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台湾晶圆代工巨头台积电的一名高管表示,目前台积电对28纳米(nm)工艺的IC设计极为重视,投入是之前40纳米工艺准备期同阶段产品数量的三倍多。 “智能手机与平板电脑是新的杀手级应用,”台积电欧洲区总裁Maria Marced表示,“我们预见到了28纳米工艺设计爆发的局面,目前我们有89款28nm产品已经或即将流片。”她说,台积电占有全世界90%的28nm产品方案。 Marced还表示,台积电目前已经开始向部分客户出货28nm硅片。“移动互联网在同样性能的前提下,要求更低的功耗。”台积电(台湾新竹)在28nm工艺上正在提供高k金属栅极工艺(HKMG)和传统的多晶硅工艺,而下一代20nm产品预计在2012年下半年就会量产。” 但是,台积电至少要等到14纳米节点才会采用FinFET技术。据说该技术对于移动应用非常有利。这与英特尔相反。英特尔最近宣布把FinFET用于其1270制程(22纳米)。1270制程已开始进行生产,而今年下半年晚些时候,位于亚利桑那的F32工厂将开始量产。英特尔把FinFET称为三栅技术。 这将使英特尔在工艺尺寸方面领先台积电一年左右,而在采用FinFET工艺方面则领先更长时间。据说FinFET在这些更小的节点上,可以提供比平面晶体管更好的功耗性能。 Maria Marced表示,英特尔是一家垂直整合型企业,控制了设计、制造和测试的所有环节,因此能够比台积电更快地采用FinFET技术。“我们需要等待FinFET的生态系统建立,其中包括设计工具、知识产权、设计套件等等。对于我们来说,20nm仍会是平面晶体管。” Marced认为,智能手机/平板电脑杀手级应用方面的设计数量激增,是台积电2011年增长速度将超过整体代工产业的原因之一。台积电计划2011年实现营收增长20%,但预计整体产业增长15%。同时,台积电认为整体半导体市场将仅增长2%。 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 参考英文原文:Design starts triple for TSMC at 28-nm, by Peter Clarke

台积电成SEMATECH 核心成员,引领前沿技术开发TPDesmc

{pagination} Design starts triple for TSMC at 28-nm Peter Clarke LONDON – The number of IC design starts at 28-nm for foundry Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. is more than three times what they were at the equivalent stage in the roll out of 40-nm manufacturing processes, according to a company executive. "The smartphone and tablet is the new killer application," said Maria Marced, president of TSMC Europe. "We are seeing a design explosion at 28-nm. We have 89 tape-outs in the pipeline," Marced added. She said that by TSMC's estimate the company currently holds 90 percent of the world's pending tape-outs at 28-nm. And the company is already shipping 28-nm silicon for some customers, Marced said. "The mobile Internet is demanding the same performance at much lower power." TSMC (Hsinchu, Taiwan) is offering both high-k metal gate (HKMG) and conventional polysilicon processes at 28-nm and has 20-nm production slated for volume production in the second-half of 2012. However, TSMC will not deploy FinFET technology, said to be a boon for mobile applications, until at least the 14-nm node. This is in contrast to Intel Corp., which recently announced the use of FinFETs, which it calls tri-gate technology, on its 1270 manufacturing process (22-nm). The 1270 process is starting to ramp production now with volume production at Intel's F32 fab in Chandler, Arizona scheduled for the second half of 2011. This gives Intel a lead of about one year over TSMC in terms of geometry and a longer one in terms of the use of FinFETs. FinFETs are said to give a power-performance benefit versus planar transistors at these fine geometries. Marced said that because Intel is vertically integrated and controls all aspects of design, manufacturing and test it has been able to introduce FinFETs more quickly than TSMC. "We need the ecosystem to be ready for FinFETs, which means design tools, IP, design kits and so on. For us 20-nm will be planar." The explosion of designs for the smartphone/tablet killer application is one reason that Marced believes TSMC can outgrow the foundry sector in 2011. TSMC is aiming for 20 percent revenue growth in 2011 while it expects the sector to achieve 15 percent growth. Meanwhile it reckons on the semiconductor market overall being only 2 percent up.
Peter Clarke
业内资深人士Peter Clarke负责EETimes欧洲的Analog网站。 由于对新兴技术和创业公司的特殊兴趣,他自1984年以来一直在撰写有关半导体行业的文章,并于1994年至2013年为EE Times美国版撰稿。
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