加拿大公司Mosaid Technologies Inc.在美国国际贸易委员会(ITC)起诉思科,指控思科侵犯其专利权。如果Mosaid起诉成功,思科可能被禁止在美国销售和进口多种设备。
Mosaid (安大略省渥太华市)指控,思科(美国加州圣何塞市)在一些产品中侵犯了它的六项专利,这些产品包括以太网供电(PoE)交换机和路由器、DSL无线接入点、线缆调制解调器无线接入点、PoE互联网协议(IP)电话和带有网络电话(VoIP)功能的线缆调制解调器。作为诉状内容的一部分,Mosaid要求ITC禁止在美国进口和销售这些以及其它思科产品。
Mosaid总裁兼首席执行官John Lindgren在一份声明中表示:“我们向ITC提起这个诉讼,是因为我们相信,思科——这个PoE网络与通讯产品领域中的全球市场领军人物,正在没有授权的情况下,侵犯Mosaid的PoE专利权。”
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参考英文原文:Mosaid seeks U.S. ban on Cisco products, by Peter Clarke
• 中兴通讯:与华为诉讼纠纷的三点声明
• 近期四个热门诉讼案的深层原因
• 中兴通讯发布关于与爱立信IPR纠纷的声明
• 诺基亚-苹果专利战升温,未来几月将诉讼不断mnresmc
Mosaid seeks U.S. ban on Cisco products
Peter Clarke
LONDON – Canadian company Mosaid Technologies Inc. has filed a complaint against Cisco Systems Inc. with the United States International Trade Commission (ITC) in Washington, D.C. alleging patent infringement. If Mosaid is successful in its complaint Cisco may be prevented from selling and importing a wide range of equipment types in the United States.
Mosaid (Ottawa, Ontario) claims that Cisco (San Jose, Calif.) has been infringing six of its patents in various products including Power over Ethernet (PoE) switches and routers, DSL wireless access points, cable modem wireless access points, PoE Internet Protocol (IP) phones, and cable modems with Voice over IP (VoIP). As part of its complaint Mosaid is requesting that the ITC ban the importation and sales of these and other Cisco products in the United States.
"We filed this complaint with the ITC because we believe that Cisco, the global market leader in PoE-enabled networking and communications products, is infringing Mosaid's PoE patents and requires a license," said John Lindgren, president and CEO of Mosaid, in a statement.
Mosaid and Cisco are involved in a patent litigation with respect to 10 of Mosaid's PoE patents in the United States District Court for the District of Delaware. The case was initiated by Cisco in August 2010. The six patents at issue in Mosaid's ITC complaint are also part of the Delaware case.