美国晶片厂 Freescale(飞思卡尔半导体)控告包含联发科在内的多家厂商侵权,美国国际贸易委员会(ITC)准备开始展开调查,将接受这项调查的厂商包括:日本船井电机(Funai Electric)、新泽西州船井公司(Funai Corporation, Inc., of Rutherford, NJ)、台湾联发科技(MediaTek Inc)、加州卓然公司(Zoran Corporation)。
Luffy Liu
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参考英文原文:ITC to investigate Freescale complaint against TV chip firms,by Dylan McGrath
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ITC to investigate Freescale complaint against TV chip firms
Dylan McGrath
SAN FRANCISCO—The U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) will investigate a complaint brought by Freescale Semiconductor Inc. against TV chip vendors including MediaTek Inc., Zoran Corp. and Funai Electric Co. Ltd., the ITC said this week.
The complaint, brought by Freescale (Austin, Texas) June 8, alleges that the chip vendors violate patents held by Freescale and requests that the ITC issue an exclusion order and cease and desist orders against infringing ICs, chip sets and TVs containing them, according to a statement issued by the ITC.
Following standard procedure, the ITC said its chief administrative law judge would assign the case to one of the ITC's six administrative law judges, who will then schedule and hold an evidentiary hearing. The judge will make an initial determination as to whether the chips in question violate Freescale's patents, and that initial determination will be reviewed by the entire ITC.
Within 45 days after the start of the investigation, the ITC will set a target date for its completion the ITC said.
Funai's U.S. subsidiary, based in Rutherford, N.J., was also named in the complaint.