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Skyworks近日以2.75亿美元现金收购RF前端组件供货商 SiGe 。 这将弥补该公司在广泛前端解决方案上的不足,业务移转后,可立即扩张在智能手机、平板电脑、游戏机、笔记本电脑以及家庭自动化等策略性产品领域的商机。

模拟与混合信号芯片供货商 Skyworks Solutions 近日宣布,已签署最终协议,将以2.75亿美元现金收购RF前端组件供货商 SiGe Semiconductor 。 Skyworks 表示,这桩收购案将弥补该公司在广泛前端解决方案上的不足,将可提供客户更完整的无线网络产品,以架构上的灵活性支持各种关键的运作频率,因应各种高成长需求的应用。Skyworks并指出,在业务移转之后,将可立即扩张该公司在智能手机、平板电脑、游戏机、笔记本电脑以及家庭自动化等策略性产品领域的商机。 Skyworks 表示,将先支付2.1亿美元的现金给 SiGe ,在接下来12个月内若达到特定的目标,将再加上额外的6,500美元;这桩交易已经获得两家公司董事会的通过,预计在6月份完成。 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 参考英文原文: Skyworks to pay up to $275 million for SiGe,by Dylan McGrath


{pagination} Skyworks to pay up to $275 million for SiGe Dylan McGrath SAN FRANCISCO—Analog and mixed-signal chip vendor Skyworks Solutions Inc. said Tuesday (May 17) it signed a definitive agreement to acquire front-end RF solutions provider SiGe Semiconductor Inc. for up to $275 million in cash. Skyworks (Woburn, Mass.) said the acquisition would complement the company's status in wide area front-end solutions. Skyworks said it will be able to offer customers a comprehensive wireless networking product portfolio, supporting all key operating frequencies with architectural flexibility to address a variety of high growth applications. Skyworks said it intends to immediately expands its addressable content opportunity within several strategic product areas including smart phones, tablets, gaming consoles, notebook PCs and home automation systems via the transaction. David Aldrich, Skyworks president and CEO, said the acquisition underscores the company's commitment to capitalize on wireless connectivity. "To that end, this acquisition is highly complementary in terms of our addressed markets, sales channels, process technologies, design methodologies and baseband partnerships," Aldrich said. Skyworks will pay $210 million in cash—plus an additional $65 million if certain performance targets are met over the next 12 months—to acquire SiGe, Skyworks said. The transaction has been approved by Skyworks’ and SiGe’s boards of directors and is anticipated to close in June, the company said.
Dylan McGrath
EE Times美国版执行编辑。Dylan McGrath是EE Times的执行编辑。 Dylan在电子和半导体行业拥有20多年的报道经验,专注于消费电子、晶圆代工、EDA、可编程逻辑、存储器和其他专业领域。
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