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西门子集团旗下照明行业领先制造商欧司朗公司日前表示,已经就LED技术专利权问题在美国和德国起诉三星和LG,在日本起诉LG。欧司朗还表示,将在中国起诉LG电子。 欧司朗在一份声明中表示,三星和LG集团侵犯了欧司朗公司的白色和表面贴装LED产品专利。欧司朗目前在积极寻求司法途径,防止其技术被用在其他未授权公司的产品上,并且要求相关国家禁止进口这些公司的侵权LED产品。 此外欧司朗正在寻求经济补偿。该公司表示,补偿范围应该涵盖剽窃了欧司朗LED技术的终端产品,如 LED电视和电脑屏幕等。 这些专利涵盖LED的电气、热连接和结构,以及通过控制芯片的荧光粉LED蓝白光转换技术。这种白光LED的典型应用包括背光电视机和显示器。 “我们有相当数量的专利,是在深入研发工作多年中开发出来的。我们的主要竞争者,如飞利浦/ Lumileds、Cree和Nichia都已经承认了欧司朗强大的知识产权地位,并与我们签署专利交叉许可协议,” 欧司朗光电半导体公司首席执行官Aldo Kamper在一份声明中说。 在2010财年,欧司朗年收入达到4.7亿欧元(约69亿美元),公司员工已超过40000名。 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 参考英文原文:Osram sues Samsung, LG over LED tech, by Peter Clarke


{pagination} Osram sues Samsung, LG over LED tech Peter Clarke LONDON – Osram, a leading manufacturer of lighting and part of Siemens AG, has said it has filed patent infringement law suits against Samsung and LG in the United States and Germany and against LG in Japan. Osram said it would also file a suit against LG in China on Tuesday (June 7). Osram said in a statement that Samsung and LG group companies infringe Osram patents on white and surface mountable LEDs and that it is seek orders to prevent unauthorized use of its technology and bans on the importation of products that include such LEDs. In addition Osram is seeking financial compensation. The LEDs that Osram alleges infringe end up in such products as LED-blacklit televisions and computer screens, the company said. The patents cover such things as the electrical and thermal connection and structure of the LEDs as well as the conversion of blue light from the LED chip into white light by the use of phosphors. Typical applications of such white LEDs include backlighting for TV sets and monitors. "We have a considerable number of patents which we developed in the course of many years of intensive research and development work. Major competitors such as Philips/Lumileds, Cree, and Nichia have acknowledged our strong IP position by entering into cross-license agreements with Osram," said Aldo Kamper, CEO of Osram Opto Semiconductors, in a statement. In the 2010 financial year Osram achieved revenues of 4.7 billion euro (about $6.9 billion) and the company has more than 40,000 employees worldwide.
Peter Clarke
业内资深人士Peter Clarke负责EETimes欧洲的Analog网站。 由于对新兴技术和创业公司的特殊兴趣,他自1984年以来一直在撰写有关半导体行业的文章,并于1994年至2013年为EE Times美国版撰稿。
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