complaint, filed at the beginning of 2010, in which Apple alleged Nokia was in violation of 13 of its patents. None of the lawsuits has yet been resolved.
What's most likely to happen, in my opinion, is that all these companies will keep firing off patent violation allegations for several more years until they're faced with the prospect of an unfavorable ITC or court ruling. That would force the parties into a broad cross-licensing agreement.