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市场调研公司Semicast的研究报告表示,2010年ARM已经超过MIPS,Power Architecture 和x86等处理器架构,成为数字家庭应用的领导者。

市场调研公司Semicast的研究报告表示,2010年ARM已经超过MIPS,Power Architecture 和X86等处理器架构,成为数字家庭应用的领导者。此外,该报告表示,ARM的领导地位是“在中期明显增加”的。 根据Semicast,在2010年,Broadcom和三星是数字家庭应用的嵌入式处理器领先供应商,与IBM,瑞萨电子和德州仪器共同占据前五名。总的来说,五大供应商占了这个市场近一半的份额,其中4家更是ARM架构的坚定拥护者和持牌人。 Semicast没有提供任何量化数据,但称,Power Architecture架构在数字家庭的收益会因为下一代游戏机的问世而短暂提高,之后趋缓。 英特尔的x86架构目前已借个人电脑的平台遍布在各个家庭中,但在传统的家用消费电子则没有建树。平板电脑和上网本的出现为intel x86进入家电领域提供了一个机会,Semicast表示,但这扇门同时也为ARM开启。 x86也将加入数字电视和机顶盒的竞争中,这个领域他的对手是MIPS和ARM。 Semicast预测,2016年,x86架构在数字家庭领域的收入将超过Power Architecture架构。 “我们预测未来ARM在数字家庭应用的成功包括多种类型的设备,但增长最显著的领域是电子图书阅读器,平板电脑和上网本。”Semicast研究机构的首席分析师Colin Barnden在一份声明中说到。 编译:Luffy Liu 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 参考英文原文:Semicast tips ARM to build lead in the home,by Peter Clarke

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{pagination} Semicast tips ARM to build lead in the home Peter Clarke LONDON – Market research firm Semicast Research Ltd. has said that ARM increased its lead over the MIPS, Power Architecture and x86 processor architectures in digital home applications in 2010. In addition the firm said that ARM's lead is "set to increase significantly in the medium term." Broadcom and Samsung were the two leading suppliers of embedded processors to digital home applications in 2010, with IBM, Renesas Electronics and Texas Instruments completing the top five, according to Semicast (Waterlooville, England). Collectively, the top five suppliers accounted for almost half of the market between them, according to Semicast. And four out of the five are licensees strongly committed to the ARM architecture. Semicast did not provide any quantitative data but argued that revenues for Power Architecture in digital home will stall after short-term boost from production of next-generation games consoles. Intel's x86 architecture has been present in the home through the ubitquity of the personal computer but barely at all in traditional consumer electronics. The emergence of tablet and netbook computers provides an opportunity for x86 in the digital home, Semicast said, but also for ARM. The x86 will also do well in digital TVs and set-top boxes, where it would be taking some slots off MIPS and some from ARM. Semicast is forecasting revenues for x86 in the digital home to pass those for Power Architecture around 2016. "ARM's future success in the digital home is forecast across most equipment types, but one of the leading areas for growth is set to be e-book readers, media tablets and netbooks," said Colin Barnden, principal analyst at Semicast Research, in a statement.
Peter Clarke
业内资深人士Peter Clarke负责EETimes欧洲的Analog网站。 由于对新兴技术和创业公司的特殊兴趣,他自1984年以来一直在撰写有关半导体行业的文章,并于1994年至2013年为EE Times美国版撰稿。
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